Saturday, June 22, 2024


Yup, Monday will be the day that Miamians wait for.  A championship game seven for a local team. Your Florida Panthers have blown a 3-1 lead in the Stanley Cup playoffs and on Monday will host game seven for the championship. Now is the time for South Florida fans to pay that 5K for a ticket, show up in their Amazon bought Panther jerseys and loudly announce that they have been to every game this year. And since we are doing this Miami-Style, go out to dinner at Prime 112 first before making the third period of the game (which is the final period for all you front running phonies). 

Here's what you need to know. The star of these playoffs is Connor McDavid. And just how good has he been? Historically good.  The bad news for you front running phony Panther fans is that Connor McDavid plays for the other team- which if you're just hopping on the Panthers' bandwagon you need to know is the Edmonton Oilers. 

McDavid has 42 points so far in these playoffs. The only players with more: Wayne Gretzky with 47 in 1985, Mario Lemieux with 44 in 1991 and Gretzky again with 43 in 1988.

McDavid has 34 assists- breaking Gretzky's record of 31 in 1988. 
McDavid became the first player in Stanley Cup history to score four points (not four goals) in back-to-back games. He did it in games 4 and 5 this year against your Panthers. 

So here is your chance front running Miami phony fans. A real game seven on the line. Grab those Black Amex cards and get your seats and show up and pretend you live and die with the Panthers.  This will be your only opportunity for a while. The Heat stink and the Fins are good, but probably not super bowl good- although for a while last year we thought they were. 



  1. Rump, the lead the Panthers blew was even greater. They were up 3-0 at one time.

  2. Ouch! Come on, Rumpy. I see many of my courthouse brethren in the barn in Sunrise all the time. Not everyone is a front running d-bag! Some of us actually love (and play) ice hockey. I will be there, with my son (the former college hockey player) sitting in my usual seats in section 120. Come by and say hello as we see our Cardiac Cats take the greatest trophy in all of sports. And tip your hat to the late Alex Michaels after they do so, as Alex was also a rabid Panthers fan.

  3. They are the Florida Panthers, not Miami. Most season ticket holders are from Broward and Palm Beach, not el condado Miami.

  4. Call me for the parade, then I will jump on. Until then, there are better things to do.

  5. Panther fans are not from miami dude. That’s Broward.

  6. They know the cover up the corruption.

  7. Only a non local would hate on miami like that. Never really fit in types. Out of towner bus outs.

    Yes we don’t give a fuck about hockey in miami. we will watch game 7 and have glanced over the games once we made the finals. I wonder why? Maybe because we don’t ice skate or even know any ice skaters ? There are a lot of other things to do here. Most people are broke and can’t afford to go to sporting events. Those who do are mostly from Broward accept for miami hurricane fans.

    It’s a canes thing , u wouldnt understand.

    Go back to New York!

  8. The Miami Herald just posted that Jim McGuirk has died. You might want to mention it.

  9. Regardless of what team wins, Canada wins overall. Canada has the most players overall in the NHL 147 MORE than the U.S., which has the second most. There are 298 Americans. 13 Canadian-born players play on the Panthers' roster, that includes nine forwards and four defensemen.

  10. MIght as well throw the Heat into the "need to be seen while making the scene" crowd.

  11. Zzzzzz.......... did you say ICE something? Brother, it's 9am and already over 80 degrees and 90% humidity. Sure, I'll go, and I'll even pay $5k, but it's just to get out of this weather. Scratch that, I just learned that it involves going to Broward.

  12. For those of you who like a much calmer sporting experience, don't forget that you can watch the Miami Marlins who are in KC tonight. If you watch the game tonight, in a few years if they make the playoffs you'll be able to tell Rumpole that you're not a bandwagon fan, you even watched a game the night the Panthers played in Game 7.

  13. Who cares about Hawkey

  14. You mean Hawk Tuah. Right?

  15. Panthers take 2-1 lead in second period as everyone’s fav so Fla fan Shumie sitting center ice tells everyone that he personally called the Shumie on Edmonton and springs for cokes and the famous chicken fingers for all around him who want a Shumie snack

  16. I go to every game dis year. So dat person in section 104 seat 6 who tinks dere seat is haunted ess right. Vhat a year. Dat dick vin zamft get exposed and panthers win Stanley cup. Nothin better. Like a big fat not guilty before judge who hated me.

  17. Da Stait Attournee ez steel karrupt and dee's ez bullsheet!

    I weesh dee's prosekuta woolt poot he's handz on me!

    I wheel show heem how we deal weet karruption!

    [Pugilistic posture.]

  18. Your Stanley Cup Champions:


    I wore my original Panthers jersey to the game. And wow what a game, and series it was. McDavid may be the greatest hockey player since The Great One, Gretzky. But we had Bobs tonight and he was amazing. It was truly a year of Redemption. Congrats to the Panthers.

    Cap Out …….

  19. What’s the deal with Shumie at center ice holding court and buying everyone the iconic chicken fingers and coke deal? He’s like a big hockey macha now?

  20. Does anyone know whether the SAO is in fact paying for counsel for Mitchell, Hubner and MVZ to defend their conduct with the Florida Bar. Hubner resigned after the hearing but before the order and bar referral issued. If SAO paying for any or all of their counsel to defend their conduct, I am curious whether the SAO pays for counsel for all current and former prosecutors who receive bar complaints or referrals for conduct while employed with the office, whether presently employed or from past employment, or have they refused? If not, doesn’t that raise some additional interesting questions…. why the disparate or special treatment? Is this something taxpayers should be paying for in this situation or will the Bar be reimbursed by each of them if the complaints are well taken.



    finding me in contempt for saying fuk vas. Dis vas not.

    Believing dat lying sack of shit MVZ vas. Dis vas not.

    Dis is vat heaven is all about.

