Sunday, August 25, 2019


It's that time of year again. The sky gets a deep blue. Cones-of-death appear on channel seven. Home depot sells enough wood to negatively affect the Amazon (which is burning out of control, and which Republican Preachers who run the EPA and various government science offices tell us is completely normal and prayer will quench the devil's fires. It has NOTHING to do with global warming. It's a Smokey-the-Bear- "Only you can prevent Amazon fires" moment) and hope springs eternal with Dolphin Quarterbacks named Ira or Ernie. 

FOOTBALL SURVIVOR POOL. ( (c) Justice Building Blog 2019 all rights reserved). 

To play: Send an email to (yes a new email address for the football pool) and write in the body of the email: 
1) who you want as chief Judge; OR 2) Cueto's order- yea or nay; OR 3) (for you robed readers who cannot opine in public on issues 1 or 2) Dolphins over/under five wins for the year. 
That's it! You're in. Then every Sunday before the 1pm Kickoff send in your pick. Pick one team every week to win outright. Once you pick that team you cannot use them for the rest of the year. No point spreads. 
New this year: ONE PASS. One week you can pass and not make a pick and survive.  Use it once, and use it wisely. Want a second pass? During some weeks we will post a challenge to pick the exact score total of the MNF game. Nail the total, get a second PASS. 

12 TEAMS- 9 PLAYERS SO FAR. Shoot us an email if you want in and think you can defeat last year's champion who was...hmmm...oh yeah- Rumpole!


  1. Who won last year survivor pool?

  2. Man made climate change is the existential crisis of our time. We are heading for a natural world wide calamity of untold proportions. In WWII, we rationed gasoline. You could only use so much as the government allotted. So why can't we do that with electricity and every coal powered source of energy? We need government controlled thermostats (82 in the summer and 68 in the winter for colder areas), mandatory food rationing, and limits on vehicle travel per family. Outdoor barbecues are one of the most unnecessary causes of climate change. Make it a misdemeanor with financial rewards for those who rat out their neighbors. An emergency needs to be met with proper crisis management. Think I am kidding? Wait until your neighborhood looks like the Amazon going up in flames!

  3. WHAT???? he lost on week one-two

  4. The person who won, actually lost. During the season he picked a game that ended in a tie. That’s a loss under Rumpole’s written and posted rules but since Rumpy decided to change the rules and not follow the rules that he wrote, ( you know, the rule that says “pick one team to WIN outright “) the guy won. Now I’m hearing from Johnny Two Bits in Vegas that Rumpy was blackballed from several betting parlors because of his ineptitude in running a clean game.

    Maybe, just maybe, this year he can follow his own rules.

  5. I'm pretty sure Kenny beat real fake Judge Cueto in week 11 when he picked the Bengals over the chargers. But look at you, all Blog trivia expert and all. Can you give us a recap of exactly who picked who in week four because I forget but you don't.

  6. Word is that Sir Kenneth W (dressed in Brunello Cucchinelli) will quit the blog an hour before Week 2 just like Quarterback Andrew Luck.

    A hack. Just wait and see.

  7. I really don't understand how you can equate the
    "Rooney Rule" and historical racism to public defenders becoming judges. You are quite the buffoon.

  8. Anyone for CJ butt Bernstein.

  9. Judge Zilber should be the next Chief Judge. There is no one as qualified and as universally admired. He should have applied to the Third DCA and the Florida Supreme Court. Instead, he selflessly stayed in circuit court to provide his wisdom and leadership.
