Monday, September 28, 2020


 We try and steer clear of religion and politics, but we note that starting Sunday night the Jewish High Holiday of Yom Kippur began. It is a time of introspection and reflection in which those who follow the faith neither eat, nor drink, nor wash. Courts will be, to use a Yiddish word, Cerrado/cerrada. 

We feel close to our readers. There is no need for the formal Usted when cuando hablamos Espanol.  We think we can use the familiar Tu. No reason not to. There is a give and take among the readers and we post almost all the comments we receive and while families may disagree and fight from time to time, no need to be formal. Tu it is. 

It occurs to us that if ever there was a time to use the formal usted it would have been by Julius Caesar. If ever there was a time when tu was NOT appropriate, one would believe it was when Brutus took part in the plot to murder Caesar. "Et usted Brutus!" just sounds more appropriate  for the occasion then "et Tu Brutus." 

As the Captain reported, Florida moved to phase Three. Hurray! The virus is gone. No need to wear mask. Go jam into restaurants and crowded areas and don't wear no stupid commie mask and if, by chance you get sick, tell the doc it cannot be Covid 19 because Florida's know-all Governor declared Phase Three. 

Stay safe. And repent. 


  1. Rumpole: Now that you are thinking about the possibility that you are subject to error or some other human frailty, let me suggest a way that may lighten your burden during next year's Yom Kippur.
    Your ideas are not radical. They are well thought out and generally follow a certain philosophy. That is not bad. It shows a consistent intelligence. What is not good is the complete intolerance you have for anyone who disagrees with you and the fact that you allow people of questionable motives to trash the reputation of a young woman who has not yet taken the bench. People with opposing views may be correct or incorrect. A logical presentation of your ideas is a more effective than calling them Mr. Hanky.
    It may be that your bench of faithful devotees who thinks everything that you say is brilliant, like your approach to things, but why not just express your views without denigrating your opponent's brains or position. I think that all of us have learned that female judges do not appreciate testosterone spraying in the courtroom, so let's practice on the blog. By way of example, here is your last paragraph of today's blog:

    "As the Captain reported, Florida moved to phase Three. Hurray! The virus is gone. No need to wear mask. Go jam into restaurants and crowded areas and don't wear no stupid commie mask and if, by chance you get sick, tell the doc it cannot be Covid 19 because Florida's know-all Governor declared Phase Three.

    How about this:

    As the Captain reported, Florida moved to phase Three. For some, apparently, they think that the virus is gone, that they can throw away their masks, jam into restaurants and crowded areas, and if they get sick, tell the doctor that the Governor made them do it by moving to Phase 3. That explanation will not save their lives or the people around them that they may infect. All of us should be careful for ourselves and for others, as I have repeatedly urged.

  2. The most dogmatic about covid are always the most hypocritical. My bet is Mr. Rumpy has been to bars, restaurants, etc., while he delivers his lectures to us little people.

  3. I appreciate the thoughtful comments 8:16. As to the young woman who has not taken the bench I cannot and will not be silent. She is a fraud. She has limited intelligence. she has no ethics as can be seen by the multiple lawsuits filed accusing her and her firm of using runners to solicit accident victims. We now have someone who as a circuit judge could sentence my client to death and she has never tried a case and as of yet I have yet to see ONE DEPO she took. If I was really going to go after her I would have posted her latest mess of trying to sneak in a lien on a file by not noticing the pro se client- it was granted and then by all accounts the judge who did it either read my posts or a colleague told her because sua sponte the judge went back and reviewed the file and sua sponte reversed the order.

    So if you want to go there about Aponte be prepared to discuss why winning an election gives someone a pass at all of their ethical and probably illegal acts prior to winning a name game in Miami. I am happy to have that discussion and if it turns out she has tried a dozen cases and taken hundreds of depos and written scholarly articles and the who use of runners is wrong and she had nothing to do with that then I promise you the biggest apology to her you have ever seen. So lets start with this- ONE DEPO. JUST ONE. ONE CASE WHERE SHE TOOK A DEPO - give me the case number and then we can move on.

  4. Rosy the idiot simply will not take down her campaign signs.

    There appears to be no law that applies to her. Kinda like Trump.

  5. Your obsession with the women is pathetic.

  6. Rumpole speaks truth to power. Or in this case, truth to incompetence.

  7. Well I wouldn't call it obsession. I have asked questions and reported about her. Her defenders accuse me of what you have written- but no one will refute that she was unethical, solicited cases, and is not competent to be a circuit judge. Since I care about the judiciary, I am very concerned with someone of her deficits having the ability to make any decision that affects the people of Dade County, including my clients. How would you like someone like this deciding if your parental rights should be severed? It's frightening.

  8. Remember, one second after being sworn in, Rosy becomes the prime target of the JQC who will then have jurisdiction over her bar violations in the past. It won't take long to fire her.

  9. Because you're anonymous I don't know whether your criticisms should be taken seriously.

  10. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteMonday, September 28, 2020 2:15:00 PM

    Today is a Jewis holday and being a minorety I myself am it is very important we recognize all minoretys and celebrate they're holidays and I hope all the Hebrewish people today have a big turkey and party and feast as they pray and celbrate their special day.

  11. Why does Klock try and fight? He keeps getting publicly owned.

  12. OMG I cannot stop laughing. This needs to be a series (or as she would say "a serious" ) on Netflix or something. "Rosy A Judge Elect".
    I'm seeing J Lo for Rosy. Or Maria Conchita Alonso.
    John Goodman as Klock. Sharon Stone as Tunis. And the voice of Rumpole is ....George Clooney if James Earl Jones is unavailable.

  13. I can see the scripts. Always trying hard. Always inappropriate. Food on Yom Kippur. Wearing a white hood while marching with black lives matter.
    Using inappropriate language (again) with Save Dade like she did with the colored comment to Wilkie Ferguson.
    Bad jokes on the bench like "what do a 100 women who are battered have in common? They won't f'ing listen!!!"
    Stuff like that.
    We can sell this and make a mint.

  14. Fake Judge Elekt Rosy AponteMonday, September 28, 2020 2:48:00 PM


    Please inform your loyal readers that there are two competing Fake Rosy Apontes. I am the Fake Elekt Rosy Aponte. I use spell elect with a "K" and I always sign her fake orders with Rosy "your colored judge" Aponte.

    I feel that we are being lumped into one Fake Rosy Aponte, just like the David Markus and David O. Markus. As the president would say, "this is a disgrace."

    (writing under my pen name Fake Elekt Rosy Aponte

    P.S.- I'm always paranoid that my posts will accidentally appear under my gmail account. If you see that happen, can you please delete it?

  15. Fake Judge Elect Rosy AponteMonday, September 28, 2020 2:52:00 PM

    F You idiot. I am the real Fake Judge Elect Rosy Aponte. I did it first. I do it better.

    (this is like the former judge/real fake former judge feud on this blog).

    You're a cheap imposter. Go after Mirabell. I hear he has real problems as well. A JQC complaint may also derail him from taking the bench.

  16. I ain't getting involved in this mess.

  17. Why doesn't 2:17 identify himself or herself? I will be happy to sit down and discuss with them why what is being done with Ms. Aponte is wrong. Joe Klock

  18. I totally agree with you Joe. It's so wrong and not the least bit amusing. This is worse than middle school.

  19. The reason is simple Joe. 2:17 is a gutless punk.
