Thursday, June 09, 2022


 Gregg Wenzel was an assistant public defender in Dade County. After 9/11 he joined the CIA and enlisted in the clandestine services, finishing first in his class. 

Gregg was killed in the line of duty in Africa while working for the CIA hunting Bin Laden. He became the 81st star on the CIA wall honoring agents who are killed in the line of duty. For many years the star for Gregg was anonymous until his identity was able to be revealed. In his honor a post office bears his name in his hometown. 

The latest edition of the Florida Bar New has a front-page story on Gregg  here. 

It would be nice if the PDs and the Judicial Administration got together and created a memorial in the courthouse to remember one of our own who was and always will be a true hero and patriot. 

If you have any other questions about Gregg and his life and service, reach out to Brian Tannebaum, who as a good friend has attended all the ceremonies for Gregg at CIA with Gregg's family, and has kept the memory of his friend alive. The FACDL gives out a Gregg Wenzel award chiefly because Brian lobbied to have the award named in his honor.  

Here is a prior post we did on the naming of the post office for Gregg. 

We live in a dangerous world. On D Day we remembered the sacrifice of those men 78 years ago. And while each and every solider in WWII was and is a hero, the need for heroes didn't end with their victory in WWII. Gregg Wenzel picked up the torch they passed and lost his life into the service of his country. He is every bit the hero of any of those men and he deserved to be remembered long beyond the time the rest of us pass from this earth. 


  1. Well said Rumpole. Thank you for this.

  2. Keep on remembering this hero

  3. This article is a great tribute to Gregg. I feel lucky I got to work with him years ago at the Miami-Dade PD office. Every year FACDL-Miami awards the Gregg Wenzel Outstanding Young Lawyer’s award in Gregg’s honor. He deserves even more recognition but the award is a fitting memoriam.

  4. This article is a great tribute to Gregg. I feel very lucky to have worked with him while he was at the Miami-Dade PD office. It’s worth noting that every year FACDL-Miami awards the Gregg Wenzel Outstanding Young Lawyer’s award in his honor. He deserves even more recognition but this award is a worthy memorial to Gregg.

  5. I had worked with Greg during his brief engagement with the Florida Bar office in Miami. To say the least, he was an extraordinary person in every respect.

  6. Thank you for these comments. They are are heartfelt.
