Wednesday, October 04, 2023


The US will test the emergency alert system at 2:20 PM today. Your phone will get a shrill alarm at that time. If you are in court trying a case before a Federalist Drone, best to turn the phone off elsewise you be held in contempt for interrupting her concentration on calling balls and strikes. 

The purpose of the alert is twofold- 1) the law required the Emergency Alert system to be tested every three years, and by sending an alert to everyone's cell phones, and 

2) the government can obtain data on any information you may be hiding on Hunter Biden's laptop, as well as track you for the coming mandatory Covid19 boosters and instillation of the Microsoft tracking chip. 

Meanwhile. speaking of batSh&t crazy conspiracy theories, the former president's trial over the valuation of his properties is being presided over by the same Judge who hid the files showing that Obama was born in the Ukraine.

1 comment:

  1. Shumie doomie doomie dommie doomie doomie do.

    I do love me a good Shumie doomie do. Thanks for the vine rump.
