Thursday, August 29, 2019


Call them the "Hurricane Dorian Class" of new circuit judges. And they are, in no particular order....





We know two of the four new judges. We have long advocated for Judge Altfield to be promoted from county court to circuit court, based mostly on his stellar career as a prosecutor in Miami. 
We also know Judge Shearon-Cruz, whose rise from county to circuit court was much quicker. 

We wish all of these judges well. And we leave them with our standard blog warning. 

Do your best. 
And don't do anything stupid that lands you on the blog. 

PS. Hurricane wise, Channel 7 says we are doomed. 

PSS  As per Judge Sayfie (Motto: "A good administrative Judge would make a GREAT chief judge")  weekend bond hearings are currently set to proceed as scheduled. If you're a judge and given B/H's for Saturday or Sunday, between the lines and work on your people skills. If you're an attorney, charge for transportation by water vessel. 


  1. Gotta love the Federalist Society

  2. No surprises there - three sitting judges getting elevated and three former prosecutors.

  3. Bill Altfield is not a member of the Federalist Society. He is a former ASA who will make an outstanding judge.

  4. Based on 8:44 I wonder if I can rescind the appointment? How did this mistake happen?

  5. Where have you gone Shumie and The Ren (a venue)? Our hungry legal community turns its lonely eyes to you.

  6. 8:44: I call bullshit. Altfield goes to all the FedSoc events just like the other 3 who got appointed. He was at the gala last week. I don't know if he's a dues paying member, but I'm sure all the members think he's a member. All the new Third DCA judges, Florida Supreme Court judges, and federal judges are FedSoc. If you don't regularly attend their events you are wasting your time applying for a judicial appointment. That's a fact Jack.

  7. Love how Rumpole trolls DOM's blog about lack of PD judges and celebrates the prosecutors here. Hypocrite.

  8. Who cares if he goes to the meetings or galas. You do ANYTHING it takes to get a promotion to Circuit Court.

    You do even more bullshit events when you need to run again in an election. Deal with every group, condo association and get endorsements from corrupt politicians.

    For me, I’m happy now with my job as a Salesperson at Zegna Men’s Store in Bal Harbour. No more scrutiny, wearing a robe and being nice. Fuck it. I’ll live in my rental in Aventura, walk the circle at the golf course and one day move to Boynton Beach. Ahhh paradise.

    PS. Vote to re-elect President Trump ... and Judge Martin Zilber!

  9. Really. Hypocrite. That I like a particular person who was a fair and excellent prosecutor.
    Then I’m a hypocrite with an exceptionally well written blog you cannot stop reading.

  10. To you one or two people who don't like Bill Altfield I say, I know Bill Altfield and he's a really good man and a very good judge. As an ASA, I worked against him and he was fair and honest.

    Get real folks, the only people who don't like Bill are the good old boys at PBA who didn't like that he prosecuted cops who committeed crimes. So, could this be that old washed up PBA boss John Rivera again going after Bill? If so, get a life pal.

  11. Altfield? He's been trying to be circuit since he got appointed. He's a moron and on the record tells the prosecution how to try a case. He's not nearly as smart as he thinks. Just sad the judges we're getting these days. Thankfully I'm nearing retirement.

  12. Judge Altfield is an excellent judge. He is to be commended on being appointed even though his name does not end in a vowel and he does not have two school age children to raise. Would that there were four of him appointed of similar age, male and female, but hopefully with a few more African Americans who as best I can tell are afraid to apply because if they get appointed they can look forward to running against a Latin senora.
