Monday, December 20, 2021


 Because of the two C's- Covid and Christmas, Judge Wolfson has pulled the plug on jury trials in the REGJB for the last two weeks of the year, thwarting Rumpole's plans for a Christmas acquittal ala Team Markus and their victory last week. 

If you want to clog up your email inbox, then subscribe to the Media Advisories out of the SAO because just like this summer, prosecutors are catching covid quicker than they can file a DV case with no discernable injury.  You'll get twenty or so an hour, every hour, announcing that "Unfortunately" two or more unnamed employees have tested positive for covid because for some reason prosecutors do not believe in wearing masks. 

Omicron is going to be bad folks. Very bad. If you're not vaccinated and boosted and you get sick and need to go to a hospital, you will have a better chance of getting a prosecutor to go below a misdemeanor DV complaining witness's request for forty years in prison than getting into a hospital because not only are they going to be overwhelmed because of the sheer volume of people infected, but the breakthrough ability of the virus is going to hit the medical profession hard. And when doctors and nurses are sick, they cannot work. And if they cannot work, there is no one to intubate you. 

You're on your own maskless C prosecutors. And you heard it here first. 


  1. Has anyone seen a list of judicial rotations for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit 2022? I saw a DBR article mentioning Judge Fine moving to complex business litigation in circuit civil, but I haven't seen a full list anywhere.

  2. I'm not really sure why you insist on only blaming the SAO. I constantly get the PD emails as well, but hey the State is evil so let's just spread the narrative.

  3. Rump the sky is falling for close to 2 years now. Get over and get used to it. Covid is not going away anytime soon. Get your shots, put your mask on, put your big girl panties on and get to court.

  4. I thought they did away with mandatory rotations and that is why Ellen Sue is still in criminal long after she was completely burnt out.

  5. I wish all my cases were in Wolfson's courtroom.

  6. Rumpole, have you seen this sick prosecutorial "trophy" in the Colorado accident case where the trucker whose brakes failed ended up with 110 years worth of consecutive minimum mandatory sentences due to multiple charges of 1st degree assault filed by the Denver DA's Office? I think this deserves a post.

  7. Dear 2:03 AM;

    F that truck driving A$$hole! He deliberately drove past a runaway ramp.

    We build prisons to punish folks who murder other people. Rolling past the runaway ramp resulted in the needless death of four innocent people. 110 years is fine.

  8. There is no general rotation of judges this January. After judges reach the top 20% in seniority they can not be forced to rotate.
