Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 This was on a weekday. We are worried about our civil colleagues. 

DOM Murder trial in Colorado. 

Want updates on USA v. Dr Lawrence Rudolph, the fascinating African Safari murder case DOM and his firm are defending in Colorado? So do we. Googling it just gets news stories two days old. There must be a twitter feed following it. 


  1. Rump, County Judges Conference in Orlando going on this week

  2. What’s the story with the scandal at the SAO over uninvestigated fraud cases?

  3. https://www.aol.com/news/hundreds-fraud-complaints-went-ignored-144400004.html

  4. Took 2 days to pick the jury. Openings start Wednesday morning.

  5. The State hasn't been able to get themselves together enough to prosecute all the insurance fraud that runs rampant in Miami because none of their prosecutors are interested in learning it because it's not sexy enough.

  6. Don't cry for the civil trial lawyers, the big boys. We are getting some great settlements despite the covid. Its great not to go downtown and waste a complete morning on a 5 minute hearing only to get a baby lawyer use to going to court.

  7. The State has never been eager or competent to prosecute fraud cases. If fraud cases ever go anywhere, it's with the Feds.

    When you submit fraud cases to the State attorney, they get thrown in the pile and then thrown in the storage warehouse without even a token closeout memo.

  8. https://www.pennlive.com/news/2022/07/wealthy-pittsburgh-area-dentist-confessed-to-wifes-safari-death-federal-prosecutor.html

  9. Where the heck was a Attorney to supervise the support staff. Did the SAO allow unlicensed practice of law by allowing non lawyers to make legal filling decisions . The Florida Bar should be alerted

  10. The paralegal should have been fired. But the SAO staff Supervisor was known for failing to supervise those under her watch. This was not the first time her employees under her allowed a detrmintal backlog to occur. Yet, she still is minimizing and deflecting to anyone who will listen to her false gossip, never taking accountability for anything as per usual. The SAO handled this appropriately and imo they are both lucky to still have jobs given the seriousness

  11. It sounds like there was a serious violation of Rule 4-5.3 over at the Miami SAO.

  12. Hey Rump. Slow day for me so I perused some old posts. A month or so ago, you had an interesting post on 1970's songs. You and your readers totally missed probably the greatest '70's broken hearted love story ever told. "Harry . . .keep the change." I rest my case.

  13. The State Attorney’s Office has an “Economic Crimes Unit.” Wow, this must be the most prestigious unit in a lean, taut, crimefighting organization. Lawyers in suits bringing down the dangerous fraud infecting banks, hotels, and construction firms. Teams of accounting professionals, bookkeepers and paralegals, pouring over fine print of financial statements, bringing fraud to light and keeping the free markets and engines of capitalism running smoothly. The hardest working group in a hard-working bastion of professionalism and competence.

    Nothing could be further from the truth. These are just a bunch of big government Republican bullies pounding on a bunch of poor people. Some poor lady in Overtown with four kids from five fathers fills out a form wrong and gets a year of food stamps she shouldn’t have. Ron DeSantis’ minions are quick to pounce. A broke lady with the PD as her lawyer now pleads to probation and her kids are malnourished while she pays restitution. A good night’s party and a dirty urine sends her back to jail, and HRS puts the kids with Grandma.

    Is it a tragedy that a couple thousand of these cases got dropped? No. The tragedy is that we live in the kind of society that won’t take care of the weakest of us. The wacky religion these evangelicals are forcing on us posits that poor people have offended God, who has made them poor as punishment. Therefore, it is OK for us to treat them as badly as we want to. “If they were good people they’d be rich,” says John Calvin, “they are poor, so they must be sinners.” That’s why the SAO set up a special unit to pound these hapless welfare cheats.

    Let’s not think that work in the “Economic Crimes Unit,” isn’t soul-deadening torture. These poor paralegals are devils in an outer circle of hell. When a day’s work is poking and stabbing poor unfortunates, you can’t really feel pride in your work. I’m glad these cases were lost, and hope they lose a lot more.

  14. Where was the economic crimes division chief while this was all happening? His/her lack of involvement does not excuse the support staff’s negligent behavior but it certainly raises additional questions?

  15. I have a client who paid a conman $80,000 for purchase of cell phones to export. The conman did not produce the phones and wrote my 2 checks totaling about $80,000. Of course the checks bounced. Ms. Toussaint, the "deputy chief" refused to prosecute saying the checks were "held" by my client. In fact they received the checks after the banks were closed and the checks were timely deposited early the following day. How is that "held"? The sad fact is that the economic crimes division does everything they can to delay and not take the appropriate action. My client was informed that the bad check division was 2 years behind in filing charges. I have never seen such incompetence in my over 4 decades of practice.

  16. Dear Friday, July 15, 2022 11:31:00 AM;

    Your client's perpetrator was not a poor person scraping by who snatched a government benefit he was not entitled to. As the fellow from Kissimmee pointed out, the name “Economic Crimes Unit” is practically Orwellian. Your mistake was in trying to get the truth out of the Ministry of Truth.

    Sorry 'bout your luck.

    Aggrieved Angryman
