Wednesday, September 07, 2016




This and That:


According to a Press Release issued by the 11th Judicial Circuit, there is a big shin dig happening at the Dade County Courthouse on Thursday, September 8th.  Ribbon cutting, dignitaries, food and drink to be served.  The occasion is the opening of a Lactation Room at the courthouse. (We wonder whether Judge Seraphin will be a guest speaker?).

So, paraphrasing Rodney Dangerfield:  "Hey, we get no respect, at the GJB". 

***We received an updated Press Release, which states in part:
This project, a joint effort by the County, Miami-Dade FAWL, and the Eleventh Circuit, will be the first lactation room in the Miami-Dade Courts, to be followed in the very near future by the opening of lactation rooms at our other court facilities.
“We are very proud to offer this safe, comfortable space for nursing mothers. This room will be especially useful for attorneys and other court participants who often spend many hours here and could really use a quiet space for lactation,” said the Honorable Bertila Soto, Chief Judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit.


The JNC announces that due to the retirement of Judge Stanford Blake there is an opening on the Circuit Court bench.  Applications to replace Judge Blake are due on September 26, 2016.  Submit your application along with ten copies to:

Daniel Fridman
White & Case LLP
Southeast Financial Center
200 South Biscayne Blvd., Suite 4900
Miami, Florida 33131


North of the Border, 33 year old, career prosecutor (8 years to be exact) ASA Jennifer Hilal has been appointed by Governor Scott to an open seat on the Broward County Court bench.  The Sun Sentinel story can be read here.

That's all for your this and that for today.



  1. Of course light refreshments , like milk, should be served !

  2. Can someone knowledgeable explain if Brennan will go to the JQC, when:if the complaint will be available, possible punishments, etc.

    I'm guessing since she didn't disclose an arrest warrant for violence on a teenagers truck and then judged those accused of crimes a conflict exists, she is dishonest, and will be punished.

    Anyone who can explain the process is appreciated.

    Did she ever have a real job or just a government job? I know I couldn't get a government job if I smashed windows and tried to cover it up. Would be nice if she would be honorable and explain her actions. And I heard about a payoff to the teen owning the pick up truck. Aren't bribes not legal.

    Many thanks.

  3. 8 years as an ASA or APD is indeed a career these days, given the pay. Id bet 85% of new hires are gone by year 4. Thanks Carlos! Thanks Kath!

  4. Lurvey was dubbed "Lactating Lurvey" for his work with new Moms in the jungles of Guatemala.

  5. I believe that a complaint must be filed against Judge Brennan for an investigation to commence. Do we know if a complaint has been filed?

  6. Another puppy from a fourth tier law school (Nova) chosen. And we wonder why the Broward bench is such a mess?


  7. I had a pretty big case with Hilal a few years back. She is professional and very reasonable.

    If she were appointed to circuit, I would take issue, but this is county court, folks. 8 years experience in the SAO is more than enough to sit on that bench. Hell, a county court assistant chief could probably do a fine job as a county court judge.

    Marks, the judge whose seat she is taking, was assigned to the West Satellite Courthouse. So if she is staying in his former division, as long as she can say, "Sir, how long do you need to get a good license?" She is qualified.

  8. If you lactate in that sick building, you should be charged with child abuse.

  9. If a complaint hasn't been filed, I'll file it. Do I need to have an open case w/ her to do so, or can anyone file a complaint. I have a slow day Friday so that'll be my job.

    Also, Judge Soto, we don't want Brennan back. We will all be filing motions to recuse. /s/ everyone except the guy she gave the 2500 to for the 250 window

  10. rumor has it that Dan Lurvey is headed to Syria to begin negotiations for the removal of Bassar Al-Assad. Then, he and Oscar Arroyave are going to meet in Colombia to broker a deal with the remaining 10 drug traffickers for whom the U.S. is seeking to extradite, for a cool 4 million per trafficker, with a promise of minimal role and a sentence at the low end of the guidelines.

  11. No joke, a criminal court in Oslo has a room where defendants can masturbate to relieve "stress".

  12. The JQC will either give her a private reprimand or they'll file and seek a public reprimand.

    They will not be very troubled by the crime. They will be furious about the cover up and that can cost her the job.

    The JQC keeps secret records and I bet Brennan got a private reprimand for her illegally helping the AG win an appeal of one of her sentences. That too will cause her big problems.

    It's hard to feel sorry for Brennan. She paid (I heard) $2,500.00 to fix a window. Insurance usually pays $500.00 to do that. So, it sure looks like a bribe to me.

    The Tallahassee judge who covered up her misconduct was removed recently.

    I just hope Lurvey doesn't get a Bar complaint for this. He's a really nice guy.

    Now, Berdie, please, please, please don't bring that evil woman back to MJB.

  13. Just in. All charges dismissed against Brennan's kid.

  14. The Fourth DCA sent a list of nimrods to the governor for replacement. NIMRODS.

  15. Who will put in for Stan's circuit seat? Who SHOULD put in?

  16. Who is going to be paying for this lactating room year after year? Taxpayers, because the 11th Judicial Circuit does not believe in collecting court costs, probations costs, etc.

  17. They put a lactation room in a building with asbestos, black mold, closed floors, flooding and tiles falling off the building. If no child abuse charges are filed against anyone entering the room a DCF investigation should at least be launched.

    I hope they've prepared for the pervs who "accidentally" enter the room at the GJB.

  18. Slow news week....why no mention of the dead guy who allegedly overdosed almost immediately after getting released from jail and kept the lot directly in front of the REG closed most of Wednesday morning.

  19. It should have been named the Fred Seraphin lactation room.

    - Paul Calli

  20. Hilal is acceptable. However, it's probably preferable to have a jurist with a greater variety of experience. Some defense work, maybe civil litigation experience, etc. Then again, maybe not in light of recent election results.

  21. another micro agression from rupmole

  22. WTF. Like Mother like Son.

  23. The turd don't follow far from the bird

  24. Props to using money to get your kid off. We would all do it. However, don't ever show your face in the REG as we will motion you to death. Stay in dependency till your disbarred. Show a little class. You have none, but we are telling you. Peace

  25. Why hate on Brennan. The blog proves she is well liked and fair. This is BS. She doesn't pay off people, doesn't cover things up. She should be chief Browsrd judge. So well liked

    Everyone can't wait for her return. She's not the laughing stock of dads judiciary. Welcome back your "honor". No one will laugh at you behind your back

  26. Thank you 8:05 for an explanation to non lawyers. I think what's going on with Brennan stinks and as a citizen she needs no business judging us. Judge yourself woman!

  27. C'mon defense. SAO doesn't just dismiss because restitution made-gotta be more to it then that. All charges dismissed against Son as well. Sounds like tix family went through hell. All you wimpy lawyers who can't handle a business like Judge need to butch ip or go home.

  28. Anyone who likes Victoria Brennan never had to appear before her.

  29. Pls bring Brennan back. Literally everyone will fun of her. Ass,PD, clerk, etc

    Hey Vicki, get ready to answer dozens of motions daily. You have time now that your kid got off

    Or show some class and disappear like a fart in the wind.

  30. As to Brennan it's good to be the judge and in everybody's kool-aid no matter what a B**** she is! And Hilal? 33 year old on Broward bench? I have clothes older than her! And they still fit!

  31. And Bertie should be ashamed of herself if she lets her back into Felony...
