Wednesday, December 14, 2016



  1. She's making quite the statement by calling out judicial elections, singling out decisions by surname, gender or race.

  2. Judge Brennan resignation letter is emblematic of her tenure. The letter, as the judge, is profoundly classless. She takes a shot at latins, at the voters of Dade county and ultimately at democracy itself. Of course she misses the point that her very appointment to the bench is the truest indictment of a process that would place such an unqualified person for such an important job. If the appointment process is so good than why did she have to resign after a series of scandals and the near universal disapproval of her performance?

  3. Sanctimonious to the end.

  4. Would you expect anything less? She tells it like it is. Always did and always will. And now, she can do so without the trappings of a job that restricted her. I'm sure she will have a lot more to say. And I think everyone who ever dissed her will probably someday wish they hadn't. She is a very capable person, smart, and knows how to get where she wants to go. Watch out everybody

  5. Goodbye, to one of the worst to grace our Justice Building. She didn't get what she deserved with her crime. She should have been locked up. "Lock her Up"

  6. Brennan's letter didn't criticize anyone. She's just once again smarter than the haters on this blog, and has the courage to point out deficiencies in a system.

    She just said what many people think and points out the dilemma facing Florida voters. Even the most intelligent voter can't possibly know enough about those who run for judicial seats to make informed decisions at the polls. The voter is left deciding who to vote for based on a surname or how many posters they have, or a good glamour shot. Brennan's right. This criteria is ridiculous.

    By contrast, judicial applications are pubic record, and for the diligent voter, they can read all about those with the courage to apply. Truth is, most who run never apply because they are unqualified and they know it, and they know that filling out an application would show that. There is a reason The Miami Herald will never endorse any judicial candidate who does not apply at least once- they want that application. They want to see who these people are before they endorse. The public should want to know too.

    So if you fancy yourself a lawyer in the know, start paying attention to this. Discover how to get judicial applications. See who has the courage to apply. See who among those up for election applied over and again and look at their application and see if they decision not to appoint was political or because they were unqualified. Stop whining and hating. Do something positive.

  7. I hope she comes after me. She will regret it and I would welcome trying a case against this deplorable. BRING IT ON.

  8. Trust me, Victoria will not be a senior judge. The deal she made was to never be a judge again or they reopen and hammer her. They (JQC) never lets a judge resign and stay around doing senior or retired judge work, NEVER.



    Hey Rump, where's my hat tip for sending you the resignation letter :)


    The Third District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission announces that the following persons have been nominated to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of the Honorable Judge Frank S. Shepherd:

    John A. Greco
    Judge Norma S. Lindsey
    Fleur J. Lobree
    Judge Robert J. Luck
    Judge Bronwyn C. Miller
    Oren Rosenthal

    Those that did not make the cut:

    Jonathan D. Colan
    Michael J. Dono
    Susan Scrivani Lerner
    William P. McCaughan
    Judge Carlos A. Rodriguez

    Also, today, beginning at 3PM, Governor Scott will interview the three finalists for the open seat on the Florida Supreme Court.

    Finally, the Governor will be naming Judge Blake's replacement within the next two weeks.

    CAPTAIN OUT .....

  10. Typical Brennan. Takes a shot at Latin Judges on her way out. Why not? She has showed disdain for people of color throughout her entire tenure as a judge. Why not make mention in her resignation letter that she wants Governor Scott to appoint another white right wing lunatic in her place. Of course she doesn't want one of the "others" with their non Anglo surnames occupying her seat.

  11. Incredibly, Lurvey has been appointed to replace Brennan.

  12. Judge Luck is a very so so judge. He's super State oriented too.

  13. To summarize:

    'Dear Governor:

    Yadda yadda yadda...blah blah blah. I am a really good judge...appointed, important, blah blah....death penalty.


    P.S. Fuck the Spics
    P.P.S. Fuck Judges that run for election'

  14. That resignation letter is an insult to the people who vote. Yes, even the same people who voted for Donald Trump.

    She couldn't even slide out the door without insulting people.

    Good riddance.

  15. I'm not a fan of Brennan' but what's wrong with a resignation with your head held up high? I respect confidence and optimism. I like her swipe at the possibility of superficiality in the judicial races. Ball-busting , state oriented judges promote the necessity of able criminal defense attorneys. Goodby Vicki but im sure there'll be a new "Vicki".

  16. I look forward to the day when men and women are treated equally. I also think 10:36 A.M. has been hitting the drugs too early in the morning. The suggestion that the nominating process is inferior to the election process which has netted us Judge Millan, Judge Motel, Judge Adrien, and some other wonders is just sick. I guess it would be better if Judge Brennan was a "Progressive" pinko who hated Republicans, but she is not. It is a shame to lose judges who do not have to cow tow to police unions and worry about the voters each time they decide whether or not to believe some lying, dirtbag cop.

  17. 10:36, you are absolutely correct.

  18. La Rubia for Governor!

    Sheesh, give her a break, she hasn't even taken the bench yet.

  19. Didn't know the blog printed the epithet sp*c.

  20. Judge Fleur Lobree is my choice for the 3rd DCA. She is a wonderful person, kind, honest, dedicated, professional and intelligent.

    Please Governor, your picks have been stellar. Please select an intelligent asset to the appellate court.

    The Criminal Defense lawyers and the State Prosecutors.

  21. Preach privledged rich white girl preach!

  22. There is no way that Brennan deserves the amount of shit people have said about her. If you didn't like her, fine. But those who are trashing her most likely got called out by her for being unintelligent and/or unprepared.

  23. did u see study in sarasota herald on sentencing phil davis??
    dont see anything on that from you..can i email to you

  24. 7:35 I didn't say that elections are better than nominations. Hell! All the appointed judges were appointed by republican governors and most are fine. I said that the fact that Brennan was appointed twice is strong evidence that it's bullshit. The fact that you could tell that in her case it was a crass political move is further evidence that maybe democracy is a better system.

  25. Brennan deserved to be removed from the Bench by the JQC and not by submitting a pompous resignation letter. By the way Brennan wasn't smart, she was just Rich and white.

  26. Hey 8:40 - Clearly you know nothing about Brennan or her appointment since as an openly gay woman, no Republican who appointed her gained any political points doing so. Before working for Bush she was unconnected. Her affiliation with Bush did not drive Rick Scott. She has no family here, she has no political power, and she's not hispanic. She was appointed because she is exceedingly competent.

  27. If Brennan had truly deserved to be removed by the JQC, trust me, they would have removed her. Just look at their website. They don't hesitate. It may drive you crazy, but they didn't remove her, so get over it.
    And yes, she is rich and white. But was also VERY smart.

  28. you are all just a bunch of bottom feeding whiners. oh she didnt continue cases forever so you could bleed a few hundred a month out of your clients? she actually felt that people do violence to others should go to prison. Please not every judge can be someone who gives you whatever you want and expects nothing from you.

    grow the fuck up

  29. The JQC doesn't remove judges; the Supreme Court does, dumb asses.

  30. Exceedingly a bad judge. Not exceedingly competent. No one liked her. No one. That's says a lot about ones character

  31. The Supreme court accepts or rejects recommendations on removal from the JQC. In that regard, 4:33 is technically correct. However, if the JQC takes no action, the FSC doesn't swoop down and remove people, or take any other action for that matter. If the JQC wants to discipline a judge, they start by filing charges and once they do, it is all public record. Recently JQC filed against a judge who was no longer even a judge (had been defeated at election), so resignation or leaving office does not prevent them from filing charges. Brennan left office but even once she did, if she was so bad, the JQC would have brought charges - whether she resigned or not. They didn't. Speaks for itself.

  32. 7:37. " before working for Bush she was unconnected" Really? That is a pretty nice first connection isn't it? I don't care about her politics or any other judges. Frankly all appointments in the last 20 years was made by Republicans. Ruiz is great so is Luck. Brennan was terrible smart or not. She scandalously fired or went through a dozen assistants and bailiffs. Last year the 3rd had to slap her down for openly advocating a position on appeal. Who cares who she loves or who she votes for. She had to resign because she was unfit and most lawyers who appeared before her agree on that. Now maybe she can openly do what she so sneakily did as a judge. Prosecute.

  33. 5:02 am on Sunday: What kind of low life loser wakes up before dawn on a Sunday and says hey, I want to write something awful about a person who has spent most of her career in public service? And just for the record, you are wrong. There were plenty of people who liked, and continue to like, Victoria Brennan. You are a small pathetic jerk.

  34. Count me among those who did and do like and respect Ms. Brennan.
