Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Observers reported that it was not that nearly dramatic, nor poignant, nor bittersweet, as Michael Grieco signed the rights waiver former and answered the plea colloquy questions from Judge Sam Slom in a clear and steady voice on Tuesday morning. Hours before arriving at court, Grieco, as required by his plea agreement, resigned as City Commissioner for Miami Beach, perhaps ending a promising political career. 
And perhaps not. 
Because adjudication was withheld, and all the plea agreement requires is that Grieco not run for office during the time he is on probation. 
Stranger things have happened. 

And perhaps with an eye to the future, Grieco sent out this email to his supporters. We just have one question: What is "Floatopia" and why did Grieco battle against it? 


  1. Love all the blog heros kicking the guy when he is down. Nowhere to go but up from here. Guy has an ego, but a good heart too. I hope he is fine and remembers all those who were quick to turn on him when he made a mistake. Absent from any of the comments is a single allegation that he ever did anything to try and harm another. Publisize himself, yes he did, but harm somebody. Nope.

  2. A true jerk. Should have stayed as a third tier DJ. He proves that the Peter Principle still lives.

  3. Narcissists never go away.

  4. Unfortunately, not the end of Grieco. Kathy was weak on him, considering his past indiscretions at the SAO and his blatant lying about the PAC as repeatedly reported in the Miami Herald. That cover up was pretty reprehensible. Not to forget his fight with the NAACP which called him racist. Kathy should have at a minimum required a guilty plea. Perhaps the Bar will be less tolerant of corrupt lawyers/politicians like Mike. Grieco will undoubtablly run again in Miami Beach in 2019 or 2021 as evidenced by his self-serving written statement he emailed to friends and supporters. Gotta give him credit though. Even when he should be ashamed of himself and hiding his head in the sand, he is still spinning the facts, denying responsibility and portraying (falsely) himself as the hardest working, most accomplished commissioner who single handedly left Miami Beach in a better way than when he was first elected. Residents of Miami Beach don't care about ethics or corruption as long as they have someone who can fill the pothole on their street or fix the streetlight in front of their house. So raise a glass to the future Commissioner Grieco 2.0.

  5. Why Michael Grieco and not other polticians who routinely do the same thing?

  6. Rumpole left out the best part....

    After resigning from office in disgrace and accepting a plea like a common criminal in one of the courtrooms that he often prowled as a prosecutor, the commish, with his last, loyal band of supporters walked out of the courthouse. There were a few last minute handshakes, some tearful tight hugs, and then he ambled up the steps to the waiting helicopter, the walk a bit shakier than in the past. And then, just before disappearing within the confines of Miami Beach One, the sudden stop and turn and both hand thrust high into the air in that ever present V for victory pose that had served him so well over the years. There was applause and some cheers and then, suddenly it was all over. The commish retreated into the sanctum of the aero-machine, and some observers thought they could discern a wearisome face pressed against the glass.

    The helicopter took off in a light October rain and did one slow, lumbering turn over the courthouse that had been the site of so many victories, and now a bitter defeat. And then, with the noise fading because of the doppler effect, he was gone, the echoes of a plea hanging heavily in the air.

    "We won't see his likes again" someone murmured in the dispirited crowd. It was as if an anticipated parade down Disney's Main street had failed to materialize. The mood was somber and downcast as the people filtered away, some stopping for a hot dog and coke, and others, wiping tears and heading off into the Autumnal day.

  7. Whatever. If you live on the beach, try to raise a family on the beach, and care about anything other than the nightclubs, Grieco was a great commissioner and would have been a great mayor. "Floatopia", while meaningless to Rump, is a BFD to beach residents, as was the devolution of Urban Beach Weekend. Grieco took a vocal stance on both, and has the scars of being called a "racist" to prove it.

    The party-scene on the beach isnt just objectionable to old prudes. It's terrible. Even if you don't care about the shootings, the regular DUI manslaughters, the constant QOL crimes like being unable to walk Ocean drive without being offered cocaine or having your girlfriend's ass grabbed, you should care about the viability of the "south beach" brand when it has become associated with trashiness. There are obvious socio-economic and racial implications to cleaning it up and Mike had the balls not to care.

    But more than anything else, when the Miami mayor unilaterally decided to drop a toxin from airplanes on the beach - which had been banned from the EU as a carcinogen - with no hard science that it would really combat Zika, only in order to get the word to tourists that he was "doing something", again Grieco stood up for local residents.

    He's got a large ego and is over-ambitious, but his populist positions (sincere or not) were the right positions. It's a shame he's out of the running. The beach's loss.

  8. Get your groove on as DJ Esquire makes his triumphant return to Automatic Slims...

  9. Not a bad guy yet certainly not a good guy. Perhaps he epitomizes superficiality rampant in a South Florida . Please Mike, just go away

  10. It has been said that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. The Florida Bar does not like repeat offenders. MG received a public reprimand for some very disturbing and egregiously unethical conduct while an ASA having nothing to do with his DJ business or other self-promotion. So it will be interesting.

  11. I don't know enough about the charges to comment on them, but I do know that Mike was very well regarded as a commissioner. Regardless, it always amazes me how so many take such pleasure in another person's suffering but don't give a moment's thought to the things he or she has done for others. That's truly sad.

