Thursday, October 12, 2023


 War brings out the worst in people and the best. We are hearing about a lot of "worsts". Here is an amazing story that was tweeted,  which we re-print. 

If you don't live in Israel or consume Israeli media, you don't know who Yair Golan is. He is a 61-year-old retired Major General in the Israel army and a former parliament MP. Spend a minute to read this story. Yesterday, when IDF and the police were in complete chaos, Golan put on his old uniform, took his weapon, and drove into the war zone multiple times to rescue civilians under fire. He rescued two young adults hiding under a bush after 260 of their friends were murdered at an outdoor party. He answered a call from a journalist that his son was hiding under fire and simply said, "Give me his location, and I will bring him back home." An hour later, the son called his father from Golan's car. Golan collected a small crew and went in and out of the war zone, rescuing dozens of people while exchanging fire with Hamas terrorists. He is 61, he could have stayed home, but he chose to risk his life for people he does not know. Golan is one of the strongest voices from the Israeli left and was constantly attacked by the right wing in Israel. But when the time came, he was first fighting the barbaric attack. The same brain wiring that supports peace, is often the same wiring that drives people to do the right thing. A true hero.


  1. David Macey former dade narcotics prosecutor makes PBS news.

  2. Israel is currently telling Palestinians in certain areas to leave those areas. Not to leave Gaza, which we know they can’t because nobody wants to risk letting them into their countries, not even their Muslim brethren, but to evacuate specific areas, that will be bombed, and go to other areas, that are still part of Gaza.
    Hamas is telling their people to stay, don’t evacuate. Hamas is not only telling them, they are blocking them from leaving.
    Do you get it now? The only worth that the people of Palestine have to Hamas is as human shields, as people to steal humanitarian aid from, and as dead bodies to use in their propaganda machine.
    The only way these people can have a life is if their oppressive terrorist leaders are eliminated. Israel is trying to do just that.
    Yet they still dance and hand out sweets over the dead bodies of Israelis, and want death to the Jews and death to America.
    Mentally deficient Americans are defending the monsters both online and in the streets.
    Anyone trying to excuse the inexcusable at this point is a supporter of terror and an enemy of peace.

  3. Israel claims "This is our 9/11" regarding the recent attack by Hamas.

    The American 9/11 was due in large part to Arab outrage over the Palestinian problem created by Israel, and the U.S. support of Israel in its crimes against humanity against the Palestinians.

    Now history is repeating itself. Once again America is supporting Israel in its war crimes against the Palestinians.

    America must stop supporting Israel immediately.

    Israel is not interested in resolving the Palestinian problem, but only in a wildly disproportionate response under the guise of self-defense, which is actually genocide.

    Fact: Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) are behind Netanyahu and the push for more West Bank settlements, and displacement of Palestinians. The Ultra-Orthodox have very large families and need the space. Ultra-Orthodox men do not work full time jobs, and they refuse to serve in the IDF, because they are scholars studying the Torah. How will this all end? In the long run, it seems possible that the ultra-Orthodox could bankrupt Israel.

    America must stop supporting Israel immediately. We, the U.S.A., must save ourselves. American must end its war against Islam.

    1. God you’re stupid and a literal parrot of hamas/Iranian propaganda. You’re not American. You’re pro-terrorist. You should go to gaza to be with your terrorist brothers.
      America won’t stop supporting Israel. There’s no war on Islam. The extremists want to put the whole world under Islamic extremism. It’s not genocide when your population GROWS. You can go fuck yourself.

  4. Once Palestinians leave northern areas, IDF is going to move in. The reason why Hamas doesn’t want them to evacuate is because everyone knows, once IDF gets in, settlements will follow, stealing more land from the Palestinians.

    1. Hamas doesn’t want them to evacuate because they want their dead bodies to film for propaganda.

  5. Sorry Rumpole, the Florida Governor, the Most Honorable Ronald Dion DeSantis, the NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (POTUS #47 RON: Never Back Down!), and a very important member of The Florida Bar (VIP-Fla-Bar), has declared a STATE OF EMERGENCY for Florida over Israel. This is WAR Rumpole! So knock off any criticism of the War Against Gaza, Hamas, and the Palestinians. They are all AMINALS! Animals have no rights! (sarcasm)

  6. RE: 7:47:00 PM

    Thank you. If I could ‘go fuck myself’, I might have saved a lot of money otherwise spent entertaining young ladies in my youth.

    Nonetheless, regarding the population question, please consider that Israel is a "settler-colonialist state" as claimed in this comment by Avigail Abarbanel to the story I cited, "Israel’s population time bomb" by Eric Kaufmann on UnHerd, May 21, 2021:
    "Avigail Abarbanel
    2 years ago
    Demographics???… This article is spreading misinformation, not to mention it is chilling in its lack of compassion.

    Israel is a settler-colonialist state. Settler-colonialism is by definition entitled, racist and ultimately genocidal, because it requires the elimination of the indigenous people to accomplish its goals (Patrick Wolf).

    Zionism has always intended to replace the non-Jewish indigenous people of Palestine with Jews in order to create an exclusively Jewish state. I come from Israel myself. It took some distance and perspective to wake up from the indoctrination and blindness I grew up with and realise the truth."

    Actually "settler-colonialist state" explains a lot. America is also a "settler-colonialist state" that required the elimination of the indigenous people to accomplish its goals (killing off the American Indians, and putting the remaining Indians on reservations). So in that sense, Israel and America share a common origination story (and the accompanying blindness to that fact).

    America had the additional task of what to do with its former slave population (four million Negros freed in 1863/1865). Even today the Great and Honorable Governor Ronald Dion DeSants is preaching about the benefits of being a slave in the Antebellum South.

    Ms. Abarbanel’s prophetic last words: "It took some distance and perspective to wake up from the indoctrination and blindness I grew up with and realise the truth." Apparently Ms. Abarbanel is now "woke".

    Our Governor is currently engaged in a "war on woke", and says "Florida is where woke goes to die".

    Looks like WWIII might be coming. Israel, America and Europe vs. the Arabs, Iran, China, and Russia. Personally I would prefer a peace deal.

    1. You can say “settler-colonialist state” 25 more times and it still won’t be the case. You can’t colonize a land your people come from. Arabs (just one of the many groups of colonizers) colonized the land and most of the Middle East in the 7th century. Arabs are from Arabia, not JUDEA. Arabs are not indigenous to Israel. Zionism is the belief in the right of the Jewish people to self determination in their ancestral homeland, where Jews have maintained a presence despite the many colonizers, including Arabs, over the centuries.
      If you believe in the rights of indigenous people around the world, but not the Jews in Israel, you are a hypocrite.
      Read some history.
      If you were this dense and ridiculous sounding in your youth, it’s not surprising at all that you had to pay for sex.

  7. "If you were this dense and ridiculous sounding in your youth, it’s not surprising at all that you had to pay for sex."

    Awesome. Smack down of the week.

    Of course, you're wrong. And your wrongheadedness is right there in your comment when you say "Arabs (just one of the many groups of colonizers) colonized the land and most of the Middle East in the 7th century."

    Brother, can't you see it? The Arabs have been there for 1400 years! And now the Jews want the land back as a Jewish state? That's never going to happen peacefully.

    As long as one group or the other wants any part of that land as theirs exclusively, the other will fight. The only solution is a single totally secular and pluralistic state. The two state solution is a pipe dream.

  8. RE: 2:27:00 PM

    "If you were this dense and ridiculous sounding in your youth, it’s not surprising at all that you had to pay for sex."

    No. Prior to the hookup generation, a gentlemen actually entertained a lady friend, it was part of the dating ritual. Dinner, a movie or show, and if it was going well, perhaps drinks at a piano bar or jazz club afterward. It required the gentlemen to have a wardrobe beyond a hoddie and flip flops.

    The problem is Zionism. "You can’t colonize a land your people come from." Really? I hear the Lenape Indians want Manhattan Island back. Never gonna happen.

    Zionism is a relatively new concept (1897). Israel declared independence from British Palestine on May 11, 1948. Before that Palestine was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. The British got it after WWI.

    @ 1:56:00 PM is correct: "The two state solution is a pipe dream." Especially now that the Ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredim) and Netanyahu pushed for more West Bank settlements, and displaced more Palestinians. Prior to these Jewish extremist, I thought reasonable Jews and Palestinians could coexist. Not now. Never.

    Evangelical Christians are to blame too, they see Zionist extremism as a fulfillment of biblical promises and prophecy. They all want a Holy War.

    The United States is the best friend the Jewish People ever had. America is the promised land for the Jewish People. Zionism is a threat to American.

    An attack on Israel is not an attack on the U.S. Disagree? Move to Israel. Join the IDF. Keep America out of this doomsday scenario. Stop this crazy war against Islam. Stop the genocide against our Palestinian brothers and sisters.

  9. The new Ken Burns film, the American buffalo, explains the American "settler-colonialist state" and the genocide of the American Indian. The portrayal of broken Indian treaties by the United States mirrors the conduct of Israel against the Palestinians. The U.S. and Israel simply take what they want.

    Noam Chomsky, in this eight year-old video, explains the threat to world peace by American and Israeli government policy.

    The New York Times explains the threat posed by American Evangelicals.

    The music video "Black Honey" by Thrice shows America’s thirst for Middle East oil (black honey) and our disregard for the rights of Arabs, a message preached to a young boy riding in a car by the adults in his life.

    I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees 'cause I...
    I want honey on my table
    I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees 'cause I...
    I want honey on my table

    But I never get it right
    No I never get it right

    I keep swinging my hand through a swarm of bees
    I can't understand why they're stinging me
    But I'll do what I want, I'll do what I please
    I'll do it again till I got what I need

    I'll rip and smash through the hornet's nest
    Don't they understand I deserve the best
    And I'll do what I want, I'll do what I please
    I'll do it again till I got what I need

    And this time I'll get it right
    Yeah this time I'll get it right
    It's gonna be this time I'll get it right
    Oh God let it be this time I get it right

    So I'm cutting that branch off the cherry tree
    I'm singing this will be my victory then I...
    I see them coming after me

    And they're following me across the sea
    And now they're stinging my friends and my family and I...
    I don't know why this is happening

    But I'll do what I want, I'll do what I please
    I'll do it again till I got what I need
