Monday, March 16, 2020


ATTENTION EVEYONE: Our community will be affected by hourly workers in travel,  foodservice and  hospitality  losing their jobs. Other workers will need help with childcare. If you can recommend a good charity we will promote it. HR

Monday Afternoon Update: 
First, here is a well respected lawyer's view on how our community leaders have handled this. We have been hard on Judges Soto and Sayfie- here is another view:

1- Carlos Martinez shines in moments like this.
2- This is unprecedented, unlike a hurricane which has a beginning and an end, this is amorphous with undefined edges.
3- Judge Soto and Sayfie and all others involved have been working 2/4/7 on this issue. This is not a dingy but a massive battleship that does not turn on a dime. We're the 4th largest criminal justice system in the nation. They have done a great job under impossible never before seen circumstances.

as with trials, criticizing is easy, doing is hard.

- Carmen M. Vizcaino

Second: Court was rocky Monday morning. People wandered in and out of the building, not knowing if they had to be in court or not. All cases were reset and tomorrow will be better. There is a Judge's meeting at 2PM today and one of the goals will be to rotate Judges and staff on a weekly basis. 

The summer heat is coming to South Florida. Virus transmission will flatten out if our Judges and community leaders can encourage citizens to stay apart. 

Monday Morning Update (Rumpole):  FDC and the BOP are organizations not used to the harsh light of day. They do not like people looking too closely at how they operate. Like bugs on your kitchen counter when you turn on the lights at night, they scurry to the dark cracks and crevices to hide until the lights go off and no one is looking. Thus the news Monday morning that THE RUMOR IS THAT FDC IS CLOSING FOR A MONTH. We repeat this is just a rumor. But we wouldn't plan our day around a visit. Plus, because they are so angry at the attention, when they do open, every lawyer will only be given lockers on the bottom row for the foreseeable future. 

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sunday recommended that no gatherings with 50 people or more take place for the next eight weeks to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus.
Your State Attorney Neville Chamberlin is no longer saying "Business as usual". 


As the BLOG's official writer on all things election related, one has to question why Florida Governor DeSantis has not postponed Tuesday's Florida Primary until a later date. By contrast, Louisiana, a much smaller state, with less positive reports of coronavirus, has moved their State's Presidential Primary from April 4 to June 20. Wyoming has also postponed their primary also scheduled for April 4th. (There are 9.75* million registered voters in Florida compared to 2.2 million in Louisiana). *(That number only factors in Democrats and Republicans as Independents cannot vote in a Presidential Primary.  There are an overall total of 13.5 million registered voters in Florida).
In 2016, more than 4 million Floridians voted in the Presidential Primary where Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump swept the state with overwhelming wins; (a percentage of those votes did take place by absentee ballot of course).
Why is DeSantis going to require millions of Floridians to stand in line with each other, certainly in closed indoor spaces, within six feet of each other, certainly where 50 or more people will be congregating, and touch voting equipment that thousands of voters will touch over the course of the voting day?!
The Centers for Disease Control recently issued guidance targeted to election officials that urges states and counties to encourage mail-in voting and early voting as much as possible, in an effort to "minimize direct contact with other people and reduce crowd size at polling stations." The CDC also urged poll workers to routinely clean and disinfect polling stations, "limit nonessential visitors" and encourage as much social distancing as possible.
Many Republicans will likely stay home from the polls in Florida as there is really no contest on the Republican side of the ballot. But, Dem voters will choose between Biden and Sanders (many others still appear on the ballot) so Democratic turnout would presumably be much higher.
In the 2016 general election, more than 2.7 million registered voters, some 28.7 percent of the 9.6 million Floridians who turned out to vote, cast their ballot by mail, up from the nearly 2.4 million registrants (or 27.8 percent of the electorate) who voted VBM in 2012. Four years earlier, in the 2008 general election, more than 1.8 million Florida voters, or 22.2 percent of the electorate, cast a VBM ballot prior to Election Day.
That still leaves as many as 3 million voters who could be showing up to the polls on Tuesday based on those percentages.
Question, Governor: Are you hoping that Dem voters all get infected, so that their turnout in November for the general election is lower because some of them will eventually die (3.5% based on current numbers)? I ask that question tongue in check, but one has to wonder why DeSantis has not exercised his power as Governor and moved the date of the Primary?
Quoting our esteemed leader, President Donald J Trump - "I am officially declaring a National Emergency - two very big words" ‘National Emergency’. Governor DeSantis - this is a State Emergency (which you already declared by Executive Order 20-52 on March 9, 2020). Move the date and direct all SOEs in each County to mail out paper absentee ballots to every voter that has not already requested one previously and/or voted in early voting. (Washington State conducts 100% of their voting by VBM).

Governor, this is NOT rocket science. LEAD.


  1. Now, all depos in SAO or PD are cancelled.

  2. Because primarily Democrats are voting and he would love for a few hundred elderly go get sick so they can't vote against Trump in November. That is why.

  3. I was in court this morning; things are pretty normal, civilians allowed in and clerks office was open. Everybody was acting normal. It was refreshing to be there, practicing law and helping someone. While this is hardly conclusive, 90% social distancing was possible I was sooo happy to be somebody’s advocate

  4. I was also in Court this morning-Judge's wanted to get through their calendar's as quickly as possible but at the same time they were also granting pre-trial release motions on inmates that they normally would not consider releasing which was refreshing.

  5. I don't understand how you are still spreading unsubstantiated theories about the virus dissipating during the summer. It is incredibly irresponsible, and I'm frankly having difficulty understanding why you continue to do this.

    The study you cited previously, is far from definitive. The study itself states:

    “Although the current correlations with latitude and temperature seem strong, a direct causation has not been proven and predictions in the near-term are speculative and have to be considered with extreme caution."

    I would again urge you stop spreading misinformation. It completely undermines your credibility.

  6. Because I am smarter than most people and I have conducted a detailed study and I know I am correct. But since I am the foremost proponent of shutting down systems and social distancing I am not doing anything irresponsible. I am giving south Floridians hope that we are not going to be hit here as hard as other parts of the nation and the world. Look at transmission rates in Colombia and South Africa as examples of lower community transmissions rates.
    It is less certain that the same analysis applies to more Northern Communities like Canada and Russia although some models suggest a temperate band of between 0 (c)- 25(c) and 40-60% humidity. NYC, Boston, Chicago, Dallas. Lets see what transmission rates in Arizona are. That will tell the tale.
