Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Today we remember those who lost their lives in an unprovoked and cowardly attack. We remember the innocent people who went to work, and we remember the brave firefighters and police officers who started a long walk up  the tower to put out a fire and rescue people and paid with their life when the tower fell, 

Today we remember. 

But, as Americans, we are also mindful of this:
"People who trade their freedom for security deserve neither."
Benjamin Franklin. 

If there is a uniqueness to being American it is this: that we treasure freedom and liberty above all else. That when we invade a continent, as we have done twice in the last century (Europe) we do so only to defeat tyranny, and once done, we leave, asking only to retain those small pieces of ground that are the final resting place for our hallowed fallen. 

We do not seek vengeance. For we are mindful that vengeance is reserved for the almighty. We seek justice. We seek peace. We seek only to see individuals allowed to live their lives in freedom from evil. We treasure the right to pursue happiness. We fight for the right to worship, or not to worship. We choose our leaders by popular vote. We cherish a free and open press and the marketplace where we are free to exchange ideas. 

This is what being American is all about. This is why our NYC firefighters ran into a burning building when everyone else was running out. Those men are what being an American is all about. 



  1. Better said than the speech of Potus or any of the Pols at the ceremonies I saw today.

  2. "Unproved"...perhaps you mean "unprovoked" ?? DMD

  3. Rumpole. You wrote “unproved” attack. Did you mean to write “unprovoked “?

  4. I'm not sure what you all are talking about

  5. Thanks for correcting that to unprovoked. I was thinking for a second that there might be something deeper to your use of the word unproved.

  6. On 9/11 V.P. Dick Cheney, from a still secret location, ordered a rocket attack to destroy the plane over Pennsylvania.
    No yrace of the plane was found, no photos of the crash scene have ever been release and no body parts of the passenger or crew have ever been identified. What really happened will never be known.

    More than 5,000 people have developed cancer or other life threatening diseases as a result of the World Trade Towers collapse, more than those killed on 9/11.
    There are a lot of unanswered questions about that day, including what did the FBI do with the information they had from the prison roommate of the Blind Sheik about how the Sheik talked about the plan of flying planes into the buildings.
