Thursday, January 04, 2024


 This is what happens when government bureaucrats want to help and tinker with things because they want to make their jobs relevant. 

Case in point the implementation of the new bond system. 

A new bond system! Whoppee!! All sorts of good things are going to happen with a new bond system including removing the unfair economic advantage successful people have over non-economically successful people in posting bonds. Now everyone needs to wait their turn and the system is more fair. 

It was almost like once finished with making bonds fair, our government would turn to things like dining out and designer goods, removing the ability of people who can afford to eat at Deliliah in Miami Beach (don't bother- overrated and under produces ) or buy Channel wallets - and making sure everyone has equal access to all the finer things in life. "Fron each according to their abilities..."  is making a comback, starting with bonds. 

Well, the best laid plans of mice and (we cannot finish the phrase whilst still being gender sensitive)  have come home to roost. 

Starting January 1 our new bond schedule resulted in this- NO ONE - NO ......ONE has been allowed to bond out in Miami without first attending a first appearance.  And when Miami Dade corrections was queried about this, they gave this legal and adult- reasoned response:  "Judge Sayfie made us do it!"

This is not criticism of our chief judge. We are fairly certain she did not tell corrections this, and that - shockingly- someone from the jail misread her order and instructions (like when they decided that only Carlos Martinez and Gene Zenobi could see PD and Regional clients because their names were on the notice of appearances- and just to hammer home the point, they still contend that if the law firm of Black and White file a notice of appearance, and lawyer Green is listed as an associate, lawyer Green cannot see the client ). 

So here we sit with yet another example of "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."  Your friendly neighborhood bondsperson (<---- note- gender neutral!) has all the details.  And this being Miami-Dade corrections, after several dozen meetings and memos you can expect that some time around June 2024 this will be resolved by them deciding no one should be released on bond at all. 

What a great way (at least for the blog) to start off 2024! 


  1. Thank your Florida Legislature and the Florida Supreme Court for the Statewide Bond Schedule.

  2. Please give credit where credit is due. Thank your Florida Legislator and the Florida Supreme Court for the Statewide Bond Schedule.

  3. Miami-Dade Corrections is consistently the laziest and dumbest correctional department in the state. Every defense attorney has had clients sit in jail longer than necessary due to their incompetence.

  4. Client was arrested on a traffic leaving the scene of an accident and no Driver’s License. Was processed at 2:30pm on Jan. 3. Was not released until 12:30am on Jan. 5. Absolutely unacceptable.

  5. It's as if they don't understand how much money we save if we don't keep people locked up so long. Years ago, the county started paying for a few public defenders to help get them out. It was called ERU, or early release unit. I'm not sure if it still exists. Big savings resulted.

  6. MD "Corrections" ( a misnomer) is the bottom feeder among law enforcement. Most should be washing dishes in a Chinese restaurant.

  7. Shumie and the Q will be addressing this with the powers that be on Monday. Watch how fast it changes.

  8. What’s the update on the Big Easy E Elortegui ?
    Still running the hottest pizza shop in NYC this side of Joes in Greenwich Village?
