Thursday, February 15, 2018


There is no joy in a world and a society  where children are murdered by people shooting them with guns at their school. 

When is enough enough? How many more children need to die? 


  1. Obama said.. just bring sensible gun control to a vote.

    Republicans answer.NO VOTE.

    I am so sorry for all those Broward families right now.

    BTW, gun control laws wouldn't have stopped this one.

  2. The video from inside the classroom is horrific. If that does not change people minds nothing will.

  3. Indeed. We live in a world full of serial killers. \

    We also live in a world were it is a criminal offense for parents and teachers to place their hand on children, or even raise their voices to give them direction.

    So, the police are called to arrest little children, put handcuffs on them, when in the past, they would have been straightened out by a teacher, a parent, or where I went to school, in extreme cases, with the janitor and a broomstick on the behind. Not a beating. Not torture. A paddling. There were guns EVERYWHERE, by the way and these things did not happened.

    Mentally ill people went to mental hospitals, not to jail, and not left to shit in their pants on the street.

    Now, we live in this sick world, full of sick fucks like this kid in Coral Springs.

    All you weak, "nice" people enjoy the world you've made.

  4. Rump,
    Not to unnecessarily change the subject, but will your identity be revealed on the blog upon your death? What are your wishes? And cap?

  5. This is a GENOCIDE at this point with:

    One school shooting every 60 hours!

    18 school shootings in 6 weeks so far this year.

    Solution RUMPOLE? Your Wisdom and Thoughts?

  6. I still can't understand why this wonderful president we have can't focus on the real issues, we send our kids to school to die. I also don't get why! he wasn't shot . if it would of been a black or dark person he would of got shot on the spot! Food for thought

  7. Judge Slom will fix all of this. First he'll have 10 meetings with the SAO and police and when done declare that he heard from all sides. (In his world the defense view is delivered by SAO and MDPD)

  8. The "18 School Shootings" line is simply a lie, knowingly foisted off by Bloomberg's propaganda mill, and unquestioningly repeated by those whose agenda it serves.

    Even the Washington Post -- you know, that big NRA supporter -- acknowledges this is simply false.

  9. 10:48 guess you want to generalize that all law enforcement officers just want to shoot people of dark color no matter the circumstances and then by doing so risk loss of employment, benefits, risk of state and/or federal prosecution and then mental anguish over rethinking what occurred. Your opinion without a factual basis speaks volumes of your total lack of understanding of real life and that most officers are trying to do right in a sometimes split second decision making process which you have never experienced and could never understand. Oh wait, everyone has an opinion which they can express even if misplaced. That in part makes our country the best one there is.

  10. On behalf of the several dozen circuit court judges in dade, broward, and palm beach counties including our juvenile brethren let me say how proud I am that we have succeeded in adhering to the rigid code of not speaking out on issues because our stuff really does not stink like those inferior individuals who practice before us. We make 150k a year at the top of the pyramid presiding of a never ending (thank God) supply of minority male dropouts from separate and unequal schools.Wow I sure am grateful that nobody can come up with solutions to gun violence without taking away guns or changing the 2nd amendment. I know I speak also for the bailiffs, court reporters, ja's, jail and prison personnel, expert witness, the police, and probation and counselors. If crime were to decline precipitously we would have to suffer the indignity of presiding over civil litigation which never goes to trial. Car accidents, family court and divorces and there would be less appeals, transcripts. Come on now , be truthful, don't we mess up on jury instructions so our appellate brethren who we see at bar functions have work, come on now , be honest? well, got to go to a meeting for new jail construction. see ya. (no bar rules were violated in this sarcastic post, writers were actors posing as lawyers) no black dye or robes were harmed in the formulation of this post. the author is not responsible for damaged computers of jurists due to anger at revelation of their cowardice.
