Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Item: In 1963 sisters Barbara Ann and Rosa Lee Hawkins and their cousin Joan Marie Johnson decided to seek a professional career as singers in their band Little Miss and the Muffetts which later became The Dixie Cups. They had been singing together since grade school. 

Item 2: Phil Spector, Jeff Barry, and Ellie Greenwich wrote the song Chapel of Love, which was originally written for the Ronettes, was recorded in 1963 by The Blossoms, but was never released. 

Item 3: In 1964 opportunity met design and the Dixie Cups recorded and released Chapel of Love which went on to sell over a million records*. 

Item 4: Sometime in late 2009 or early 2010 cupid drew back his bow and fired into the hearts of Kemesia Boota Ward and Patrick James Ward. James popped the question; Kemesia said "Yes" and a wedding was planned at the beautiful and famous Deauville hotel on Miami Beach for July, 2010. 

But the Deauville had seen better days (haven't we all?) and by the wedding day the evil inspectors of the City of Miami Beach had shut down the function rooms of the Deauville and after the couple was joined in wedlock off site, the guests repaired to the Deauville where they were ensconced in "the Napoleon pre-function area", which in Orwellian speak was The Lobby. 

As guests wandered through the weeding in a lobby in bathing suits and flip flops and dripping pool towels, the bride and groom and their families and friends tried to eat, dance, and be merry, although the tables were crammed together, there was no room for the bridal party, and the DJ was told to turn the music down as some raucous guests joined in to celebrate the nuptials (they crashed the wedding).

Kemesia and Patrick's special day was ruined. 

A lawsuit was filed and trial was held in the Circuit Court of the 11th judicial circuit of Dade County before now 3rd DCA judge (but then circuit judge) Norma Lindsey. 

Kemesia and Patrick won a resounding verdict of over $25,000.00 dollars and the hotel appealed and the opinion landed in the lap of one new 3rd DCA judge who has shown he has a little of Federal Magistrate Jonathan Goodman in him: Judge Luck. 

Here is how the opinion starts: 

“Chapel of Love,” the tune made famous by the Dixie Cups, celebrates how a couple’s wedding day should feel like “Spring is here, the sky is blue/Birds all sing as if they knew . . . Bells will ring, the sun will shine, I’ll be his and he’ll be mine.” The Dixie Cups, Chapel of Love (Red Bird Records 1964). 

The birds, however, did not sing and the bells did not ring on Kemesia Boota Ward’s wedding day. The hotel ballroom where she planned to have her wedding reception was closed by the city of Miami Beach, and the hotel moved the reception to its lobby. Ward’s wedding day was “ruined,” a “public spectacle,” “cramped,” and “very uncomfortable,” and caused her to be “embarrassed,” “cry[] uncontrollably,” and have “nightmares..."

The full opinion, in which the verdict is upheld, but in true Republican-conservative-federalist society fashion the amount awarded is reduced based on solid, conservative business precedent, is here for you to peruse. 

Love Hurts by Rumpole21 on Scribd

The moral of the story: UnLUCKy in love, LUCKy at the 3rd DCA

From Occupied Covfefe America, fight the Covfefe!

* If the internet was born before you, and your nanny took you in your stroller to Starbucks,  then most likely you don't know what a record is. A record was a spherical shaped disk made of plastic and vinyl with grooves in the middle upon which songs were recorded. The record had a hole in the center. Now we know you're thinking that records wouldn't fit into an Ipod, but Ipods didn't exist in the 1960's. The record would be placed on a phonograph which spun the record and reproduced the sound with a needle and a small speaker.


  1. In today's Third DCA opinions Judge Spencer Eig reversed again.

  2. I bet he is so proud of that opinion. The bloody,arrogant covfefe.

  3. Better dresser:

    Sir Kenny W or Judge Martin Zilber?

  4. 2:46am --

    It's a "TIE". Hahaha

  5. Who who the hell thinks about Kenny or JUDGE MARTIN ZILBER at 2:46am???

  6. Luck clerked for Carnes -- he was Goodman before Goodman.

  7. Judge Luck once denied a motion to terminate probation early. It was a request to terminate 2 months early after about 5 years of probation. It was so the Defendant could get a particular job.

    Me no fan of Luck.

  8. Someone please run against Judge Spencer Eig in the next election cycle.

  9. HEY rumpole I am way more liberal than you and your love for Ayn Rand and I am not sure what this decision has to do with the federalist society

    which I agree is a loathsome bunch BTW

  10. 12:38

    That story even surprises me. He is even more loathsome than I thought.

  11. Naphtali is a man upon men. Great guy Prayers for recovery
