Wednesday, May 31, 2017


The word of the day is COVFEFE

Google it. (Hint check twitter, POTUS). 

Actually, it's the word of the year. 

Covfefe (cov-feef fee)

We don't usually use the blog for personal reasons, but if any will be in the South Dade Courthouse on Friday morning, we could use some Covfefe. 

From Occupied America, fight the Covfefe!


  1. Man, this blog used to rock. Now your topics are a Twitter typo by Trump? Who gives a flying horse's ass? Write about courthouse rumors, shitty judges, good judges, interesting verdicts, crazy defense lawyers who set themselves on fire during closing and still lose!
    For the love of God!!!

    sensory overload....

  3. This blog was at its best during the Brummer wars. sleepy b had no rival.

  4. 6:36 - wake up and smell the covfefe; just don't drink it. I for one am grateful that Rumpole isn't fiddling while the covfefe burns.

  5. Please keep posting about Trump and Judge Martin Zilber.

  6. Apparently until Pocahontis or Cry Baby Chuck or Hillary get elected, we will be inundated with this pinko, Progressive crap. But, look at it this way, this blog is as newsworthy and objective and writes about things that are really important as do the main networks.


  7. I have to admit that the comment by 6:36 am this morning had me laughing so hard I practically choked on my bagel.

  8. I remember the first time I heard a student tell me that email was for "old people". It occurs to me now as I see the website blog run with the "covfefe" jokes that dominated twitter from all last night -- it makes a website feel ancient!

    As ancient as seeing a "covfefe" article in next Tuesday's paper edition Herald.

    Reason 9384939 to leave the knee-jerk political wit to other fora and return to blogging about criminal defense in Miami.

  9. Saw Tiger, Weisman and Lurvey at The Ren. Brennan was bartending.

  10. A swedish man Per Holknekt have take the right to word covfefe.

  11. The covfefities are strong on this site.
