Tuesday, June 04, 2024


 By now everyone has seen and read and sent to a dozen friends the Miami Hearld Article about the Miami State Attorney's Office (Motto "666") "Deal with the Devil."  Here null 

So now it's time for your discussion here. 

A few rules. 

Be nice. Call them stupid, dumb, corrupt, willfully blind, willing to win at all costs, constitution-ignoring prosecutors, just do not be mean- because the truth hurts. 

NO decent prosecutor who had any respect for the law would engage in what Mr. Von Zamft did- and perhaps it is time Ms. Rundle reads David McCullough's wonderful book on Harry Truman because if ever there was a head prosecutor who needed to step forward and say "The buck stops here" it is her. And sadly, she has not done so. 

She has obfuscated, and delayed decisions, and made a series of bewildering appointments of new prosecutors (who really are old prosecutors) and not addressed what the overwhelming view of the comments on this blog are- THERE IS A CULTURE OF WIN AT ALL COSTS AT THE MIAMI DADE STATE ATTORNEYS OFFICE. 

When is the last time Ms. Rundle praised a prosecutor for dropping charges? We think never- as when you are in court and hear front line ASAs tell you over and over again that they need approval from their chief, who needs approval from their chief, to withhold adjudication, or not seek jail on a first resisting with violence because the....(everyone now) VICTIM WANTS MAX!!!

It is a culture of "if the defense wants it, we oppose it". We do not hear the phrase "do justice" mentioned often, and when we do, it is only in the context of....(everyone now) VICTIM WANTS MAX. 

There is a perverseness to the Miami State Attorneys office abandoning their duty as a prosecutor to seek justice for what a complaining witness wants. And it is our view that culture and mindset set Ms. Rundle and her office on the path to the crimes of Mr. Von Zamft. Because once you abandon the desire and courage to seek justice to appease people who are emotionally attached to the case, then anything can happen because the mindset becomes that the ends justify the means, and that is exactly what Mr. Von Zamft and his minions believed. 

They knew better than judges. They could cut corners because they decided the defendant was guilty and they were damned if they were going to play fair and not rig the case by rigging witness testimony. 

The lack of courage to stand up to a complaining witness led to the lack of oversight and lack of supervision and lack of courage to stand up to what is now becoming clear- a personality cult of Mr. Von Zamft and his group of prosecutors who believed themselves to be the real guardians of justice. They did not believe in the justice system. They just believed in themselves and that they knew better than everyone else. 

The whole thing stinks to high hell and while this issue is crying out for leadership Ms. Rundle is notable only in her mumblings to study the issue and get back to us. 



  1. I do respect many of the State Attorneys who work in that office. But they are still there, they still make excuses, and they still defend KFR. You lay with dogs you get fleas

  2. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. KFR has been in office too long and knows she doesn’t have to answer to anyone. But her corruption is finally getting the attention it deserves. Any ASA who stays after this can claim neither ignorance nor decency. Let’s this spurs a deeper dive into the culture of corruption at the Miami SAO. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Any self-respecting ASA should pull a Hubner and get out before their name hits the news.

    1. If Mitchell wanted to salvage his career and reputation he would resign now and go practice elsewhere. I guess defending Von Zamft is the hill he wants to die on…. *shrug*

    2. His ego is too big. He would never.

    3. He is insulated, enabled and excused and faces no consequences. Why would he leave????

    4. Been hiding in plain sight for years.

    5. Young and somewhat arrogant Mr. Hubner sent a threatening letter to the defense providing them an ultimatum to withdraw their claims of misconduct or referrals or investigations would happen. So yes he was smart to cut and run. But he was unwise in other respects. Unfortunately, he still believes he did absolutely nothing wrong which is dangerousfor the community as he now works as counsel for the school board. Mistakes are understandable but it takes humility to recognize when you have done something wrong and he did.

    6. Will he be trusted to handle the next big gang case or will he be asked to step down? His judgement remains terrible.

    7. Threatening an investigation when being accused of misconduct. That is abuse of power. Another example of abuse of power is a search warrant for a Defense Attorney’s house. That is all this office does.

    8. @7:30 the SAO forged a warrant or a judge issued the warrant? Was there evidence of a crime?…

    9. Yes and there is an email to prove it.

    10. No search warrant of a defense attorney home or law firm can be obtained without the state attorney express approval. That has been SAO policy for decades.

    11. Walter Harvey needs to comment on why he believes he could hire someone who did this??? Is this what you accept Mr Harvey with our tax dollars???!!!

    12. Everyone knows the only way a SW can be executed by a ASA on a defense lawyer premises is with Rundle express permission and agreement and multiple meetings. Likewise a motion to disqualify a judge also needs her express permission. She signed off on this. Did she deny that she knew??? There are certain other things that require her express permission per SAO policy.

  3. Read here without subscription:

  4. The ironic part of all of this is that all this ranting and pearl clutching is that it’s going to lead to diminishing returns. Line prosecutors are going to be MORE micromanaged, not less. And let’s be real, we get the best deals/dismissals when we lower the temperature. All this is doing is putting career prosecutors under the gun even more than usual.

    And win at all costs? You all should travel north of the border once in a while.

    1. Clutching pearls? They claim to career ministers of justice for victims in the community, but decided not to charge this dude for 3 murders because he was their illegal jailhouse informant. Why would anyone acquiesce in this to get a deal from a line prosecutor? You’re the definition of corruption because you are attempting to normalize and desensitize people to it.

    2. Yes, pearl clutching. Have we forgotten the State can’t prosecute cases without evidence? This guy’s confession to cases without other evidence means nothing. Especially if the confession came with a Kastigar. He was subject to deposition and cross examination during the cases. His credibility was subject to attack. And we’ve all gotten deals like this for our clients. Is the bloodlust for the State such that we have forgotten this? The PD’s office is the one representing this guy.

    3. Did you miss the part about the prosecutor never telling the parents of the murdered teenagers that someone confessed to their sons’ murder and was given immunity and 25 years? Von Zamft investigated the mass shooting from 2009. How do you know if there was evidence or not? The police won’t release the file citing it’s an open case.

    4. Or how about the part where he was retained in the county jail to continue to be a state informant? Screw the constitution, right?

    5. 6:45 PM Show the proof that he was given a Kastigar letter or is the SAO that sloppy yet again that they don’t have one and we are left to guess what the agreement actually was? Also, what other prosecutor permitted to give immunity for murders without express approval from a chief assistant or the state attorney herself? Was that approval obtained? By who? So, in addition to providing the official kastogar letter sent to the defense attorney and agreed on in advance which we can’t wait to see, which chief assistant approved this unfettered unsupervised power to give transactional as opposed to use and derivative use immunity for multiple homicides of an agent of the state? A blind eye was turned to corroboration or any attempt to corroborate these murder confessions with real victims and real surviving family members. Marsy’s law and human decency required more before the SAO did this in all of these case to all of these families. It’s a sad and unprofessional embarrassment which will now upend many other cases.

    6. There was no Kastigar letter. In December 2013 Von Zamft quietly went into court and dismissed a pending aggravated battery against Brown, perhaps as a show of good faith to break bread with the mass murderer. https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/tgk-security-video-shows-inmate-attack/
      The following month, Von Zamft sealed the sweetheart deal with Brown. There was a clause in his 2014 plea agreement that he will not be charged with any additional crimes not currently pending.

      Over 5 years after the plea agreement Brown confessed in depo under oath to murdering 3 additional young men (2 teenagers) in addition to the murder and attempted murder (also teenagers) which he was actually charged with. Von Zamft already knew this and was present at the depo, even reminding him of the names of the teens he murdered when he could not recall their names. This is public record in the court file.

      Von Zamft let his buddy then representing Brown know they will address his “resentencing” in the future.

      Brown was thereafter retained in Miami Dade jail until today. No open cases or charges pending. He provided informant information at the request of Miami Dade Police detectives and Von Zamft and Mitchell (in recorded jail calls) in at least 2 cases that he had no first hand knowledge of (duh he was in jail). One still faces the death penalty last time I checked.

    7. You want the temperature lowered because the SAO is imploding and you don’t want it all to keep coming out.

    8. It’s comments like this that spur more shit to come out. You guys are SOOOO stupid to keep defending this shit! But keep going, more misconduct will drop as each stupid comment is written in defense of this misconduct.

    9. 10:03 and 6:45 you are disgusting losers and the problem with the system. But please keep your stupid defense of Rundle and SAO coming. We like it!!

  5. This isn’t new. It isn’t isolated to a few. It is a tradition. It is a prerequisite for advancement. This perversion catapulted lawyers like Bronwyn Miller to positions of judicial authority to ensure that this misconduct would go unchecked. MVZ has become the face of this scandal, but there is an entire body of ethically conflicted prosecutors who have done as much and persist in these efforts. KFR needs to be removed, and she and her mob should be prosecuted and held to account. In the mean time the bar should suspend or disbar all of them.

    1. Cue the old Cholakis emails/allegationsto the SAO re: B Miller and her alleged handling of the case back than. That was Fugly. She should not have been so defiant through hearing, talked fairly to both sides and answered questions from both sides and not align herself with the prosecution as if dat lady was not a sitting judge tasked to be impartial instead of allegedly acting as part of the trial team by many accounts. Miller and Weisenharr please videotape that deposition or continued testimony for us. PLEASE!

    2. That case put Bronwyn Miller on the map and she told everyone that than and continues to tell everyone same now. Mob is a good description for many many reasons.

    3. That’s fucking right!!!! Rumor years back was she had Cholakis trespassed or banned from the PD when he called her out for how she was handling witnesses in Smith annd SAO supported her and ultimately fired him. Those email exchanges must be sizzling HOT. Too bad he is no longer around or he would have been a defense witness.

    4. Nothing will happen to Miller. Her and KFR are tight and people say they owe each other. The only way the truth will come out maybe is when she sits for a deposition and is forced to actually answer the hard questions about her falling out with chalkis, her handling of the case, her request for to be kicked off the case, her request to have him exiled from Miami pd etc. How can she be the judge in Pearson with the overlap in smith??? That is a bad look.

    5. She has to scrap to keep her name and this conviction. This is her claim to fame lol lol

    6. Wait… mVZ told a courtroom of people J. Miller wouldn’t speak to either side without a subpoena. If she was allegedly speaking, texting and emailing to Kathy, MVZ, Jay, Audrey, etc, how the fuck does that work???? I watched the fucking cross or lack thereof. The defense refused to cross Miller because she wouldn’t speak to them in advance and they knew/hunched she was speaking to many from the state before during and after hearing despite the representations to the court and defense on the fucking record. You guys can’t get out of your own fucking way. Can someone say JQC inquiry!!!!

    7. MVZ and KFR and Aponte have done Miller no favors. They allegedly used her as leverage to control what they wanted/want done in this case. They bragged about her involvement/concerns “behind the scenes” and what she wants or doesn’t want to way too many fucking people as a badge of honor and they have now fucked her up the ass without any lube. JQC inquiry is hopefully coming. Confused about what was represented at hearing to our colleagues but doesn’t sound like it matters much. Rundle texts are public record and not allowed to be deleted or that is a crime . Someone should ask for all of them on this case and we should publish them!!!! Wolfson Wolfson Wolfson for SA!!!

    8. Frank Aponte sat on the Wolfson zoom and watched the Smith hearing for days. She allegedly communicated multiple times daily with J. Miller what was happening and being testified to even though sequestration order in place. Miller would than call Rundle livid making demands and criticisms. Depo Depo Depo!!! And Wolfson will give it!

  6. Perversions at the Graham

  7. Calling Ron DeSantis to seek immediate attention into the matter.

  8. The SAO (particularly MITCHELL and MVZ) uses black men as pawns against other black men to put more black men in prison. They are modern day slave owners and KFR is the master. They do not care about the victims. They do not care about the defendants level of culpability. They do not care about resources for the communities plagued with violence or gangs. They want more defendants in more jumpers. More options for snitches. More minimum mandatories. Longer sentences. Because remember what STEVE TALPINS said, if he sends them to prison for life with no parole there is no recidivism.

    1. Tyrannical behavior in my honest opinion.

    2. The ACLU and NAACP should look into this.

    3. DOJ is presently investigating the 2nd circuit SAO for a policy of discrimination against Hispanics. I don’t think Kathy is racist but to watch some of the flips in smith be questioned by mvz about their grammar was just gross.

    4. Rawsi Williams would certainly be interested.

    5. I don’t think anyone is directly racist but just look what they are doing with the jail snitches. Makes me wonder.

    6. Wait what no stop wondering, they’re definitely racist

    7. Stop. Not racist just arrogant and utterly stupid and need serious ethics training.

  9. Its sad that with all this going on, no member of the bar could muster the cojones to run against KFR. I am guilty too, but just pointing it out, to some extent if you can't even put up a candidate you get what you deserve.

  10. Nothing that an Ethics Czar (who didn’t prosecute certain unethical public officials) and $220k/yr. can’t solve. We move for another 45 day extension.

  11. ASA newbies dropping like flies and the old guard are getting torn down from their great heights. All I've heard from current ASA's is that there are good people there, but the environment is toxic. Seems like a top-down problem to me. Fat chance of any change IMHO.

    1. All State in house counsel, excellent benefits. Work from home.

  12. "There is a perverseness to the Miami State Attorneys office abandoning their duty as a prosecutor to seek justice for what a complaining witness wants."

    Source? I've never seen a prosecutorial duty to be bound by the wishes of laypeople

  13. Chickens coming home to roost. You can throw the boomerang hard and far, but when it returns? What a doozy.

  14. So, to simplify, there exists a "Star Chamber" within the Miami-Dade State Attorneys office

  15. MVZ = the gift that keeps on giving. We may never know the breadth and depths of his corruption and misconduct. Even if Rundle and her top brass are not removed by the governor, he should appoint an independent agency to investigate. Maybe DOJ should also open an investigation. This is disgraceful and scary.

    1. Maybe there is already an investigation?

    2. I seriously have to disagree with that. They only investigate political opponents. Cough cough Republicans.

  16. Oh if we could only harken back to the days where the management of the State Attorneys of fice was run by honorable lawyers under Janet Reno.
    I'll throw out a few names,Tom Peterson,Shay Bilchek, Trudy Novicki, Lenny Glick,
    David Gilbert, Kevin DiGregory and Gary Winston. There were others, you fill in the blanks. Great trial lawyers and /or Administrators.
    They had a sense of fairness and decency. I wasn't win at all cost. I wasn't duck your responsibility.
    I wasn't, let the jury decide, not me. It was not "Let's throw it against the wall and see what sticks". They took the responsiblity to do the right thing for the right reasons. They were at least willing to listen. For the most part they made decisions for the right reason as opposed to the popular reason. This kind of management and decision making didn't just fall on them from the sky, it came from the TOP, the boss, Janet Reno. She instilled in the office personel all the good things we would like to see in an agency that has so much power over people's live's. Her Mantra was convict the guily and acquit the innocent.
    Do no not put a person in legal jeopardy if you don't have the evidence , DUH. Did every lawyer in the office buy into her beliefs and mantra? No, of course not, nothing is 100%,but most tried. Maybe we can't go back to "those thrilling days of yesteryear" but what is wrong with trying.

  17. 11:16 am- source- walk into any sounding and listen to them discuss pleas.
    That's my source. experience. Boots on the ground ( or in my case Allen Edmonds but you get the point)

  18. .
    Tom Peterson,Shay Bilchek, Trudy Novicki, Lenny Glick,
    David Gilbert, Kevin DiGregory and Gary Winston. \

    Giants all.
    Great people. Great Prosecutors. Fair honest and decent.

    David Gilbert took over an old difficult case several years ago before he retired. We settled it with a ten minute discussion and shook hands and I had ZERO concern that he would change the deal when we were in court. His word was his bond and just as important- he did what was right.

    I'll add Richard Shiffrin and Paul Mendelson in legal and Bill Howell who was another gentleman along with Reid Ruben.

    1. Reid Ruben used William Brown as a jail house informant as well. So, I think what most of these prosecutors lack is integrity. Even if no one finds out, will they do the right thing? Most, no.

    2. Yes sadly Reid Ruben did and he and mvz have always been buddies. Lesson is if you lay with dirty dogs you will eventually get fleas.

    3. No way RR actually used Brown for a case. Maybe he disclosed him or information about him that came to his attention but that was never RR’s style. RR is a great trial attorney who doesn’t need to win by cheating.

    4. Let’s not forget that a decade ago our beloved and respected Judge de la O relied on Brown and found his testimony more credible than MVZs (not hard to find anyone more credible than MVZ) vacating a murder conviction based on Brown’s testimony. Rubin may have listed Brown in a case because he had discoverable information, nothing more nothing less. I would be surprised if he ever used him at trial or did anything more than take a statement and turn it over. Not his style. I’m sure de la O would also think twice ten years later now that everything is coming to light. Fun times.

  19. Yo Yo Yo Fake ST IN DA HOUSE

    Can I get a hey-Yo?

    Can I get a state certifies jail on a nvdl?

    Can I get a hey-yo-yo

    Can I get a state withdraws all plea offers if the defense goes forward on the motion to suppress?


  20. How many cases of prosecutorial misconduct (not about not offering good pleas and other mundane defense complaints) does this make in less than a year? I’ve been doing this for 3 decades and don’t remember so many scandals such as these in such a small period of time. Definitely seems like a Pandora’s box has been opened. I bet that if people continue to dig more will be uncovered. This didn’t happen in a vacuum nor all of the sudden. It’s been there, hiding in plain sight, for years, possibly decades, and all it takes is one case, one lawyer, one investigative journalist, etc., to blow the lid wide open. I have to believe that there are efforts underway to continue digging. This house of cards is coming down.

    1. Definitely. I had 3 cases with MVZ in last 5 years. All 3 involve misconduct. The unearthing is in the works… there’s no way it’s just ironically only the 3 cases I touched.

  21. You have to check out the SAO’s social media post at appx. 7 pm tonight. Especially the speaker and the background screen. If that’s not the poster child of irony nothing else is.

    1. To continue to defend Mitchell’s conduct and teach interns about justice is a bit ridiculous. He is ridiculous. These people are all tone deaf.

    2. It’s an abomination

    3. He is an abomination

  22. Angry white short men syndrome.

  23. “We are very careful to respect defendants’ constitutional rights,” Talpins said. “As a matter of policy, we do not ask inmates to do anything we cannot do ourselves, including questioning other inmates.”

  24. “The recorded conversations indicate that prosecutors and a detective wanted Brown to tap his connections for information about crimes to which he had no personal involvement or knowledge — essentially deputizing him as an informal agent of the state, according to court records.”

  25. Was this most recent case one of the examples FACDL presented to the SAO at the recent meeting?

  26. Can I just thank the Herald and SAO for ,loving the conversation off of me?

    Fui Justice Alito flies up’s side down flags promoting Jan 6 stop the steal. I just fly opinions. Whose worse ? Not me.

    1. It’s the gift that keeps on giving

  27. t’s all a shit show getting shittier.. A few years back Weiner sent a letter directly to Kathy warning her of MVZ’s questionable handling of the Smith case and his condescending AND dismissive treatment toward a young female attorney in that same case that Wolfson called him out for. The express and clear warning that MVZ lost sight of his duty as a prosecutor in that case/letter was unfortunately yet predictably ignored by the SAO. I’m sure that Jeff W. still has that ominous foreshadowing correspondence he sent to “our” state attorney and I’m sure we were ignored once again. FACDL hopefully included this in their presentation for answers and Michelle should have the letter for the hearing. Kathy must still recalls that little gem and will one day need to explain why she did absolutely nothing in reply, not even at a minimum insist that he be properly supervised. Instead, the brazenness and rogueness was allowed to grow, he was anllowed to be an “mentor” teaching young prosecutors his ways and Talpins is defending the office behavior to the Herald in the Pearson article. If he ran those quotes by the state attorney, shame on both of them. You can’t make this shit up.

    1. That’s right! And Georgi Chalakis was allegedly fired for complaining about the way Smith case being handled and witnesses being prepared and so on. GC wrote emails to SAO brass complaining profusely about certain prosecutors which I think got him removed from the case and trespassed from Miami PD. Lydia used to have the emails and SAO responses. Was a huge gossipy dirty scandal back then. But certain were catapulted into “stardom” so earlier commenter was right. We heard the salacious details and more every football Sunday, cops, defense and GC. Wish my boy was still around to see this all unfold and vindication coming. Rest in peace my little brother (with a wink and a smile). Go get em Michelle and Allison and Craig!

    2. Fired for complaining? Is that even legal?

    3. No he had other issues but this brought them on… ask anyone cop or former ASA back in the day what this “cease and desist” did to him

    4. There was more to it but he and Milker had a huge falling out after he complained about her ethics or alleged lack thrreof. It’s all in writing including responses and someone can request.

    5. I’m not sure he was fired precisely for it but they made his life miserable. it is absolutely no wonder that dude died of a heart attack from stress of that shady place and everything he endured. Pigs. They will absolutely turn the narrative around to make him the fall guy. But those emails will speak for themselves and burn certain people.

    6. Not fired for complaining but removed from case.

  28. Come on stop it! This is not good for the new ASA’s. I can’t have them read all this.

  29. MVZ must be as loyal a friend as he was corrupt as an ASA. His qualities as a person must be as unshakable as his corrupt professional vein. His personal attributes must be very redeeming to cause some very fine people to ignore his professional shortcomings. How else can you explain that some of his closets friends, allies and even trial partners have been people with spotless reputations. E.g., incoming judge Mato, current judges Privolous and Silver, etc. Or was this simply willful blindness?

    1. Willful blindness sadly. Those who called out what he did and said were often demeaned or if lucky kept at arms length by him and spoken poorly of behind their backs. It was a very sick and toxic dynamic. He took young ASAs to what he dubbed “family dinners” - you can see how that would make some feel “special” and others excluded. He bragged relentlessly that he had Kathy’s ear any time he wanted to make anything he wanted happen for them or him and he often did. She weirdly did most of what he directed as if he had something on her. There are many that saw right through him and were happy to ignore him and be ignored by him. I for one am happy to be gone from that place. I know that many of my colleagues are as well. It is such a difference to work in a healthy atmosphere.

    2. Birds of a feather flock together. Dig a little deeper and you may be surprised at what you find.

    3. He held himself out to all as having a direct ear to Rundle and could get her to do whatever he wanted. She mostly did which everyone thought was weird and creepy and bizarre. Others believed he had something huge on her and she owed him big. She worshipped him, enabled him, excused him and allowed him to explode in front of others and toward others in the most inappropriate ways with zero consequences and often right in front of her. Ask Rawsi from NAACP what happened during a police shooting meeting she was invited to attend with him and Rundle. Rawsi walked out and sent an email detailing her fear of his perceived physical aggression toward her during the meeting witnessed by Rundle but Rundle couldn’t control him or get him to retake his seat. He had no respect for her or her authority. . It was an Embarrassment Zero consequences because that’s just Michael. Rawsi will share with anyone who asks.

    4. My vote is willful blindness because everyone knew.

    5. MVZ and Silver weee referred to bar years ago for repeated exparte communications. Soto or Sayfie found out they were occurring with Blake and lost her mind and put a stop to it all. Multiple hearings to disqualify in front of Luck ir Eig.

    6. Agree w 5:43. Dig into what he and Silver did together. She is him and always will be. I’ll defend Mato because I truly think she is just gullible to it all, tho I could be wrong. I hope not tho.

    7. Yep. I’ve been on the receiving end of the MVZ screaming and illy like behavior as have many others. Office allowed it and did absolutely nothing.

    8. They trashed Rawsi and her complaints of Michael’s behavior and made her out to be a crazy overreacting woman. Rundle could have taken control than and refused. Instead she defended her bud.

  30. MVZ is utterly disrespectful and dismissive to women. Both on and off the record.

    I think it’s a mixture of willful blindness and him doing his misdeeds in private or minimizing them to others. Who knows, even Hitler had friends.

  31. So many here call MVZ the devil. He isn’t. He is an imperfect human being who took on a very difficult job at the SAO. Keep throwing stones at him, all of you who live in glass houses.

    1. How is MVZ disrespectful to women? You can’t just say things without evidence. All prejudicial accusations should be backed with evidence. If not it’s just hearsay.

    2. MVZzzzzzzz so tired

    3. You guys have covered and hidden mvz misconduct on many fronts for years. Don’t try to gaslight people you asshole.

  32. In response to 5:52PM:
    Over 10 years ago, I was advised that a charged Defendant had made inculpatory statements to Mr. Brown, and that Mr. Brown had made handwritten notes. This occurred before we ever met. Mr. Brown stated he and the Defendant knew each other for many years. I did nothing to place them in proximity, nor am I aware that anyone else did. When we met, I specifically advised Mr. Brown not to attempt to get information. A summary of the substance of our contacts, including my direction not to attempt to get any further statements, is contained in Mr. Brown’s sworn statement, with his notes that were dated before we met attached. Mr. Brown’s lawyer was present for the statement. I provided the statement in Discovery 10 years ago.


    1. That may be so. However, prior to Brown’s sworn statement and the written notes, Brown was approached by Miami Dade police to extract information from specific inmates. Even if that information was disclosed to defense it was extracted in violation of their rights as Brown worked as a state agent……. And that illegally obtained information induced one man you prosecuted to take 20 years in prison and another still faces the death penalty, right?

    2. Ask yourself this Mr Reid… if Brown was not MVZ and MDPD undercover informant, why do you think the handwritten notes were given to MVZ before you obtained them?

    3. Mr. Reid, I have always held you in high esteem. I consider you a formidable and experienced attorney and I’ve never had any complaints about you relating to misconduct. I’m not sure if you are involved or part of Kathy’s so-called “justice Project,” but if you are, would you please let her know that this isn’t an actual conviction review unit? It certainly isn’t recognized at the state and national level as one. Would you also encourage her to set up an independent prosecution integrity unit? I realize she may not listen to someone who’s been there so long and has more institutional experience than many there, but it’s worth the shot. She has apparently ignored the advise of other experienced and honorable lawyers to reform this aspect of the SAO, and she’s likely to ignore your recommendations as well, but at least you could be on record as being on the right side of this issue. Thanks.

  33. KFR has issues. The Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office has issues. There are prosecutors who don't care that their mission is to seek justice. The office was better under Janet Reno. We miss the prosecutors of old. Is anybody here saying anything new that hasn't been endlessly repeated on this blog over the past ten years?

    Obviously, the MVZ issue is concerning and deserves due consideration and investigation, which it, unfortunately, may not get. But, to pretend that he represents a culture at the office amongst the majority of ASAs is farcical. Given the backlog in cases, I doubt that many of the ASAs at the office even have the time to engage in the deplorable behavior Judge Wolfson outlined in her order.

    So, what are these other ASAs doing to win at all costs? Is it offering pleas that you believe are too high? Is it bringing cases that they shouldn’t?

    The former has nothing to do with winning; it's simply a difference of opinion on punishment (point me to a jurisdiction where the defense bar doesn't think that the State's plea offers, as a whole, are too high). And, if it’s the latter, what evidence exists supporting this point? Every member of the defense bar knows exactly how the SAO investigates cases. And, during that 21-33 (sometimes more) days that the ASA assigned to the case is investigating, how many defense attorneys take the time to email or call the assigned ASA to present evidence of innocence or evidence that should be considered in reaching a charging decision? I can count on one hand how many times a defense attorney ever reached out to me to offer a different perspective. This failure doesn't negate the prosecutor's obligation and if the evidence is inconsistent or it is apparent that a witness (LEO or otherwise) is lying, then that investigating ASA should consider those circumstances and decline to charge when appropriate. But, if that doesn't exist and the defense attorney never reaches out, then what would you suggest? Please don't tell me that you think that the A, B, and C felony prosecutors (who handle essentially 95% of the pending felony cases) are witness tampering because MVZ okayed it.

    Which brings me to my point. Have any of the people trashing the SAO in these comments looked in the mirror? Although prosecutors have a higher ethical responsibility than other attorneys, we are all bound by the rules of professional responsibility. After taking over a case, how many of you have had to request that an ASA provide a courtesy copy of discovery because your fellow member of the defense bar (who owes an ethical duty to former and current clients) was non-responsive when you requested it from them? How many of you are outraged every time a defense attorney tells a witness to ignore a subpoena or asks for a continuance - not because they need more time to prepare - but simply because it makes it less likely that a necessary witness will appear at trial? How many of you are outraged by Jonathan Schwartz’s actions? Maybe zeal exists only during cross-examination and outrage exists only when you can focus it on the other side.

    I'm not denying that KFR and the SAO have problems that need to be addressed. However, most prosecutors at that office spend more time with members of the defense bar than they ever did with MVZ. We can all agree that MVZ wasn't a good role model. So, if the defense bar really wants the SAO and line prosecutors to take its concerns seriously, then maybe it should stop acting like him.

    1. Sorry but you and your minimization of the situation are part of the problem. Those who push are the reason this is all finally being transformed from rumor to fact and why this is now all being uncovered. You sound like a well placed ASA trying to minimize damage while convoluting a long message under the guise that it comes from the defebse bar. Michael had tons of young people with him constabtly doing his deeds or advising them how to cut corners in their own cases.. That is a fact. He couldn’t take a shit alone. Ask Melba about the culture. Ask reputable ASAs that have left. Ask reputable ASAs still there. Ask the detectives who he fucked to make himself look good and hung them out to dry. Ask Flannigan about how his conduct and why he fled. Ask Hubner about his sleaziness. There are tons of old prosecutors and police sick of his shit and the spillover onto this present culture. The more anyone tries to minimize and defend the more that will be uncovered.

    2. Are you forgetting the training outline that was uncovered within the SAO a few years ago and prepared by an “unidentified” ASA in the office that had a slide that said discovery was a game of chess with the defense??? If that is not indicative of culture not sure what is.

    3. Can you publish the training manual?

    4. Yes, it had a slide of a chessboard on it. News may have written about it. SAO would never admit who prepared it and how many years it was being taught and by who. Everyone became deaf dumb and blind.

    5. This guy literally told us he was given authority to waive the death penalty by Rundle in cases he saw fit without approval from the death penalty committee and the SAO death penalty committee was a bunch of annoying morons who asked too many questions and just “wanted to be consistent” and “follow the stupid fucking law” and “do the right thing” Oh my sweet baby Jesus!! (All alleged) holy shitballs!!! He waived here so he could force a fucking plea on an alleged illegal confession case. That committee is reasonable and would have waived anyway but oh my ficking GOD!!!

    6. Not a training manual. It was an outline and training that the office swept under rug and denied they knew who wrote it. MVZ authored outlines encouraged people to place witnesses together to get their testimony straight. They can’t hide that. Training director blessed it.

    7. Can’t publish don’t have it well known make public records request for that and the three outlines mvz used to teach every year which says joint collaboration meetings of witnesses should be done by prosecutors.

  34. Rumpole: love your blog and the service it’s providing community. VZ Khalil and others also allegedly orchestrated to placed William Brown in cell with Warneric Anthony Buckner Hialeah mass shooting case multiple times in 2023 to extract a confession before case suddenly and quietly dropped after many months and a dozen or so attempts and fails at extraction. Instead MVZ dropped the high profile case to save face without letting cops or police brass even know until the deed was done; heard it on the news; blamed detectives for an illegal confession. But wait, if Miranda violation as a matter of law requiring case to be suddenly dropped without notice to lead detectives , what basis did MVZ have to continue to hold Buckner for so many months in this high profile case? Exactly…. None except the hope of Willie Brown manipulating another represented def! But not to worry, MVZ convinced the PD to demote our dumb detectives for faulty confession… by contrast, MVZ and Khalil praised by Rundle. As the Herald said, Brown’s, MVZ’s, Khali’s and MVZ’s other minions sleezy fingerprints are literally everywhere and have unfortunately caused Kathy to fall from grace like a giant slippery smelly moss covered rock. Knock knock Brittney and Sarah, come and knock on our door…. We’ve been waiting for you….

    1. There was a community meeting addressing this and other situations weeks ago.

    2. You mean Chris Flanagan

    3. Which Khalil? There were two - Khalil M and Khalil Q

    4. Is that why Flanagan left? How do you know?

    5. It was Chris Flannigan. Khalil has case now.

    6. MVZ also had detectives bring him to both MDPD headquarters multiple times during this time as well as to the SAO for “plea negotiations.” MVZ offered Buckner several pleas during this time beginning w 30 years and slowly dropping in years. To echo the above question, how is SAO negotiating a plea on a case with a “bad confession” and no other evidence???

    7. Same case cops said MVZ waived the death penalty unilaterally as a “favor” to get Buckner to plead to a case that needed to be dropped. What the fuck?!?!?!?! The SAO has a death penalty committee and an office policy on how things are presented and waived in capital cases. Let us guess, MVZ didn’t have to follow that either.

    8. Is it suspected this is why Flannigan left. Gotta ask him. Look at all of the comments of what was done in that case and ask yourself. Flannigan was a good guy and hated what mvz did to the defendant and detectives in that mass shooting case. He and the detectives worked hard for justice and didn’t like the shadiness but MVZ was allowed to insert himself into MDPD and all high profile cases at the direction of Rundle. There is shady shit in TSA case also. Comments already discussed Rabbi case.

  35. Today, the Fla. Sup. Ct. denied former 9th Cir. State Attorney Worrell’s petition challenging her suspension by DeSantis. Would Rundle be next?

  36. Clifford Friend. MVZ lead ASA. State’s inmate snitch witness caught in massive lie during trial re: whether defendant confessed murder to him. State forced to admit inmate perjured himself and strike testimony about whether a particular tv show was on and watched by snitch in jail while sitting with defendant when alleged confession took place. Defense got records to show tv show not on during that time. Judge questioned whether MVZ did any digging into testimony or simply allowed a snitch witness to commit perjury and waste jury’s time. You guess… these are not all coincidences folks….. MVZ played fast and lose and trained hundreds annd hundreds along the way to do the same. The smart ones stayed away from him.

  37. Mike was also accused of allegedly helping to fabricate witness testimony in the country walk child sexual abuse case when he was a defense attorney representing Frank and Illeana Fuster decades ago. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

  38. The FSC affirmed Worrell’s suspension today based on neglect of duty and misconduct. Can someone please ask the Governor to look at Rundle and what’s going on down here. Wouldn’t that be some shit if he suspended her and appointed Wolfson. I’d be perfectly ok with that…. I do not think he is fond of her as it is. Rundle has become disconnected and dangerous. She is listening to the wrong advisors.

  39. Can’t wait for the Pearson hearing but the irony of Judge Bronwyn Miller signing that order in Taje Pearson denying a relinquishment hearing relating to the William Brown claim when Brown is also at issue in her pride and joy case Corey Smith (smoking gun call), the case that allegedly catapulted her to the bench. WTF!! Why would you not recuse yourself even just for the way it looks and smells?!?!?! Same prosecutors in Pearson as in Smith accused of same/similar misconduct, MVZ and Mitchell. The appearance of impropriety and bad decisions is baffling. Surprised Judge Emas would even allow this.

    1. Yes someone mentioned in a prior post weeks ago that this was by design but I’m not sure. Some further digging by Borchew and maybe a motion to disqualify will need to be filed in the appellate court. Sadly the judge should have done this on her own. Very dangerous line to walk.

    2. 10:46 PM. The Chief Judge of the 3rd DCA is THOMAS LOGUE. Emas hasn’t been the CJ for several years. Ivan Fernandez preceded Logue.

    3. Thank you I know but Emas also signed the Taji Pearson orders with Bronwyn Miller. Emas always kept up
      On media issues and was always very estute and bright on issues and potential issues and potential appearances of impropriety. My guess is she kept it all from him and he has no idea that she is editing state pleadings and making demands on what should be contained etc.

  40. MVZ is a Narcissist-Checks every box - Has a grandiose sense of self-importance; Lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur; Needs constant praise and admiration; Sense of entitlement; Exploits others without guilt or shame; Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others.

  41. Please share the Weiner letter and the Cholakis emails!! Those should be front page!

  42. I had an interesting conversation with Jason Pizzo a few weeks ago.

    1. Do tell. I do not think he likes Kathy that much anymore

  43. The U.S. Supreme Court has taken notice: “plea bargaining … is not some adjunct to the criminal justice system; it is the criminal justice system.” State and federal prosecutors around the country have increasingly wielded tools like mandatory minimum sentences, pretrial detention, and aggressive bargaining tactics to scare many of these people into deals they may not have taken otherwise. Coercive plea bargaining also disproportionately impacts poor and minority communities — communities that are already over-targeted by police, and often cannot afford lawyers or cash bail.

  44. Thank you rumble for creating a safe place where truth can actually come out. it will clearly not come from the Sao who is narrative will shift like the winds and the sand.

    1. It’s a chess game. It’s all a game. These prosecutors are playing games and peoples lives are at stake.

    2. Obviously and look at the way these prosecutors are defending. It’s sick.

  45. Can someone share the Taiji orders with Miller signature

    1. Public record. The three judges that relinquished the case back to the trial court included Miller. However it was relinquished on Brady issues as to one witness and NOT Brady issues as to William Brown.

    2. Dumb ass that’s because the AG argued against relinquishing on the William Brown issue, and the third agreed - one of the judges who agreed was Bronwyn Miller. How appropriate was it for her to have even sat on that panel and deny the request for a hearing as it related to William Brown??? if this is the quality of people and lawyering working for Rundle, she needs to fire a bunch of you.

    3. 1156, you are part of the reason that Cathy is failing as a State Attorney and people are literally mocking her.

    4. So let us get this straight. You are defending Miller for sitting on that panel that denied a full look into the Brown issue in Pearson when he is at issue in her old case. You are a moron and part of the problem. Your comment screams that the JQC should examine this. I was on the fence before and thought it was coincidence. It is obviously orchestrated according to you. Judge Miller should think twice about who is advising her and who her friends are and who she is continuing to talk to.

    5. 11:56 We love you and your stupidity. Thank you so much for the dumb comment and even dumber analysis. JQC members please now get involved!!! This is sick and should not be accepted!! Not only on this issue but examine how and when Miller has been speaking to the state annd Rundle acting as their advocate in the trial court and pushing the AGO to do what she wants. WTF!!

    6. Holy shit!! Birchew’s pleading was asking the case be relinquished to address the Brown claim you lying dirty pig. Bronwyn signed off on denying it as to the brown claim. What the fuck is happening in this county and in this SAO that this has all become acceptable practice. Governor needs to get involved NOW. These comments are coming from the inside and a mirror of what these fivks believe. Holy shot!! Please start sharing with him FACDL, Herald reporters and others.

    7. You lying piece of shit…

    8. Wow!!! Interesting that you would begin saying “public record” - if this does not spur Tinkler Mendez to expand this hearing at her discretion I don’t know what will. How you can post a comment that is a complete LIE speaks volumes of what this SAO has done for years!!!! As a former ASA I was once told I would be expected to clean up whatever mess I was ordered to and sweep it under the rug as ordered. said no and left right after my commitment was up. I am now in an appeals firm making a butt load of money and can sleep at night.

    9. Miller denied the claims as to William Brown you dumbass - that’s the point. God help us if you’re practicing lawyer.

  46. What we really need is a whistleblower ASA with a backbone and some balls. Listening to these ASAs defend themselves and each other and claim ignorance is frankly getting tired and nauseating.

  47. To the narcissists, ethically corrupt, and morally bankrupt current ASAs or private attorneys who try to minimize, rationalize, justify, excuse, or normalize what some ASAs have done; to those who wave the misconduct of private lawyers as some sort of moral relativist flag; and to those who criticize robust public dissent and strong cries for transparency and reform; I say this:

    You are the problem.

    You are the poster children for everything that is wrong with the system.

    You need to find another career where ethics, integrity, and transparency are merely choices.

    You were never meant to be part of the criminal justice system; and if you’re an ASA you are a pariah amongst those who wear the “white hat” with grace, dignity, and integrity.

    Your day is coming because corruption doesn’t live in the shadows forever.

  48. All State Insurance recruiting in da house. Yeah boi.

  49. Office of Governor Ron DeSantis
    State of Florida
    The Capitol
    400 S. Monroe St.
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001

    (850) 717-9337

    1. Thank you. Can you share JQC contacts as well please given what has now unfolded.

  50. Guys, didn't Cholakis get fired for running over two people on scooters while DUI? Looks like you guys have nothing better to do but sh*t on KFR and the office. You idiots would have nothing to do without them so please shut up.

    1. Great way to deflect asshole. he authored emails to Kathy and Don and others that Bronwyn was inappropriately Allegedly putting witnesses together to coordinate testimony.. Request the emails. Bronwyn directed the police department to not allow Cholakis on the property and he was removed from the case. Whatever happened after with him does not take away from the fact that he complained years ago about the exact same conduct that the defense is complaining about now you dumbass. Please tell me who you are and if you work for KFR because she should fire your inept incompetent stupid ass.

    2. You fool! Thanks for the comment that has now pissed off the defense bar, judges and cops and will cause more information to drop that wouldn’t have otherwise you ignorant clown head. We are laughing our asses off you clown. Please someone request all emails between Brownyn George Rundle Horn or any combination and between them and City PD on alleged witness impropriety. Cholakis was a whistle blower back than you clown. Whatever happened after is irrelevant. You literally can’t get out of your own paths and will continue to make this all worse. Please keep commenting because we truly love it.

    3. This comment will now piss off all of Georgi’s friends to spill. Thank you!

    4. Go fuck yourself 4:23.

    5. I like 4:23 keep your ignorance coming as we continue to remove the masks. #ItsAllHidingInPlainSight #KeepDigging

    6. Once the Cholakis emails are made public that dude’s voice will speak forever - if true he should get an award from FACDL for his bravery.

    7. You would love for us to shut up so the hole in Rundle’s sinking ship with the rats running is plugged and prosecutorial misconduct remains hidden forever. SMH

  51. Spoiler Alert! Every year for decades Von Zamft “taught” all new and current prosecutors (hundreds a year) about discovery. He generally used three outlines (most recents the training director gave out in 2022 and 2023). Two of these three outlines encourage all Miami Dade prosecutors to prepare their witnesses to testify TOGETHER in a GROUP. Page 5 of MVZ outline “Joint Meetings. Do not be afraid of this. There is no rule against it and it is not unethical. If you do this, decide how you want to group them; for example all witnesses on same or similar point. Police officers.”
    Page 3 of outline number two “Joint meetings. Can be very helpful. At times will trigger each witnesses testimony…not unethical.” Miller was training director at one time at SAO (so was MVZ ironically). Based on the above, is it any wonder why prosecutors believe there is no problem to have witness collaboration meetings (as Wolfson found in Smith) to “discuss” or coordinate their testimony or discuss legal theories as a group or “help each other remember” or why it’s acceptable to provide a lead detective report to a lay witness in preparation for trial or why it’s acceptable to place witnesses together in same police conference room to prepare them for testimony together or put them in the jail yard together to get their stories straight??? For anyone to say this is not a taught and accepted practice at the Miami SAO and that it is not an accepted culture at the SAO is beyond laughable when it is being taught, and permitted to be taught, by MVZ to hundreds of ASAs every single year. The prior commenter also got it right where ASAs were given a discovery or Brady training outline years ago with a pic of a chess board and were told discovery and Brady obligations were analogous to a game of chess. (That came out either in the media or on the blog.) Once everyone at the SAO gets really honest with themselves and others, we all can try to move forward.

    1. Do you have access to these training materials?

  52. Yes, the three outlines were each created and authored by him with a cover sheet making that very clear that it is the work product of Michael Von Zamft.

  53. Michelle, Allison/Craig and Jude please acknowledge you are reading all of these comments and will follow up. It will encourage people to keep sharing

    1. I am absolutely reading. But if anyone wants to come to me directly and share any materials, I encourage it.

      A young man who was prosecuted by MVZ with manufactured snitch testimony who spent years in Pretrial told me the other day, “you are pulling a thread on a sweater, and the whole sweater is going to unravel.” I cannot unravel it on my own.

      This is why we became defense attorneys. To stand up for the people being wronged by the system and its bad actors.


  54. MVZ also inserted himself into MDPD for authorization on all high profile cases. Remember Rabbi case, TSA case and El Mula.

  55. Abuse of power! Plain and simple.

  56. Ain’t that the shit of a gold mine piece of information!!! Two of us were at an event together and told by a young former ASA recently who is/was friendly with one of our two star prosecutors (this former ASA is a nice guy, good guy) in Smith that the “collaboration” was still allegedly happening even throughout the Smith hearing but took on a slightly different form for appearances because in their words Borchew is a Bitch but a smart Bitch! (Sorry I don’t know you and not my words). They name dropped J. Miller as if we were to be impressed and said that she was (allegedly) pushing, directing and master minding (I.e. controlling ) what was happening in the trial and even in the appellant court. They bragged about Rundle allegedly being in constant contact with Miller directly & indirectly through MVZ and some older former ASA lady and a former appellate judge from the time before Miller testified in Smith to present date discussing testimony and strategy and reviewing and editing pleadings and making all sorts of requests and demands of who she wanted the trial/hearing team to be and what she wanted done. The kid said MVZ allegedly told him that KFR would make it happen because she and J. Miller are super tight and MVZ can get KFR to do whatever he wants. My partner told the kid he probably shouldn’t be repeating this but I gave him the shut the fuck up look.

    1. I like Smart Bitch! Much better than what MVZ has called me on the record in front of jury in the past “Little missy” and “Young lady”

      Please ask the former ASA if he wants to discuss in confidence and send him my way. Thanks

    2. Judge Ivan Fernandez handled this like the classy dude he is. He had no communications with either side and waited to be called as a witness which he wasn’t. She needs to take a lesson.

  57. Jose is being brought back to make the soldiers fall in line before a revolt; He will execute whatever KFR wants done and force others do same. He is not coming back to monitor ethics you idiots. The strong prosecutors left will stand up and say FUCK no. The others will fall in line and clean up this mess as he and she and J. Miller annd Talpins instruct as Talpins puppets Pearson for Mitchell . maybe the ethics Czar should look into Bronwyns conduct in this case or is he turning a blind eye yet again as he has done for decades in too many cases to list.

    1. Yup She has been courting him for two years or so when she knew horn was leaving because she had little confidence in what would remain. Arrojo is not coming back to be ethics czar, he is coming back because ethics commission is downsizing and so is his power.

    2. Yes and Talpins herald quotes were comical.

  58. Holy Fuck the SAO is imploding. The training the outlines. That is the evidence smith needs to have his 3.850 granted
    Wolfson gonna lose kind. How did the training director who we like allow this??? Who supervises the fucking training director??? Holy shit!!!

  59. Holy shit!! They teach joint witness meetings are acceptable!!!

  60. Below is what Gary Winston recently wrote on LinkedIn. I’ve always liked Gary. I think he was one of the gems to ever come out of that office. A prosecutor’s prosecutor and an even better human. Smart and sharp. I think I know what he means in this post, although I can’t quite understand the part where he lists various people, especially since many no longer have the positions that he attributes to them. But, anyway, I think the larger message is that he tried to get Rundle to set up two types of conviction review units and he was turned down. If this is true, this confirms so many of the stories and even theories published here.

    Gary, I assume you are reading this blog. If so, thank you for your service and for having tried to do the right thing in 2016.

    Here’s Gary’s post:

    My 2016 proposal not accepted by ..... here in Miami:

    Prior to the public announcement, perhaps we should notify the following via phone, e-mail or letter?
    1.    Barry Scheck & Peter Neufield, co-founders of the Innocence Project
    2.    Seth Miller, Executive Director of Innocence Project of Florida
    3.    Ramón A. Abadan, Florida Bar President
    4.    William J. Schifino, Jr., President-Elect, Florida Bar
    5.    Honorable Angelica Zayas, Chair, Florida Bar Criminal Law Section
    6.    Eugene Zenobi, Regional Counsel
    7.    Carlos Martinez, Public Defender
    8.    Michael Ufferman, President, Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (FACDL)
    9.    Lisa Call, President-Elect, FACDL
    10. Paulette Brown, President, American Bar Association
    11. Jason M. Murray, President, Dade County Bar Association
    12. Jeffrey A. Rynor, President-Elect, Dade County Bar Association
    13. Nushin Sayfie
    14. Bertila Soto

    Dear ______.

    On January 15, 2016, I will publicly announce the creation of a modern new unit within the Office of the State Attorney - the Continuing Justice Unit (CJU) - two (2) new divisions comprised of experienced prosecutors. One division, the Post-Conviction Division (PCD), will exclusively review, evaluate and litigate post-conviction motions, including Rule 3s and Habeas motions. The second group, the Actual Innocence Division (AID), will review, evaluate and investigate legitimate claims of actual innocence.

    The creation of the CJU is not an admission of past misconduct. It is, however, an acknowledgement that our system of justice, made up of juries, judges, police, witnesses, prosecutors and defense attorneys, has not always been perfect, resulting in the rare wrongful conviction and incarceration of innocents. The sheer number of recent prisoner releases nationwide in other jurisdictions supports the creation of this Unit. For me, the pursuit of true justice must never cease.


  61. Come on, @FACDL, give Jose Arrojo 45 days to make everything…worse. What can go wrong? Those shredding machines at the SAO must be working overtime. Y'all been played. Ay caramba!

    The SAO is a RICO enterprise. Where are them Feds when you need them?

    By the way, where is the FL Bar complaint for Dumb and Dumber? Aren't judiciary members able to make referrals straight to the FL Supreme Court?

    Re: Talpins. I saw him speak at a conference, and let me tell you, it was painful to listen to him lick KFR’s boots every three words. He sounded like the PR do boy. He was bragging about PTI, drug court, etc., and their “innovative” methods of dealing with recidivism. They are innovative, alright.

    His quote should have been, “As a matter of policy, we do not ask inmates to do anything we cannot do ourselves, including witness tampering and collusion.” I invite you to go and see Kangaroo Court (I mean County) for a good laugh.

    Last, it is comical to see “Professor” Abuhoff at University of Miami, what is he teaching? I hope it is not ethics. Apparently, he does house calls too. Bienvenidos a Miami!


  62. If people can’t see how stunning some of these revelations are they are willfully blind. Kathy told a few of us at a recent event two things to keep private, wink wink . (1) Fingerhut, Reizenstein and Rothenberg have all offered to represent her as counsel because they find and agree what Wolfson did reprehensible and that she is acting only to avenge Sayfie’s vendetta toward the SAO. Rundle narrative is that Wolfson could have disqualified MVZ without the other findings about the office.. (2) bronwyn miller is actively engaged and involved in this litigation and has been before she first testified and got the AG to be her counsel. Miller is working closely with Audrey Frank and Rundle to make sure pleadings say what miller wants, testimony says what she wants and witnesses are listed who she wants including Jay Novick, Howell and people are handpicked to handle the rest of the hearing. If true, Rundle is losing her grip on reality and thinks she is the master chess player able to control all. She has a big mouth and blabs because she is a narcissist and can’t help herself. This is a disaster on many levels.

  63. Hi Rundle minion. Instead of trashing Cholakis, please explain why he sent emails complaining about what Miller is alleged today to have done in past, why he was told by Horn to cease and desist from the case and from sending these whistle blower emails, why miller or someone allegedly had him banned from the City Miami Police Department, why she is presently editing state pleadings, why she is speaking with Rundle and state representatives about how to Litigate these cases and on and on and on….. before you post another comment trashing a good prosecutor who is dead and can’t defend himself be very very very careful. There are a lot of dirty things this administration has done that ALOT of people know about including you. This will be Cholakis absolute vindication for things he tried to bring to light decades ago. So fuck off and have a great day thinking about what you have done and are scared will come out.

  64. Daisy is William’s supervisor. Since chess-gate office requires training director to review every training outline before it is shared with prosecutors. If this is STILL being taught in 2023 this is a permitted culture folks affirmed from the highest level of administrators and the SA herself. Shame on all of you.

  65. Rundle blabs to everyone in the community “between you and I because I consider you my inner circle and friend” and loses her shit when the information gets out. I love watching this shit show!!!

  66. Walter Harvey should make a public statement on why he allowed this hire when they are trying to clean up the school board?!?!?

  67. To the person who tried to mislead the readership re: whether the Brown issue was raised by MB in the appellate court in pearson , you spurred a load of shit and I’m sure you have ruined Judge Miller’s otherwise happy Saturday. You muppets continue to lie and make matters worse. I hope to God Rundle is reading these comments herself and not getting misleading Muppet summaries

  68. Rundle invited Justice couriel to speak to office end of June. Media or someone should ask him if he condones pattern of prosecutorial misconduct being exposed within SAO.

  69. One of my colleagues is tight with Moody. She says that Rundle is telling Moody and anyone else who will listen that Wolfson and de la O, Sayfie and others are intentionally making rulings to undermine capital cases in the 11th circuit because they don’t like the death penalty and as an excuse for what happened in Smith and Wolfson’s order. Who is letting this lady do this shit!!!! Moody and Wolfson are friends you dumbass and she knows that is not happening and btw Moody thinks you are a fucking idiot Rundle. She is just too classy to say it. Stop fucking blaming everyone for what you allow and condone in your office, deal with the consequences, surround yourself with people that tell you the truth and look in the mirror. DeSantis won’t even take Rundle’s calls and makes her talk to an assistant. Wonder why… neither has respect for her or the way she runs that office and the way she lies and manipulates.

  70. Some asked why Herald’s Chuck Rabin who generally despises Rundle took it easy in his article on mvz and left tons out. Some called it a whitewash article. Rabins wife and former herald reporter works for Arrojo for years (good friend of mvz to this day) and the ethics commission (Arrojo) paid for her to go to law school. Just sayin….

  71. Everyone knows the only way a SW can be executed by a ASA on a defense lawyer premises is with Rundle express permission and agreement and multiple meetings. Likewise a motion to disqualify a judge also needs her express permission. She signed off on this. Did she deny that she knew??? There are certain other things that require her express permission per SAO policy. If she was misled, was the ASA disciplined or fired?? If not, she knew everything.

  72. Yes MVZ very much encouraged witness group collaboration prep and talked poorly of the defense bar as being too dumb to figure it out (allegedly). This is why most of his trainings were not permitted to be recorded. The few that were, he knew, and changed the way he presented. But he and the Sao training Directors kept the encouragement in the outlines given out yearly.

  73. Oh my!!!! ! Those MVZ outlines were also hiding in plain sight. Thank you to whoever was brave enough to disclose. Wow wow wow!!!! Pathetic but not shocking! Thank you. Please know that we appreciate you!! Holy Shit!!!! Rumpole your blog is paying off. Please continue to keep people’s confidences safe. They are really stepping out in trust so please do all that you can to protect them. Change is coming, it has to at this point.

  74. Rundle has been talking shit about Miller from jump and relays gratiitous comments she makes about Wolfson. Rundle also has zero respect for Wolfson., Sayfie and De La O. These people are nuts. I know Wolfson and trust her more than these goofs combined. She is classy and a straight shooter. I know the Wolfson order was hard for her to write but she is courageous and warned them repeatedly to take action. They all
    Knew and ignored Wolfson's kind and repeated gestures to remedy this shit. To blame her now to the Attorney General or Governor is frankly bullshit and will backfire on Rundle and her chiefs asses.
