Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Carl is getting better after a scare. We have been told he will send a diary entry later today or tomorrow. 

Headlines today: Tokyo Summer Olympics CANCELED. Hialeah may be in the running yet.

CVS will shortly be opening drive through testing in the US- not necessarily South Florida. 

POTUS orders reopening....of Italy. He's had enough and wants the Italians back to work serving Americans Pizza, Cannolis, and Gelato. Staff afraid to tell him he doesn't have the authority to order Italy open.  

Market rallies Tuesday on news a bailout package is near. Don't buy the rally. We do think we have seen a partial bottom but watch late Tuesday and see if there is a sell off and watch the opening Wednesday. If the market opens up Wednesday then you could call this a potential bottom. But remember our warning- this market is being virus driven. Nothing else is driving the market. Not fundamentals, Not earnings. Nothing but virus numbers and the numbers are going to get worse before they get better.

South Florida Numbers stable? Here is something interesting: we are no longer hearing anecdotal incidents of people testing positive like we did a week ago. And yet we have more tests available in South Florida. Two reasons we have heard may be the cause of this: One- a few readers have made the persuasive case that the heat of South Florida will lessen transmission rates. Could be true. A different set of readers are writing to tell us that we have been infected here in South Florida since late fall and already have an immunity. Personally, we had a pretty bad flu in December, so that is possible. In either event, the positive tests do not seem to be exponentially increasing in Florida as they are in New York.


  1. Shumie distancing works. want to clear out a park bench quicker than coughing? Light up a big stogie

  2. My sister and her husband got it in Jupiter. They were both really sick last Sunday and went to the hospital. Were told they didn’t have available tests and to go home. He is a vet and went to the VA for a test. Didn’t get results until 8 days later!! Both say it’s been hell both finally getting some treatment. Just goes to show you that the numbers don’t reflect reality down here.

  3. Rump:

    On your comment re anecdotal reports, I am experiencing the opposite. Yesterday I learned of the first two cases (5 cases actually, 3 in one household and 2 in another) in my personal circle. Both families started experiencing symptoms over the weekend. And both families saw the symptoms in their children first. The thinking is that the schools were silently circulating it the week before the closure and that the incubation period is now turning into the active symptoms phase.

    Moreover, there seems to be stigma associated with telling people, which is why both households started experiencing symptoms over the weekend, but didn't tell friends and family until a couple of days later.

    And spread among families with kids is frightening for grandparents. Both families mentioned above reported similar patterns of behavior. They both believed that they were practicing responsible social distancing by limiting gatherings to 10 people. But both families spent time with grandparents (people in this case in their 60s who are otherwise healthy and vibrant) after schools closed and before symptoms appeared. Those grandparents are now exposed and in the potential incubation period.

    It seems to me that the SFL numbers are only heating up. Moreover, almost every physician I know, and I know enough of them, is reporting the same thing: the hospitals they work at are continuing to turn away patients that are likely COVID positive every day without testing when they believe the patients are relatively young and otherwise healthy. That does not speak well for reliable numbers or flattening the curve.

    I hope you're right about the warm weather and the flattening of S.Fla's curve. But I am not seeing it in my circle of friends, family, and contacts.

  4. omg took the words right out of my mouth.

  5. OK I have a different issue. What happened to corona 1-18? We never heard of those.
    Also why is it Novel? Did it write a fucking book or something?
    Do you see these people on the causeways of Key Biscayne frolicking like it's 1999?
    Also why close down parks? You are forcing more people into smaller spaces.

    The virus doesn't cause diarrhea. YOU DON'T NEED 100 ROLLS OF TOILET PAPER

    When are we opening impeachment proceedings for the State Attorney- or as she should be known "Kathy Business as Usual Rundle Fernandez Oreilly". Ditto Judge Bertie Keep those courts open Soto.

    Note to everyone- CV19 doesn't reside on food. Order in as much you want. Munch out. Chow down.

    Judge Cohn kept a trial going? IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH

    Sergios is open, bless them. Beefsteak Empanizado baby.

    Where is Sam SLom when we need him?

    You lost money in the stock market capitalist pig? I ain't crying.

    Communism doesn't work? Fact- US capitalistic health care system was running on efficiency models with as many beds available for daily average use considering emergencies like heart attacks, appendectomies. Thus when a crisis hit, the hospitals were already full. Same principle as to why almost all flights are full. Market efficiency. Now we need to flood a full health care system with a few million new patients and we won't be able to do it.

    China has a government health care system. Efficiency not a requirement. When the virus struck the health care system had more capacity and was able to add more quickly. Less of a death rate in China than Italy and it will be same China versus Rumpole's beloved England.

    Lesson: Communism works during a crisis.
    Mao Baby- Mao.
