Tuesday, January 21, 2020


We all know that Federal Court is no haven for cell phones. For many years no one could bring a phone into a federal courthouse. Now lawyers can, only after US Marshalls carefully scrutinize a Bar Card and narrow their eyes before grudgingly giving approval for the lawyer and her phone to enter the sacred grounds. One wonders what the Federal Judges are afraid of?  The President can tweet from the Situation Room at the White House, but a juror cannot Snapchat her experiences in a US District Court. So be it. Federal Judges are by their nature a bit....off? Mashugana? Something like that. 

So answer us this- with all the hostility against cell phones, why are the hallways of Federal Courts populated with....Cell Phone Chargers???
Maybe we have read them wrong. Maybe federal judges do have a sense of humor? 

CBS News reported this: 

Washington — "House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, one of seven impeachment managers who will present the chamber's case against President Trump in the Senate trial, called a response to the two articles of impeachment from the president's legal team errant nonsense."
This is why Rumpole needs to be involved in the impeachment process. If for no other reason than the protect the English language. Long time and careful readers of the Blog know that utter and complete nonsense is "Arrant nonsense" not whatever came out of Chairman Nadler's pie hole. 
Errant means to stray from a proper course. So it is etymologically errant to use errant as an adjective modifying the noun nonsense. Arrant works. Errant is an error.
Whew! Being a guardian of the English language in these errant times is challenging. 


  1. To be clear, Harry and Meghan will RETAIN their HRH titles, they just cannot USE them until they rejoin the firm.
    Also, pursuant to the Privy Counsel ruling of 1960, their last name will be Mountbatten-Windsor.
    Hope that clears things up.

  2. OMG what a dope.
    They are out. They left the family and the Royal household.
    It's like the mafia when you're in it's hard to leave and when you're out there is no getting back in.
    You cannot have something you cannot use. Simple physics (Schrodinger and his cat not withstanding).
    They gave it up. Forfeited their right and title and all privileges and immunities.
    You're just a dopey apologist for Meghexit.
