Saturday, August 13, 2016


Every now and then we are brought back to earth and reminded that all of this is worthwhile and there are things more important than work. 

We received this amazing comment which is now posted in the blog post about her dad:

I just found this blog after 4 years I am 13 now and I know its late but I wanted to say thank you to all the people who supported my family and wrote these things. He really was the best parent and lawyer and I still miss him everyday. I also wanted to give thanks to the people who worked at the Justice Building with my dad because you gave him the best years of his life working there and sometimes I still think he is gonna come back from there with his briefcase. I remember take your child to work day and walking around the office talking to his co workers and friends I remember looking through some files and playing with the badges he had in his office. I am really proud of the man he was and I wish he could have seen me now and helped protect the streets. He fought a long battle and actually lived longer than he was supposed to I remember the hospital visits. I also remember the people working at the Justice Building and his co workers supported us and gave us comfort and brought on DAVID PAULUS

Elizabeth Rogers Paulus

Dear Elizabeth:

Thank you for reading our blog and I am  beyond happy that you found the blog post about your Dad which is here. Your comment was heartwarming and I guarantee you that it will bring more than a few tears to our readers' eyes. 

There are so many more qualified people who can tell you wonderful things about your Dad. But I will tell you this: he was a true hero. He was a great lawyer, and he devoted those talents to protecting the people of Miami. For that, and because of the wonderful person he was, he is remembered, and his memory is honored. And anyone who has read your wonderful words knows that your Dad would be so proud of you. 
Be well, and always know you have many friends at the Miami Criminal Courthouse and the Dade State Attorneys Office. 
Keep in touch. 


  1. This is what should go in this blog as opposed to the silly posts where people bicker

  2. Sounds like a sweet kid. Very touching.

  3. Elizabeth, your post brought tears to my eyes. Like many prosecutors who got a chance to work with your father, I enjoyed every moment. He was one of the most ethical, courageous, and gracious people I've ever met. I hope you find at least some peace knowing that he touched so many people in such a positive way and made a huge difference in our community.

    Stephen Talpins

  4. Very well said Mr. Talpins. Very well said indeed. Thank you for posting that message.

  5. Elizabeth,
    Your post also brought tears to my eyes and made me stop and think about what is truly important in life. Your dad was really a great guy and a great prosecutor. He was everything you could ask for in a public servant--honest,Fair, and truly dedicated to the people of this community. He was respected by all who dealt with him- defense attorneys, judges and police officers, even though they may have disagreed with him.

    A Former Colleague

  6. Elizabeth,
    Your post also brought tears to my eyes and made me stop and think about what is truly important in life. Your dad was really a great guy and a great prosecutor. He was everything you could ask for in a public servant--honest,Fair, and truly dedicated to the people of this community. He was respected by all who dealt with him- defense attorneys, judges and police officers, even though they may have disagreed with him.

    A Former Colleague
