Friday, October 06, 2017


POTUS 45 needs cabinet members. Department of Homeland Security for starters.  
Governor Rick Scott, a Trump fav, needs/wants to get out of Tallahassee. (Can you blame him?)

Which leaves a wide open race for Governor in 2018. 

Enter...steady now....

Katherine Fernandez-Rundle!!! ??

Yes, we have it on good authority that this is more than just water-cooler chatter. 

"Governor Kathy?" Has a ring to it. 

From Occupied America, Fight The Power. 


  1. Yea right. PAM BONDI would crush her.

    Especially if she picked SIR KENNETH W. as Lt. Governor. He is fluent in Japanese from his high knowledge of the best sushi restaurants in the world. He also has a fancy deli meat slicer. Little Marco doesn’t have that type of experience.

    Vote Bondi/Weisman. 2018. Our motto is “leaner corned beef for all”.



    The Governor's race has been wide open since November of 2014 Sir Horace. That is when Rick Scott was elected to his second term. Since he is term limited, the race for Governor in Florida for 2018 has been "wide open” for nearly three years now.

    Several candidates have emerged over the course of the past year.

    In the Democratic party, the early announcers to run include Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum; Gwen Graham, who is a Former US House Rep, and daughter of former Governor & Senator Bob Graham; and Orlando businessmen Chris King. Others that have indicated that they may file include Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine and Orlando advertising attorney John Morgan.

    On the Republican side, there are several early entries into what will prove to be a very crowded field. Chief among them is Florida’s Agricultural Commissioner Adam Putnam. Putnam has been in politics since age 22 when he was first elected to the Florida House. He was elected to Congress at age 26. State Senator from Clearwater Jack Latvala has also filed to run. Those seriously considering a run include current Speaker of the House Richard Corcoran, and US House Rep Ron DeSantis.

    As for your “good authority” about KFR - all you had to do was read the Miami Herald or listen to the six pm news back in June. The Miami Herald reported that Fernandez Rundle was considering a run for Governor in a story published June 6th of this year.

    The story was also covered by several TV stations back in June.

    CAP OUT .....

  3. KFR is being opposed as a Dem. candidate by a local Democratic group because she refuses to investigate police and prison officials for murdering and maiming people. Most glaring recent example was her refusal to take any action following the torture/murder of Darren Rainey, a mentally-ill man on the psych ward of the jail serving two years for drug possession. Jail employees forced Mr. Rainey into a 90-minute shower with the water temperature intentionally set super-high. He died in there, his skin peeled off like an orange rind from his limbs and torso. KFR purported to rely on the autopsy report of "Dr." Emma Lew, who determined that the "skin slippage" was due to unsuccessful CPR effort, and that cause of death was schizophrenia (!) and arteriosclerosis.

    This was a torture murder that KFR and the ME covered up. KFR intends to run for governor, despite egregious malfeasance. Good luck with that. IOKIYAR, but not a Dem.


    We expect Governor Scott to announce his picks for the two Circuit Court Judges on Monday.

    Cap Out .....

  5. SIR KENNETH, KFR and Dan Lurvy recently seen discussing Florida's future at "Debauchery" (the new in place). Sir Kenny sipping champagne, KFR a slow gin fizz and Lurvey a beer (presumably light.)

  6. Wait. Does't she have to be attorney general first before running for governor?

  7. she doesn't have the appeal or name recognition outside of Miami

  8. Vhat is deeees bullsheeeet. I run for Governor. I destroy all opponent with Nikolai, my 900 lb. Romanian black bear.

  9. Wasn’t SIR KENNY born in Great Britain? Is he Constitutionally able to run? Some Bozo lawyer is going to run to Judge Gisela Cardone and get an injunction to protect another well financed candidate.

    Didn’t Judge Roy Moore from Alabama already endorse BONDI - WEISMAN?

  10. Sir Kenny’s lean brisket and corned beef are second to none. He trained at the Rascal House for years during his early career.

    He is trying to appeal to the demographic of the condo dwellers and new wave Young Hasidic crowd as a boba fide owner of a vintage deli meat slicer that he “stole” at auction from Epicure going out of business.

    Well played. Well played indeed BONDI - WEISMAN.

  11. RUMP
    please give your prediction who will be the next two circuit court judges..... not who you like.... who you think it will be

  12. Rump, for the love of jesus, please stop the captain. His writing is atrocious. He's a wannabe not an ever will be. He should be kicked out of criminal law and go hustle PI soft tissue cases like the sleazy lounge lizard he is.

  13. I'm not a fan of captains work either
