Monday, January 31, 2022

MIAMI BEACH WELCOMES TOURISTS (put away your phones and no videos)

 A little-known codicil to the Faber College constitution suspends the operation of the First Amendment in Miami Beach. 

The City of Miami Beach has criminalized the taking of videos of Miami Beach police officers beating arresting individuals. 

Query: How many City of Miami Beach police officers does it take to break a defendant's nose? 

None. He tripped and fell. Whoops. 😝

Several people have been arrested for taking videos in Miami Beach. All of their cases have been dismissed. Some took six months to dismiss. Some CMB police officers have been arrested for battery for beating individuals they encountered. 

From Ovalle's article: 

Since then, nearly every one of those cases has been quietly dropped. But in one of the few remaining cases, the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers asked a court to dismiss the case against an Ohio tourist, saying the ordinance unconstitutionally punished the right to free speech. Given the opportunity to defend the law in court, Miami Beach’s city prosecutor last week backed down — simply dropping the case.

Despite that exposure of police brutality which shocked everyone because of the peaceful nature of the City of Miami Beach Police officers (yeah, we couldn't write that with a straight face) the City of Miami Beach has their own thug prosecutor for their City Ordinance violations because the SAO won't prosecute their (warning- technical legal words to follow) ...         bullshit arrests. And the City has affirmed its intention to arrest individuals who record officers interacting with citizens. 

Let's repeat that. In 2022, if Chief Justice John Roberts is strolling down Ocean Drive and sees a few City of Miami Beach police officers beating the crap out of some tourists and decides to record it on his iPhone, he will be arrested. 

The FACDL has sprung into action, challenging the law and writing amicus motions and briefs (literally- "we cannot believe you are so stupid as to argue in support of this") and the Miami Herald covers the contretemps here. Enjoy. 

And remember, when you cross the causeway, don't cross the police by pressing "record". 


  1. Rump talking smack to the miami beach cops on twitter. Cool until they catch you and beat your ass

  2. You know what makes the MB Prosecutor a thug? Not the fact that he knows most of the cases are bullshit. He knows very well that all the indigent defendants that get rounded up by the "homeless outreach task force"--or whatever euphemism they came up with for the guys they have wrangling human beings like cattle--will not be able to afford even $100 bail and will sit in jail awaiting trial for 60 days on a M2 pre-pandemic. Has he even taken a SINGLE case to trial? Whatta tool. Meanwhile his salary is probably double the average ASA's.



    Chief Justice John Roberts would not get arrested for the actions you describe. On the other hand, Associate Justice Clarence Thomas would get arrested. According to the story, all 13 that were arrested under this ridiculous and unconstitutional ordinance, were in fact black.

    Cap Out .......

  4. Cap,

    Wow i just saw this story 2 min ago and you already figured it out as racism. I didn't even know the race of any of the defendants let alone each one.

    What is the race of the arresting officer or officers? Or is that irrelevant?

    Are these stand alone recording charges or add-on charges?

    If add on, what were they added on to?

    Why/what were these guys/gals filming?

    Have you concluded all the arrests are racism or just a few? Based on what?

    If the arrests are all/predominately males, can we add on a charge of gender discrimination too?

    Thanks trying to keep up.

  5. Keev. I thought it was pronounced Key-ev. (Kiev).

  6. I didn’t know the following Judges have passed away.

    Howie “The Mouse” Gross
    “Fast” Gerry Klein
    Herb Klein
    Ed Klein
    Francis Knuck
    Murray Meyerson

    These were some of the best Judges. Not Knuck. Those were the days that if a judge was your friend - you got whatever you needed to look good in front of your client.

    The days of “Meek” and “Mouse” and “Fast Gerry” are gone. Sad. They are hopefully all in heaven with Sy Gaer and Sharpie and Alex and … they are enjoying the mess that the 11th Circuit have become. IT USED TO BE FUN at the Justice Building.

  7. 9.51: Gross was a disbarred crook. The Kleins were mediocre but friendly. Knuck I don't recall; think he was in civil when I started, in criminal. Meyerson: hmmm, nothing really memorable. But none of the named, may they all rest in peace, was an outstanding judge.

    And as for "if a judge was your friend - you got whatever you needed to look good in front of your client" --- really? That is how you decide a judge is a good judge?

    In other news, what is the name of the MB prosecutor being described as a "thug"? Another term for him/her would be "person hired to do a difficult job, and caught between the taxpayers (who are sick of being harassed by panhandlers) and a group of lawyers who don't live in the affected neighborhoods."
