Wednesday, February 05, 2020


This is not a call to Arms but a call to Eyes. Specifically to save our eyes. We as lawyers do a lot of reading and writing. Judges, about whom we normally do not worry much, get a lot of motions. Some judges even read them. As we advance electronically, saving paper becomes less of an issue. Saving our eyes should become more of an issue.

In order to prove our point, this entire post is in the smaller text except for this sentence. 

Therefore, be it resolved...

That electronic filing is now required in both state and federal courts.
That Judges and lawyers read many documents in electronic format.
That the increase in font size from 12 to 14 results in much less stress on the eyes and makes reading all documents easier if not more enjoyable.
That whatever committee handles such matters  (Chairman: I now gavel to order the Florida  Standing Subcommittee on Fonts. The Chair recognizes the representative from Rainbow Springs, Florida...) should hold hearing if not readings.
That Florida should adopt a uniform requirement that all documents be in Times New Roman size 14 font.
That such an action is endorsed by the National Association of Optometrists.
That upon adopting size 14 Font as the uniform standard, the rules regarding lengths of briefs in state and federal courts and the length of motions in federal court (there is a local rule limiting the size of a motion to 20 pages- you didn't know that, did you? But we did) the length limits for documents should be adjusted to account for the larger font.



  1. Your 14 point pitch proposition is well taken. But, Times New Roman is crap.

    All the cool kids use Bookman Old Style. The 1924 textbook Introduction to Advertising describes Bookman as "simple, masculine and leaves the impression of reliability without heaviness."

    Get with the program, 14 is great, but, put it in Bookman Old Style.

  2. For briefs this is already the rule. Federal Rule of Appellate Procedure 32 and Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.210.

  3. (Squinting) makes sense to me.

  4. Even better than the State of the Union is the State of the Shumie traditionally given at the end of the SOU.
    The State of the Shumie is SOUND!
    Cigar store revenue YOY is up a healthy 16% while quarterly revenue seeing the additions of the shumie-cigar-streaming service is up a robust 43% QOQ!. The Ren write off taken in Q1 2019 is off the books, and ancillary store sales, including soda, chips, humidors, lighters, snips, and such is up 11% YOY. The effects of Caribbean storms on the DR and Puerto Rico have contributed to a 4% across the board increase which customers have fully absorbed without any appreciable loss of demand.
    In summary, the State of the Shumie is grand!

  5. There is one font, and only one font, and that font is Times New Roman 12. All other fonts "say something." And the only thing on the paper that should be saying something is your words. Its like only wearing white shirts when going to court. Simple rule. It works. Don't f**k with it.

  6. Font 12 doesn't work. too small.
    14 is the answer

  7. What about using Wingdings for special filings in Hialeah? That works for me.

  8. President Pete
    Isn't that neat
    Won in Iowa
    Going to do far aya
    Off to New Hamp
    and then the south
    President Pete makes Trump shut his big fat mouth

    President Pete
    is on his way
    helping us every day
    Better health care
    and saving the planet
    Vote for him
    even if your name is Janet

    President Pete
    The primary champ
    the winner who's won
    and it's trump who is done

    President Pete
    vote for him now
    mark your ballot
    don't have a cow

    President Pete
    he cannot be beat

    He beat Biden and Bernie and Warren and Yang
    Now you know whose bell he rang

    President Pete is the candidate for me
    A president great
    that's what he'll be.

  9. Right, cause being the mayor of a tiny bum fuck town in Indiana qualifies him. I have had enough of these fucktards with no experience (like Trump) thinking they should be president. Next AOC will be running. There are plenty of qualified left wing wackos who have experience, who I would support. All that being said, if my postman ran for the job, I would vote for him over Trump. So...go Pete?!...I guess.

  10. I thought that lawyers specialized in reading the fine print? Why else do they get the big bucks?

  11. But, does a gay man have the tools in which to manage the office of the Presidency? I think not.

  12. Yes, I am sure we have already had such a president. Btw....why does that matter at all...the guy could pick up a rifle and fight for the USA, that seems to be good enough for me. He just needs to do more than manage a tiny shitty town to be prepared to do a good job.

  13. Don't fall for it folks. 6:31 is just trolling. Don't feed the trolls.

  14. Pete is smart, thinks before he speaks, and isn't afraid to ask for help. He is the antithesis of DT in age and approach. The only drawback is his lack of experience in pulling the strings of power in DC, the same affliction suffered by Barak Obama and DT their first two years in office. A united Democratic party around a centrist candidate without the baggage of 40 years in DC will defeat DT. I believe he will choose a black or latino woman to join the ticket and this current national nightmare will end.

  15. Obama's tool is much larger than any tool Pete may have.

  16. Pete's not going to choose because he's not going to be the nominee. Sanders will be the nominee and DJT will easily win reelection. We own you.

  17. Rump

    Were you at the federal judicial suckfest last night?

  18. Times New Roman’stypeface is hard to read. Lawyers who use it are saying, "this is crap, don't read it." Don't be that lawyer.

  19. Hey Runpole ...

    Do you have an opinion for us on Facebook stock?

    What about SPCE Virgin Galactica? I have a good feeling about it. $18 a share. They have 600 people paying $250k each to ride into space this year!
