Wednesday, January 10, 2024


Caught cheating and now fired.

UPDATE: Exclusive. The Evil Genius, coach of the NE Cheaters, who cheated their way to several super bowl wins and losses (hahahaha) will be fired today. They will call it a mutual parting of the ways. But what we know is that once the Evil Genius could not cheat, and  once his bougie QB left the team, the screen was pulled back on the Great Oz and it was revealed that he was not much at all. A pedestrian loser whose team wins four games a year. Most retirements merit a Rumpolian "Well done. Well done indeed."  Although we appreciate , nay admire, his misanthropic press conferences. his firing generates a simple "Goodbye and good riddance." 

Prediction- Like Vince Lombardi after leaving the Packers, he will be hired by the Washington Commies. Things didn't work out well for Mr. Lombardi when he went to DC. (He died shortly thereafter of colon cancer, rejecting a colonoscopy with a curt "I'm not going to let them shove anything up my a$$..." Of course we do not wish ill health on the evil genius. Just more losing.) 


We are not very familiar with sentencing.  It is an area of the law we have been able to avoid needing to study. 

But our knowledge extends to the understanding that there are various sentencing strategies.  

There is the compassion strategy- rent a family, haul a few kids to court, get a bad medical diagnosis and beg for mercy. 

There is the Churchill strategy: "In victory magnanimity; in defeat defiance." 

And there is the ol' remain silent and hope you come back on appeal. 

But in the annals of criminal defense, we are pretty sure that the strategy of the below defendant, in a court in Las Vegas recently, has ever worked. 


  1. Dis is da vay to litigate. Make dat judge pay attention. He got her attention. He should get probation and avard for dat excellent vork.

    Also I vatch Dey dolphin game vit Don Shula and he is disgusted vit team.

  2. Belichek is the Joe Torre of football coaches. Less than mediocre until fate joined him with great players. Thanks for the Lombardi cause of death reference. I always thought he died of lung cancer as he smoked heavily.

  3. That was such a savage move that he should be locked for life. That was an extreme boundary to cross. An animal that would do such a loathsome stunt has morality. Throw away the key since he represents the essence of what a danger to the community is. Wild, uncontrollable animals should be locked in cages

  4. Perhaps the judge has learned that sarcasm and cuteness have no place in sentencing

  5. I had a large client throw my west statute book at Judge Stan Goldstein once years ago right after he was sentenced for strong arm robbery.

    He missed and Stan, being the great guy he was, didn't raise the sentence. He didn't even hold him in contempt.

  6. I was giving an opening statement as an ASA in which a defendant robbed a city of Miami undercover robbery unit. So not an easy case. The late Arthur (Art) Carter was the defense attorney. My back was to the defendant as I gave the opening statement. It was on 2, the courtroom to the left of the elevators. Cira 1988 and it had those old really big and heavy wooden chairs. Pretty comfortable if I remember correctly. As I was giving my opening statement the defendant got up and threw his chair at me. It flew right by me and hit the rail of the jury box. Then the defendant turned to run out of the courtroom. Art stood up, picked up his chair and clocked his client on the back of his head as he was turning to run out of the courtroom. Knocked him out cold.

    And Art always hated when I said this, but he was the first defense attorney to give his client the chair.

  7. I remember Arthur Carter. Sorry to hear he passed.

  8. I like the Houthi rebels. Not what they stand for. I just think saying Houthi is cool. Who wouldn’t want the tag as a Houthi rebel ?
    Hey see that guy ? He’s my lawyer and he’s a Houthi rebel.

    “Houthi ? Houthi rebel ? We have your table for 4 ready “

    Gotta love it.

  9. Can I get a Shumie Time for the weekend and the Dolphins game ?

    Life is good

  10. The young clerk sitting next to the judge deserves credit - got right in the mix before courtroom security.

  11. 1- Sh sh sh SHUMIE TIME ! Crack open the cold ones and fire up the stogies.

    2. Love the Hoothie rebel wannabe

  12. Count me in Hoothies rock !!!

  13. You know what’s really hot? One of those Houthi chicks. A girl with a gun and bandana. Rebel attitude. You know the sex is off the charts hot.

  14. He should get a downward variance for supermanning in court. The man will be recruited by the A team or the magnificent seven or some other like minded group.

  15. Any girl in a bandana with a gun and military fatigues is hot. They don’t need to be Houthi rebels. Those Israeli female soldiers are smoking hot. And they shoot to kill.

  16. Stan Goldstein was one of our best kick-ass defense lawyers who became an awesome judge. He also played a mean game of blackjack as the defense attorneys "seminars" in Tahoe. His greatness is overlooked. He was truly one of a kind.

  17. And Stan Goldstein was a really nice guy to be with.
