Wednesday, December 22, 2021


 Good 12/22/2021 blog readers. We are already making plans for next year's post on 12/22/2022. You know how we love numbers.

Here are some random thoughts as we approach the end of the year. 

Have you parked at MIA recently and then tried to leave with the parking ticket? Every single credit card machine doesn't work. Try getting an attendant at 2 am to take your payment and let you out. For a world class tourist destination, this is a disgrace. 

The REGJB has been mostly shut down for close to two years. Do you think they can fix the damn escalators? 

We espied some cushions for benches in one courtroom. Is that going to be a "thing" now?

If we were President we would issue an executive order for vaccine passports. Want to fly, eat out, go watch the Dolphins? Get vaccinated and show proof. Don't like it? Impeach me. Lincoln unconstitutionally suspended habeas corpus to save the Union. We would just be saving the world.

Ditto if we were a (lord forbid) a Judge. Want to enter our courtroom? Wear a mask and show a vaccine card. Don't like it? File a JQC complaint.  We are not going to let some 20-something prosecutor who isn't wearing a mask and feels invincible because defense attorneys roll over every time they say "victim wants max" infect our staff. Grow up and put on a mask. Although since the latest count is over 30! ASAs down with covid, there soon  might not be anyone in court to yell at. 

The Dolphins have a great coach. Brian Flores should be kept around for a long time, ala Mike Tomlin. 

Culture is under assault when the American Public is only interested in seeing Marvel Comic movies. When we were in London before Covid (sigh) and walked out at the end of Hamlet, we eavesdropped on several teenagers hotly debating the staging of the play versus other versions they had seen. There is a better chance of us winning the lottery two weeks in a row than overhearing such a conversation in Miami.  For those of you in Miami, Hamlet is a play written by William Shakespeare. If you want to know more, email us. 

It is time to bring back federal air marshals and have them enforce mask mandates on flights. Flight attendants are not equipped to enforce the law against morons who are attacking them at alarming rates. 

NYPD just passed a rule requiring them to wear masks while on the job even if fully vaccinated and boosted. It took this long? Really? 

POTUS 45 got booed when he said he was boosted at a rally in Texas the other day.  Gotta love that. The old "do as I say, not as I do."  The problem for him is that all his supporters are going to die of Covid. And if you think that is hyperbole, new medical studies show higher rates of death in solid Republican areas of the country. Which just goes to show that nature is not political. 

And finally, we can do without those "Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays" emails. See our post for Thanksgiving. And yet some of the very people reading this blog cannot help themselves and are clogging all our inboxes with insipid holiday emails. Just stop it. 

Covid update: Omicron is not less severe in the illness it causes, if you are unvaccinated. It is spreading so fast it may burn itself out and we will still be left with Delta. 

We will be posting all week, so while you're home not trying cases, feel free to peruse the best blog around. 


  1. You became a fascist over covid fear. Fuck you.

  2. Imagine that: a self-described liberal, a civil rights championing baby boomer, turns into a totalitarian moralist the moment he imagines himself with unchecked power.

    Will wonders never cease.

    The only silver lining to Covid is that it may sideline the worst, most hypocritical generation America has ever known.

    "Youth, youth, youth!" they shouted from 1964-1985. Now they cage college kids in their dorm rooms and sentence 8 year olds to eat lunch on basketball courts 8 feet from each other, in order to protect the old.

    "Peace, peace, peace!" they shouted when they faced the draft. Then they invaded a dozen countries, droned weddings, families, and still saber-rattle now that it is other young men being sent overseas.

    Really and truly -- if omicron will wreck your infirmed baby boomer health, retire already and let healthy young lawyers get the job done.

  3. Federal air marshals are still working on planes. One of them got hit by a drunk passenger recently.

  4. Listen to me you arrant morons. THIS IS A PANDEMIC WE HAVE A TOOL TO FIGHT IT IF EVERYONE IS VACCINATED IT WILL DIE OUT The reason we have Omicron and variants is that the virus finds hosts that are unvaccinated. YOU DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO INFECT ME. PERIOD. THEREFORE I HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORCE YOU TO BE VACCINATED. I write this as an unrepentant objectivist. For the same reasons you do not have the right to smoke indoors because it affects my health. Or shoot guns in a crowd for fun. Want to smoke and eat Mcdonalds and die of heart disease? Fine. But if you do not have insurance, dont ask me to pay your hospital bill. Want to die of covid? I'd say sure, but unless you live in Antartica, when you do not get vaccinated you affect MY WELL BEING AND YOU HAVE ZERO RIGHT TO DO THAT. ITS THE SAME REASON YOU CANNOT RELEASE TOXIC CHEMICALS INTO THE AIR ON YOUR PRIVATE PROPERTY. IT AFFECTS ME.

    I do not expect you to understand. Nor will I attend your funeral after they intubate you because you run to the hospital because you didn't get a vaccine and now you cannot breath. But I will say good riddance.

    1. I have covid and I am double vaccinated. I had a bad cough. My son has covid too and he was vaccinated and before that he had covid. The vaccines do not prevent getting covid as far as I'm concerned. Now u say the vaccine is something else. It blunts covid. For real I can't imagine I would be sicker without the vaccine but whatever.

    2. Omicron 80 percent less likely to lead to hospitalization then delta variant. Dude ur really going all in here. Are you still out of the market? What's the play here? This thing is already priced in. Look at the way the market moves. As it moves the virus moves inversely.

  5. This is ridiculous. Again. With Omicron even vaccinated people are a potential vector of infection. If as seems apparent so far vaccination reduces the risk of serious illness then that is good. Get vaccinated, boosted, whatever. But then get on with life because this will be with us forever. Technically even the vaccinated are now a "threat" to other vaccinated individuals. I am though with the fear and and above all the illogical stupidity of covid theatre and "passports," "mandates." etc.

  6. Rumpole, you're 100% correct. These knuckleheads call a law that requires everybody to pay for their own health insurance socialism and then get sick, go to Jackson and force the taxpayers to pay for their treatment. I wonder if that is what they refer to as capitalism?

  7. I'm vaccinated and boosted. Still wear a mask and try to stay 6 feet away from people. I'm doing my part. Sucks, but I do it.

    The unvaccinated have had a year. They just dont care. So I dont care. I care about the unvaccinated about as much as I care about guys who ride motorcycles without helmets and then splatter thier brains on the sidewalk when they crash. Or a guy that gets drunk and drives into a tree and kills himself.

    Over it already.
