Friday, January 28, 2022


 Another edition of Friday Fun Facts: 

We have the "did you knows" about Justice Stephen Breyer. The kind of stuff you will not get on Mr. Markus's blog which concentrates on footnotes and committee history reports. 

Did'ja know that everyone's favourite  President James Earl Carter appointed Breyer to his first spot on the bench for the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit?

Did'ja know Justice Breyer has no relation to Breyer's ice cream? 

Did'ja know that Senator Edward Moore Kennedy had recommended to President Carter that Archibald Cox be nominated for the open spot on the First Circuit Court of Appeals? 

Did'ja know that Carter nominated Breyer on November 10, 1980,  days after being defeated by Ronald Wilson Reagan for the presidency? (more on this in a moment) 

Did'ja know that prior to being nominated to the US Court of Appeals, Breyer was chief counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee  (Motto: "Vetting Supreme Court Nominees since 1787 EXCEPT during presidential election years EXCEPT sometimes during presidential election years, depending on who is president"). 

Did'ja know that Breyer was confirmed for the first circuit, after being nominated after President Carter lost, 80-10. 

Did'ja know that Senator Kennedy's nominee- Archibald Cox, shot to fame as the solicitor general of the United States under John Kennedy, and then special prosecutor for the Watergate crimes.  Cox was then fired by Nixon in what was known as The Saturday Night Massacre (not to be confused with the Great Escalator Fire of 2022). 

Did'ja know that Breyer taught at Harvahard Law School, but not Mr. Markus. He specialized in administrative law. 

Did'ja know that President William Jefferson Clinton passed on nominating Breyer for the vacancy created by the retirement of Justice Byron Whizzer White- the only former member of the Pittsburgh Steelers to serve on the Supreme Court. Instead of Breyer, Clinton nominated the Notorious RBG. But when Justice Blackman retired, who to the best of our knowledge, never played in the NFL, Clinton pulled the trigger on Breyer so to speak. Breyer was confirmed by a vote of 87-9. 

Did'ja know Breyer has Second Place as the longest-serving junior justice of the Supreme Court? Breyer served in that capacity from August 3, 1994 to January 30, 2006 when Justice Alito replaced him as the judge who answers the phone, brews the KCup coffees and goes to the door when the court is in conference. Breyer fell short of claiming the top spot by a mere 29 days, which would have entitled him to a junior justice performance bonus of one million dollars had he nailed the record. 

And finally, Did'ja know that Breyer is a Francophile, who taught himself French, and like your faithful blogger, often read Le Monde at work. 


  1. Very edifying. Justice Breyer's predecessor, Harry Blackmun (correct spelling) was nominated by President Nixon, at the urging of his fellow Minnesotan, Warren Burger, but only after Nixon's first two nominees, Haynesworth and Carswell, failed to be confirmed. You are correct that Blackmun never played in the NFL, having been cut by the Jags for his tendency to (a) fumble, and (b) align himself with Brennan and Marshall in criminal procedure opinions.

  2. And Breyer is the answer to a trivia question circa 2080: who was the last white male justice to be nominated by a Democratic president?

  3. Rumpole I am organizing a Zoom survivors prayer vigil for the survivors of the great escalator fire of 20y22. Will you contribute?

  4. My understanding is that White never played for the Steelers. The Pittsburgh football team was called the Pirates when he played for them.

  5. Did’ja know that after Nixon fired Archibald Cox, the New York Daily News ran the headline “Nixon is a Cox Sacker”?
