Sunday, October 08, 2017


It is with a very deep and heavy heart that we report that our good friend and colleague George Cholakis has passed away. The details are still unclear, but it appears to have occurred at the Dolphins game on Sunday. And if you knew George, you know that Dolphin home games  and tail-gating with his friends were one of the things he looked forward to all year. 

This may be one of the last pictures of George. Taken at today's game. 
George was a good and dedicated lawyer. The highlight of his career was most likely the work he did as a prosecutor taking down a violent street gang. It was a case he dedicated his heart and soul to, and he often spoke about it, proud of the work he had done to make our community safer. 

George was also dedicated to his wife and his family as well as his church. 

George was the type of lawyer who always had a smile and time to sit down and talk with you. He was a good guy. A good friend. A dedicated lawyer, husband, and member of this community.

He will be greatly missed.  


  1. I knew and respected George for many years. What a loss to the legal community. I’ll miss your smiling face. Rest in peace dear friend

  2. I am stunned and shaking with sadness. That picture is very haunting. I have so many things I could say about George. He worked with me in 2008 and we became close. He was such a nice person with always time for anyone who needed it. He exuded calmness and caring. I imagine he made clients feel their problems were his. This is such a stressful profession. And the eulogy is true. He loved Dolphin home games and tailgating with his pals. I just am at a loss here. He was such a good, sweet decent man.

  3. That is so terrible!!!

  4. A wonderful human being and a terrible loss. So shocking to hear.

  5. I am saddened and shocked. George and I had offices in the same floor. We spoke often about our cases and about strategies. I was amazed that this very prosecutor oriented man became so caught up about all his cases as a defense attorney. To hear him go on hours about what needed to happen for a particular client used to make me smile remembering the 100% prosecutor in him. George was a great guy. He recently gave my nephew one of his prized memorabilia - because he asked. I tried to have him give it back and George wouldn’t have it. I will miss my friend.

  6. So sad - I saw George Friday - and as always we bantered about our cases. Unusual for me I went to Dolphin game and intended to share with George this week. I will miss my friend. RIP

  7. Judge Stuart Simons also passed away today. BDE. DMD

  8. George was a fine lawyer and an even better person. Always had time for you no matter what, great sense of humor but serious when the occasion called for it. Another one taken from us far too soon. RIP my friend.

  9. Very sad to hear. George had a good heart. Rest in peace.

  10. I was saddened and shocked to hear of George's passing away. Truly sad. Rest in peace.

  11. I don’t mean any disrespect to George (I liked him too), but, Judge Rosa Rodriguez resigned. The judges all got a memo from her.

  12. Such sad news about two wonderful souls passing on. I remember what a class act Judge Simon was. George's passing is more shocking because he was still so young and had so much life to left to live and enjoy.

    We have lost far too many colleagues this year.

    Make every day count. Be polite, spread love, no time for pettiness. Tell someone you love how much they mean to you. Participate in random acts of kindness at least once per day. Ask not for whom the bells toll!

  13. What sad news to hear on a court holiday. George and I had a strong bond, both being Greek Americans. He was a true champion, having battled back from unbelievable adversity, to be an even better lawyer and advocate. He never was too busy to stop, have coffee, and share the highs and lows of whatever he was dealing with on a given day. His seeming boundless energy was contagious. You always felt refreshed after spending time with George. I will truly miss him.
    George was active at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Cathedral, and will no doubt have his funeral service there.

  14. Also sad to hear about the passing of Judge Stuart M. Simons. He began as a county court judge back in the 1970's when I was a rookie prosecutor. He was the administrative judge of the county court at that time and quickly distinguished himself as a great judge and greater human being. He was elevated to Circuit Court where he served with honor and distinction until his retirement.

  15. Is it true about Rosa? Only heard bad things about her.

  16. Rosa had been planning on leaving for a while, it was no surprise. No scandal or anything, she was just ready to do something else. The jockeying for her division has been going on for months.

  17. What a wonderful character. Truly a heart of gold. He was passionate about the cases he prosecuted and devoted to the clients he represented. He loved the Dolphin games because it was an opportunity to spend time with his extended family-his friends. He couldn't wait to hear how things were going for you and was thrilled if you were well. I will miss his gregarious smile, the head tilt side eye look, shots of ouzo and talking, talking, talking. RIP Georgey boy.

  18. A most decent and caring human being.

    George was never a just a lawyer or astronaut or anything else, but a sweet and thoughtful friend who truly cared about our all members of our apecies and how they deserved to be treated. He had one unfortunate night in his life, and tried his very best to make himself worthy of forgiveness, even long after most had forgotten that crossroads in George's life.
    He was always the proverbial friend indeed, as there was no thought for himself when he could go out of his way to help others in need. His work for his clients, church, wife, and family were the touchstones of his life -- but he was always a mensch [decent soul who helped fix the world]. There are no words to describe my sadness.

    The world is truly wounded when the kind and decent are taken from among us.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.



    Out of respect to George’s memory, I had planned on posting something tomorrow about the two new Circuit Court Judges, County Court Judge Yvonne Cuesta and County Court Judge Laura Ann Stuzin.

    I was also aware of Judge Rosa Rodriguez’ resignation. It actually took place last week when she sent the letter to Governor Scott. More to come on all of this at a later date.

    Cap Out .....

  21. Before I left for Washington, DC many years ago, George and I became good friends as partners in crime (literally) at the Miami-Dade County State Attorneys Office. He was a wonderful, fun guy who loved serving the community and making a difference. I'll never forget him sitting in an inner office with God only knows how many boxes and files around him as he excitedly told me how he was going to take down the infamous John Doe Gang. He was so full of life, I can't believe he's gone. RIP. My condolences to his friends and family.

    Stephen Talpins

  22. Although Simons was never in private practice and did not come out of the SAO, he was a very intelligent judge who knew the law and ruled accordingly. I tried a number of cases in front of him and he was a fine trial judge as well. Although he was never "lawyer friendly" His biggest drawback was that he was known as a Bobsey twin with Judge Jon Gordon. They hung out with each other and lunched every day. If one them thought negative of an attorney, it was shared with the other. In this way it was kind of petty. But he was way better than the most of the ones sitting today who win elections based on their name and hypens and the ones coming out of the SAO who have no idea about civil litigation.

  23. As I sit here trying to digest and come to grips with George's untimely death I can only think of the great times we had together and how much he enjoyed being with his friends and talking about his cases. George had time for everybody and never thought about himself. He gave of himself to his friends, his family, and most of all to the Greek community he so cherished. He was so full of life and energy its impossible to imagine that he is no longer with us. When I came down to go to a Dolphin game, which recently has become a rarity, I always hung with him at Teddy's tailgate having a beer and smoking a cigar. The last picture I saw was him at his happiest: At Teddy's tailgate with his buddies. Georgie, I will smoke a cigar in your honor. Rest in Peace.
