Thursday, October 06, 2022


 If you have a federal marijuana possession conviction, President Biden just pardoned you. 

More important news is that Biden directed that the Schedule One classification of marijuana (the same as LSD and Cocaine and Heroin) be re-examined. 

The re-scheduling of marijuana will allow it to be sold easier and for businesses who operate marijuana distribution and sales centers to put the proceeds of their business in a bank. Right now banks do not want to take proceeds from the sale of a schedule one narcotic. 

This has been long overdue. 

Biden also encouraged state governors to follow his lead and issue similar blanket pardons for state court convictions. Don't hold your breath Floridians. 


  1. I know that people rip the film, and marijuana is not the hardest drug around, but please, tell me how narcotics addiction has made anybody's life better? Drugs do tremendous harm to our society and their use should not be encouraged absent legitimate medical treatment.

  2. Weed is not a narcotic but any reasonable standard of comparison, but you basically concede this in your comment. Not really sure how ur comment relates, weed is not addictive. That said weed makes me creative and happy.

  3. I'm currently microdosing LSD and mushrooms and using ayahuasca and DMT. My life is immensely better. And I think my judicial rulings are too.

  4. 7:00:00 PM
    Tell me how incarcerating someone for drug possession has made anybody's life better

  5. Weed certainly is harmful and addictive, not necessarily like heroin or other drugs. But hey, live your life. I am for that. Just don’t be ignorant:

    1. What ever it is, I works. I'm a self made multi millionaire , I've been married since I can remember and my kids are dominating. I love weed. Not necessarily like heroine? Yes thats the understatement of the century.

  6. 7 here. Not saying lock people up. There is some ground between criminalizing and decriminalizing. Celebrating and pushing the health benefits of a powerful drug does not fall between the two. Smoke it if you want to, lace with meth if you like. But don’t pretend it doesn’t lead to bad shit for a ton of people.

    1. Lace it with meth? Now that's a powerful drug! I was just talking about smoking a little pot. You sound really complicated! Hating on weed while reading The NY Times !
