Tuesday, February 01, 2022


 Put away those masks and gloves. Time to go for coffee and a bagel because if you were planning on going to FDC  (Motto: "You wanna see who???") Tuesday morning, you now have some free time because there is a lockdown. No entry. Do not pass go and do not get one of those locker keys to store your phone and car key. 

FDC, that behemoth block of granite that houses the broken and downtrodden and depressed, is closed for legal visits. 

Here are some fun facts about FDC.......


That's right. There is nothing fun about FDC. 

Want to have some fun with them? Try bringing in a book. The next time you go, bring a copy of Catcher in The Rye or The Grapes of Wrath and see what they do. 

You can't bring in colored handkerchiefs, because they think it's a gang affiliation. 

The Government sends all discovery electronically. Want to bring in electronics to review it with your client? NO PROBLEM

Just get written permission from Justice Alito, the Pope, the attorney general, former attorney general Bill Barr, and some nameless, faceless bureaucrat that runs the FDC "legal department" whose voicemail has this outgoing message "Hi. Thanks for calling FDC legal. I am out for the 2011 July 4 weekend and will return on Tuesday and will get to your messages as soon as I can. You can message me on Compuserve if you need quicker assistance."

Yup, FDC- a full-service institution and a wonderful example of your tax dollars at work. 


  1. FSC = Fucking Disgraceful Claptrap

  2. I didn’t know the following Judges have passed away.

    Howie “The Mouse” Gross
    “Fast” Gerry Klein
    Herb Klein
    Ed Klein
    Francis Knuck
    Murray Meyerson

    These were some of the best Judges. Not Knuck. Those were the days that if a judge was your friend - you got whatever you needed to look good in front of your client.

    The days of “Meek” and “Mouse” and “Fast Gerry” are gone. Sad. They are hopefully all in heaven with Sy Gaer and Sharpie and Alex and … they are enjoying the mess that the 11th Circuit have become. IT USED TO BE FUN at the Justice Building.

  3. Your description of it is only worse if you have to live there until your trial as an innocently charged defendant.

  4. FDC=Fucking Disgraceful Claptrap

  5. Rumpole …

    Can you please give us your opinion on the METAVERSE?

    Buy Facebook? Nvidia? Real estate in the Metaverse? Crypto?

    Please Rumpole. You know this investment world.

    1. Rumpole knows the investment world ? Talk is cheap. Execution on an investment plan is another matter. I will give you one stick tip - go long - par.
