Monday, February 08, 2021


 A new week brings many expected events as we enter the second month of the second year of Covid-19. 2-2-cv19, which for all the world looks like the start of a federal civil case number, will become our new way of measuring time. 

The senate starts the second  Impeachment  of Former President 45 (FP45) on Tuesday. Between Sunday and Monday FP45 surprisingly did NOT change legal counsel, but Monday is a new day. 

Could there be any better hire for FP45 to make then the new hot name in defense? Mr. Markus? One of the best, but no longer new. Roy Black? Even less new. And neither of those two esteemed counsel could do what the nation saw on Sunday night- stop Patrick Mahomes, the new Best QB in the NFL (BQNFL).  Until the Super Bowl, the BQNFL had NEVER gone a professional game without throwing a TD pass. He had NEVER lost by double digit amounts before Sunday night. His numbers, were we dare say, Rumpole-like. 

Enter Tampa Bay defensive coordinate Todd Bowles who figured out a way to stop the vaunted Kansas City Offense. Their stars were silent. There is a missing wide-receivers report for NFL star Tyreek Hill. He was last seen Sunday afternoon warming up in Tampa Bay. 

Could there be a better pick for the defense team of FP45 then Todd Bowles? Maybe he can shut down Chuck Schumer et al., the way he shut down Patrick Mahomes.

On the virus front, the new variants may well be the back wall of the hurricane as this CNN report speculates.   We are now in a race- get a majority of the US public vaccinated before the variants can take hold in this country and spread like wildfire. Of course in this race we are starting one year behind, the one year being the time FP45 fiddled while the virus burned. Remember how FP45 and his minions including Florida Senator  (R-sniveling wimp) confidently predicted the virus would disappear the day after the election? As Dr. Fauci keeps chanting, a virus cannot mutate if it cannot replicate. A virus cannot replicate if it cannot find a host. Thus the need to jet jabbed. 

Judge Sayfie is soon to take the reins as the CJ of the Miami-Dade County system. Her first hard call will be when to open up the courts for trials. She knows our feelings. We will give her a few days to get settled into her new digs before we start beating the drums on no jury trials until most of us are vaccinated and the Florida new infection numbers drop into the double digits. 

Meanwhile, how many days until pitchers and catchers report? It was a great NFL season. In many ways it helped save 2020 for a lot of us. Congrats to Tom Brady, who may well be the figure we have disparaged more on this blog than Judges. He is great. He proved it last night. OK? We said it.  Now lets hope the Dolphins trade Tua for Watson. 

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