Sunday, September 11, 2016



It's week one of the 2016 NFL football season. Every team is in first place. Dreams of fame and destiny and holding the Lombardy trophy in late January, 2017, are dancing in the minds of un-drafted rookies and wizened football veterans alike. 

But today the rubber meets the road, and if you go by the early picks in our world famous, earth shakin, viagra-takin Survivor Pool
( (c) JBB 2016 all rights reserved) YOUR Miami Dolphins are in for a rough start and a disappointing season. 

Your Fins are a 10.5 road dog at Seattle, and it's hard to see them competitive this season- we think the Hawks cover. 

We've financed a lavish lifestyle by taking home dogs over the years, and today is no exception. Tennessee Titans getting 3 at home over the injured Vikes. 
J..E...T...S... Jets Jets Jets +2 at home over the Benagls. And also take the over 42. 

We're jumping on the Raiders train this year, and that starts with them getting 3 at the Saints. The O/U 52 is a high number, but what the heck? Lets go ovah. 

Is RGIII for real with the Browns? Not sure, but we like the over 41 with the Browns at Philly. 

Ravens -3 at home against struggling Bills. Is this Rex's last year in Buffalo? Could be. If Bills lose the first few, Rex could be gone before Halloween. Boo!

Get your Survivor Picks In. We're at the Eagles game courtesy of a client so no internet this afternoon, although Blog-interns will be clearing comments. 

Today is September 11. So take a moment to remember, and never forget. 

1 comment:

  1. That was almost a really short survivor season.
