Monday, June 03, 2024


And suddenly we are all Panthers fans. 

Yes, your Florida Panthers are in the Stanley Cup finals and Miamians, as is their wont, are jumping on the bandwagon, ready to show up to games and tell anyone who will listen what great Panther fans they are and how they never miss a game. 

Memo to you front running phonies- Hockey has three periods, and a score is called a goal. Just saying. 


What's the deal with the Judge who was reversed by the Third DCA for not releasing a defendant where the prosecution did not file charges- he posted the decision on his door. WTF? 

Kudos for the PDs who took a writ and backed the 3rd DCA into the uncomfortable corner of admitting, much to the chagrin of our DeSantis Drones, that you cannot keep someone in jail who doesn't have charges pending. 

So what's the deal with the posting? Angry? Happy? Puckish?  Persnickety? 

Opinion_2024-0939 by Anonymous PbHV4H on Scribd


  1. Congrats to the Florida Panthers or perhaps congrats to Canada, considering The Florida Panthers boast a whopping 8 C-A-N-A-D-I-A-N players.


  2. Bittersweet that the Panthers have gone to the Stanley Cup Final in back to back years, and Alex Michaels missed it.

  3. You would think that Richard Hersch would know that rule.

    Milton Hirsch would have found the rule unconstitutional and held the defendant on a Kings warrant from the 3rd royal court of the exchequer.

  4. FU

  5. What is the deal with Judge Richard Hersch. Every time you hear a story about the way he acted on the bench or how he treated an attorney or defendant you think “can it get any worse”. And then, it does get worse. He ignored the clear and unambiguous language of the Rule.

  6. This is why term limits is so important. Egotistical narcissist with a robe = god complex. The power trip gets to the heads of those who were never too stable to begin with. They hid their insecurities before the robe. But, after, they show their true colors. Men and women alike.

  7. I am waiting for the panthers to be winning 3-0 and up by 3 goals with 10 seconds to go…then I will be the panthers number one fan and start throwing plastic rats.

    Until then, I have a beach to be on.

  8. Dying at "Fake Richard Dreyfuss." C'mon Richard. You're better than that,

  9. The defendant has three first names

  10. 2.50pm: So true. I recently met a former student of Milton Hirsch, and he had clearly drunk all the Kool-Aid handed out by his professor.

    1.50 pm: In person, I have always liked Richard Hersch, but it is alarming to read, again and again, really substantive examples of odd decisions (such as the one that led to the habeas petition), and of very rude treatment of lawyers. Very concerning; one hopes that the chief judge has a conference with him.

  11. Where’s the corruption?

  12. I have always considered Richard a friend. Thus I was shocked by his rudeness in court towards everyone including me during a hearing. I was stunned. He lashed out against a witness as well, stunning all sides.
    I feel he wants to do the right thing. As does Milt unlike the new kiddie judges appointed by the governor. I just feel both of them make the ride so uncomfortable that maybe I want some 38 year old who will never grant my motion but smiles at me and says she is listening. I don’t know. It sucks to be dressed down by Milt because I don’t kiss his ass and show up to him first. And it suck’s to see Richard just go off for no rhyme or reason. Like guys - you wanted this job so take it from a gen X and take a chill pill ok? Sheesh.

  13. If you are a good defense attorney, which by most accounts both Hersch and Hirsch were, the only real reasons to become a trial judge are 1) ego and 2) desire to do less work, albeit for less money. So it should not be surprising when ego surfaces in those that made that choice.

  14. If you take a moment to think about it, Judge Hersch was trying to help the defense by making sure you were aware of the opinion. Think about it, if a defendant on house arrest has not been charged, maybe he should surrender at TGK on the 40th day so that the defense lawyer can move for an ROR the next day. Richard is not Martin Luther.

  15. With all these negative comments on the 2 judges who share the same name and I think its time for a new ranking of the judges in the building cause top 5 seems off.

  16. You don't get Hirsch/Hersch. They were successful defense attorneys who wanted to become judges so they could improve the system. They were idealists with a big helping of ego. Now they realize that the system has broken them and that they cannot fix dick. They are bitter men with nowhere to go, so they take out their frustration on everyone. I like and respect both of them for their experience and knowledge of the law, but I dread appearing in front of them because one day I will tell them to get off their high horse and go fuck themselves. If only they were in recovery, they could learn a thing or two about acceptance and be happier people. That said, if I ever have a complex legal argument, those are the judges I would want to be in front of.

    Sent from AOL on Android

    1. If they did think that they were gonna change the system they were stupid, quite frankly. I don’t think they are stupid. I think it’s more likely both got burnt out on dealing with their clients and now take it out on our clients. Hirsch when he first came on had some rich DUI client who supposedly had him on tape advising to flee justice, which guy then tried to use in a rule 3, tape was suppressed by the Third as I recall. I’m guessing he was sick of dealing with “those people”, that’s certainly how he acts.

  17. Dear Milton and Dear Richard,

    Try being kind for a change.
