Friday, December 01, 2017


In the comments for the last section the Captain reported on ten names being sent for five spots for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida.


Your next federal Southern District Court Judge could come from the following list:

The 10 finalists for the 5 open seats in the Southern District of Florida are:

Roy Altman
Antonio Arzola
Benjamin Greenberg
David Haimes
Peter Lopez
Rodolfo Ruiz
Raag Singhal
Rodney Smith
John Thornton
Melissa Visconti

Cap Out


  1. One of these candidates, and I'm not prepared to say who because I don't have full personal knowledge, but one of these candidates has a Matt Lauer, Harvey Weinstein, Roy Moore problem. A big one. With lots of female interns and female underlings in his wake.

  2. Miami loves Migna
    Migna loves Miami
    Ohh Federal JNC can't you see?
    Miami Lobes Migna
    Migna loves Miami
    Put her on the Federal Bench by January 3.....

    cha cha cha

  3. It looks like the JNC didn't ask about the pencil.

  4. Millennial me:

    That's a BS post. If you don't know, then don't defame. The sexual misconduct cases coming to light is a good thing, but we certainly don't need to allege guilt by anonymous, uniformed innuendo. Even if you haven't said which candidate.

    This proves you shouldn't be blogging here.

  5. Thornton rules for the parties with the deepest pockets and most power and against those least likely or able to appeal, regardless of the facts or merit. But since that's the way the whole "justice" system works, that's why you all love him so much.

    "great trial judge" = "guaranteed I can get my rich client off "

  6. MM - why on earth not say which of the candidates sexually harasses interns and underlings. I assumed that, since Rumpole wouldn't, you would be willing to protect, support and defend the women who work here by outing the sexual predators. Now one of them is up for a federal bench, you have information that shows his utter unsuitability for this lifetime appointment and won't speak?

    I really don't get this. It's that important to get an invite into the boys' club?

  7. I was aware of this judge's activities. And if I am aware of it then most of the courthouse is because I am a newbie and not an insider. This is nothing new. But I can't say the name because I don't have personal knowledge and also Rumpole and I have rules. If was inclined to say this judge's name I would need 1) his permission to use the blog. 2) I would have to use my real name.

    That ain't happening. Ever.

  8. By making the allegation that one of the ten candidates has an issue without naming s/he, there now hangs a cloud over all of them. Each of those candidates will now be on the defensive and many will make assumptions that won't be true. That was a highly inappropriate remark that would have not made the blog in the past.


    Thanks Rump for posting that and for the HT. Welcome Millennial Me to the Blog.

    If you are concerned about whether any of the ten finalists may have a history of the Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer type, then do what Attorney General candidate in the State of Michigan advises, and select the only candidate who does not have a penis.

    And on that note, I invite you to view what has to be the most amazing, bizarre, shocking, and cutting edge campaign ad I have watched in a very long time:

    "Dana Nessel is the Democratic candidate for Michigan Attorney General, and she just dropped what’s probably the most savage political ad of the year." .....

  10. So on 12/28 Obama, in response to nothing but rumors that Russians "hacked" the election, announced sanctions that would put the two countries in tension. 12/29 Flynn, Nat Sec Director elect, contacted Russia to say, "Please dont respond with counter-sanctions yet."

    This was a technical violation of the Logan Act, an act which no one has ever been prosecuted for, and Flynn should have waited three more weeks.

    Panicking, he lied about this to the administration and to the FBI.

    Trump, realizing the mistake, pressured Comey to dump the prosecution just as he dumped Hillary's, because it was at worst a technical violation. Comey refused and Trump fired him for it.

    THAT is the substance of this year long $5M investigation?? That is the "collusion" which influenced the election almost two months prior? That is what caused Hillary to lose the state of Michigan?

    Lol. What a fucking witch hunt. Go ahead, convict Flynn of doing his job three weeks too early.

    1. Drop the lol. You make a serious point.

  11. Why did JUDGE MICHAEL HANZMAN not apply to be a district court judge? He would have been a great selection. The prosecutors and defense attorneys in his court think he is the best judge in the building. He writes orders and has great temperament. Why not apply?

  12. Rump

    Who is in your top 40 under 40 in the building? Who is the future?

  13. Rump you have an obligation to print the name of this Judge if you have knowledge of it or if one of the comments from your readers mentions the name. This is a life time appointment of a Judge with extensive power for many many years who will have contact with a minimum of three full time Federal clerks per year. This Judge could do severe damage to those future clerks and future interns let alone other people if the information is not out in the open.

  14. Bet the psycho White House does it own thing since Mar a Lago is in this district.

  15. this blog is now officially covering for a serial sexual harasser who is on a short list for appointment to the federal bench.

    but hey, Rumpole is resplendent in bespoke and MM gets to sit at his feet.

    MM's price for that seat is her pledge to maintain the cover-up.

  16. White House has not committed to picking from this list.

  17. You all are idiots. It would be irresponsible for me to print the name of a judge or candidate that someone else has made an allegation against when I do not know it to be true.

    Can you imagine the outrage?

    I have no idea if the allegation is true. I have my own suspicions about a candidate but this is also double hearsay. That's the world. Talk to any journalist. I do not have an obligation to print a suspicion or a smear. In fact, I have the opposite obligation. Morons.

  18. 12:24 is right. MM, either have the chutzpah to call out the judge you're talking about or remove your post. It's grossly unfair to the group of innocent people to now be questioned because of your stupid post. Amazing that you're so comfortable protecting the guilty party without a second thought about the impact you're having on the others. Amazing and nauseating.


  19. President Trump is going to pick 5 Federal Judges on his own without the list sent to him. He will not listen to Marco Rubio and his puppet master Norman Braman. You are going to see M. Hanzman and Norma Lindsey and Trump lawyer Harley Tropin appointed.

  20. I have never disagreed with BTDT's comments on this blog since I began reading it four years ago. Always measured, always appropriate. MM should call out this Judge for all the reasons stated above....

  21. Rumpole,
    If you have an opposite obligation, why allow MM to smear the whole group?

  22. Rumpole, you would not be so abusive of your readers if you weren't uncomfortable about participating in this cover-up. Morons, idiots? And you're not a journalist. If you were, you might investigate this story. For example, ask MM for her sources.

    This is shameful behavior masquerading as hauteur.

  23. BTDT and others. What about hearsay don't you get? MM has not said this judge has harassed her. MM said she knows this judge harassed others? What's the proof? What if MM is a psycho who is a spurned lover or angry that the judge denied a motion and decided to make this all up? This is NOT the forum to adjudicate such issues.

    I can imagine a scenario where I was presented proof of a judge's harassment of a lawyer that I would publish it. But the proof would have to be overwhelming. Until then I am dealing with people's reputations. Like it or not but if you name is mentioned on this blog it comes up high in a google search.

    Examine your premises as Ayn Rand would say.

  24. 2:15:

    My favorite part of the Clinton email fiasco:

    Clinton testified under oath to congress "[t]here was nothing marked classified on my e-mails, either sent or received." This we later found out was false. When Comey was asked if they looked into charging 1001, he stated they never received a congressional referral to investigate the statement, although he was aware of it being made!

    Compare that to special counsel manafort/gates indictments, where apparently pre-election conduct of anyone in trumps sphere somehow "directly" relates to Russian collusion in the election.

    The special counsel conducts himself entirely differently to the kid gloves treatment Comey gave Clinton. He doesn't even attempt to adhere to how democrats were treated. This is quite obvious to anyone, and why many view the special counsel investigation as a witch hunt.

  25. Only ONE woman???

    Let's make America white and male dominated again!

  26. Hey 2:15. You are absolutely correct! This is the greatest fucking witch hunt in history. It's only a few months old and already its collected a bushel of witches. I'm told the recently convicted witch had her most serious spells and evils, and those of her son, forgiven in return for information on some of the warlocks. Do you think the inquisitors knew the value of the info before they let her seal such a sweet deal? My understanding is that the son and son in law danced naked in the square in order to enchant the Russians into a quid pro quo. We will soon find out if its true.

  27. My top five for diversity. Lopez, very well qualified and Latin. Smith, also well qualified and of color. Thornton, well qualified, gringo.Singal, well qualified and Indian, and Visconti, not qualified or well known, but a woman and rounds out the field.

  28. Thornton will not get appointed. He did not get the memo when passed over for Bloom and Gale. This was not accidental. He made nice with the powerful and misread the tealeaves and it cost him. How often naïveté haunts the pretentious. How often the pretentious underestimate those who choose not to wear expensive attire. There are individuals in this profession who have more political horsepower than the white male establishment would like but are low key. During the last election cycle I became aware of one such person, and no it is not Hector Lombana. I had never thought this individual had such ability to impact the political process. How this person has the respect and allegiance of common people, politicians, consultants and entrepreneurs across racial and ethnic lines was impressive. I watched as this person blocked a judicial candidate from getting a leading consultant to run the campaign and just nullified her candidacy while easily turning the vote in favor of a sitting county court judge who the Lombana team targeted. Moral to the story underestimate people at your peril.

  29. Diversity is a sham. No one really cares about actual substantive diversity.

    Diversity is code for quotas for blacks, latinos, and any other politically-favored minorities. That's why Harvard discriminates against Asians. No one on the left cares about them. And apparently you can get away with it...

    Imagine if Singal suggested he should get the district judgeship BECAUSE he was Asian. Imagine is he said he should be picked as a wise male Indian he had a unique viewpoint. Liberals wouldn't know whether to be offended or to applaud.

  30. THIS IS A HOT MESS. I bet trump does his own thing, he has skin in this game, he will want protectors.

  31. Rump, I think you misunderstood my post.

    MM's posts sound a lot more than merely speculative. Read them again. While she says she doesn't have "full" personal knowledge, she claims she is "aware" of his activities and that he has a Matt Lauer/Harvey Weinstein/etc. problem.

    Regardless, my point is EITHER that MM should call out the judge (assuming she has enough proof to do so) or withdraw her post. We're dealing with a small group of candidates here for a five spots. It simply isn't fair to the other candidates whose reputations she's impacting (let's not stick our head's in the sand and act like the people who read this and know the judges aren't speculating about who she is referring to). Instead of potentially libeling one person, she's tainting an entire group (including others who are completely innocent). What about that don't YOU get????

    Further, MM's gleeful attempt to show she's in the know and delight in other peoples' failings makes me ill. I can't believe you're letting her post crap like this. Very disappointing in light of your long term commitment to avoid this kind of personal and unsupported crap.


    PS...........Thanks 942.

  32. Raag Singhal should get it. I've appeared before him many times, that guy is pure class.

    1. Agreed! He is an excellent judge and a great human being!

  33. Hey Rumpole,

    Are you refusing to print comments regarding your protection of the allegedly predatory candidate for the federal judiciary? I'm betting MM could provide you sources for non-hearsay evidence against the candidate. Have you asked her?

    How much you wanna bet that instead, Rumpole told MM to either out herself or shut her piehole?

    And even so, Rumpole suggests she may be a psycho-liar. Better to throw her under the bus than exercise responsibility.

    MM - What made you think this gasbag would treat you better than he treats other women?

    Rookie error.
