Monday, August 15, 2016


Update: Take our new Judge Brennan poll. 

This story was broken by David Ovalle of the Herald 

While angrily trying to boot her teen son’s drunk pals from her Key Largo home, police say a Miami judge used a metal pipe to smash the windshield of one young man’s pickup truck.
The episode led to a strange South Florida legal saga — for most of July, Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Victoria Brennan quietly was facing an arrest warrant for criminal mischief in Monroe County, a period when she briefly sat on the bench presiding over criminal cases.

At a hearing last week, a Key West judge stayed the filing of the arrest warrant, putting the case in limbo after Monroe prosecutors decided to opt out of the investigation. Florida’s governor has now assigned Lee County prosecutors to review the case. Even if the case dissolves, Brennan could still face scrutiny over whether she properly disclosed to superiors and defendants that she was facing a criminal case while ruling on criminal cases.

On July 7, the Monroe County State Attorney’s Office “gave verbal OK” to have the arrest warrant signed, the report said. Key West Circuit Judge Timothy Koenig signed the warrant for second-degree misdemeanor criminal mischief.
The warrant, however, was not — and has still not been — entered into the clerk of court’s system. It was unclear Monday why the document was not filed immediately, which is standard in criminal cases.

Rumpole says: Judge Brennan is a good judge and we hope she will remain a judge. 

This however, is a lesson in humanity for all of us, including those of us who judge or prosecute others- "Let she who has not sinned, cast the first stone."

We are all human. The best of us, have bad days where we do something, upon reflection, that we regret. Such transgressions should not prevent a person from serving and serving honorably when they have done so in the past. We hope this is quickly and amicably resolved. 

See you in court, where we often represent good people who are being seen on their worst day. 

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  1. Victoria Brennan is a good judge? Someone please revoke Rumpole's press credentials. Rump, you obviously spend no time in the Justice Building to make such a ludicrous statement like that. Judge Brennan is awful. She is a bully. Disrespectful. Impulsive. Vengeful. Condescending. Vulgar. Closed Minded. She lacks virtually every single character trait that makes someone a good person, much less a good judge.

  2. Probably the judge who is most anti-defendant in the building. Now she is a defendant. Karma.

  3. Well 11:20, at least you're not kicking someone when they are down.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You were right, I observed she had good judgment.

  4. Rumpole u r usually spot on, but how the hell can you say she is a "good judge?!?" She is disrespectful to all who appear in her courtroom, a bully, arrogant and a terrible judge.

  5. If anyone deserves to be kicked when they are down is Victoria Brennan, not just because she's a terrible judge, but because she is a terrible person.

    1. I agree she is unfair, disrespectful,arrogant,bullys everyone. I think she should get a taste of her own medicine. I can say this for sure if she was the judge for a regular Joe shmo for this case she would throw the book at him!!

  6. If anyone deserves to be kicked when they are down it's Victoria Brennan, who has made a living doing the same to defendants, (even those she knew were factually/legally not guilty) with absolute impunity and apparently even with the support of Rumpole. 11:20 accurately described who Victoria Brennan is and yes she should be kicked when she's down Rump not just because she is a terrible judge but because she is a terrible human being!

  7. Kicking someone when they are down? "Down" is when someone suffers harm, they lose someone, have a problem, make a mistake. No one should feel that Brennan is "down." She committed criminal mischief, tried to get out of it by paying off the victim, and deserves to be arrested. She is not "down." 11:20 said nothing wrong, and everything right. This is how life works - we feel bad when good people do stupid things. We don't feel bad when people like 11:20 describes, do stupid things.

  8. Rump...usually you are right but, she's a horrible person and a really rotten judge. She loves to bully everyone. She should have to spend a night in jail like all my clients do.

    Don't you remeber when she recently sent memos to the AG telling them how to win an appeal of her sentence. Then, she denied a motion to recuse her. Did you, Rump, read the 3rd DCA opinion reversing her? It was not kind.

    Bertie... Please move that horrible judge to civil.

    How the fuck can a judge with a pending criminal case stay in criminal division? Why didn't she immediatly ask Bertie to mover her. Could it be she has a bad temper and bad judgment?

    Good by Victoria!

  9. She's a good Judge? Perhaps you're stupidest statement in a decade. She is by far the worst judge in the building. Clearly you have never practiced in front of her. Has no humility; makes people sit in court all day to take a plea, and quite rude. I'll take any Broward judge over her any day.

    Maybe this violent incident against teenagers will be enough to get her out of criminal court.

    Please provide one example where she has "served honorably". Just one. I hope this is not quickly resolved, just as she never made a simple arraignment quick for me. I'd give her sixty days. What kind of example is an "honorable" judge setting by using a deadly weapon to trash Childrens property.

    Go retire

  10. Very honorable to live in Monroe as a Dade judge, act violently in front of children, pay off a victim ( per the Herald, innocent until proven guilty, take July and most of August off, and fail to disclose an impeding arrest warrant to the JQC. we get you're friends with her but she is NOT an honorable person or judge, in my opinion.

    By the way, when is she up for election? I need a new gig

  11. Former ASA here

    Rump, if you're looking for pro-Brennan posts, you'll be waiting a long time. I worked with Brennan at the SAO and she seemed like a nice person. But once she took the bench, all bets were off. 11:20 and 11;22 are right. She is not a good judge.

  12. Honorable? That's a good one. Thanks for the daily laugh.

  13. If that's accurate, her son gets arrested due to bad influences , those bad influences are "squatting " in her house and threatening her and she has to chase them out, then this is utter bull shit. Condemning Brennan epitomizes our overly PC culture. Seriously, who wouldn't do what Brennan did? Who wouldn't kick ass and take no prisoners when it comes to your kids? I would have done much worse. I don't always agree with the judge's rulings but I find it appalling that this nonsense would take her down.

    1. Scott perhaps you've obviously never gone to trial in her courtroom, and watched her hurdle over the line of impartiality, to act as the head prosecutor in the trial, or act like the white bigot that she is, by giving a black defendant a Nebbia on a simple possession case to make it more difficult for him to get bail because that is how a racist with a Robe acts without being called a racist. Maybe you have some ulterior reason for defending her, you've voted for her, donated to her campaign or spend time at her Monroe County home. If you took the time to read the posts while some want her removed for this incident because after all she shows no one discretion (except maybe you) or mercy, a great number of people want her removed because of how she behaves on the bench. But as long as she has people like you and Rumo on her corner she will continue to defile the constitution, and destroy lives with her judicial indiscretions, one defendant at a time.

    2. I hear you however, don't you think it is necessary to separate somebody's professional life from their personal life? Don't you think that personal family issues should be off limits ? If a person is a bad judge, then that issue is handled through elections , bar ratings, JQC , recusal etc. However, to kick a person when their down and use the " karma angle "'seems like an ironic approach by attorneys who adhere to the rules of evidence ( where " relevance" is predominant ). I, personally , have no problems employing violence when it comes to protection of the family. I have no unusual relationship with Brennan but I do strongly believe in keeping professional and personal lives separate . Also, I suspect some of these posts are done by people that are not parents. I respect your opinion and I'm fully aware of her criticisms ( whether through skill or luck I've had decent success before her) but I feel very strong about dong whatever iis necessary to protect the family

  14. Judge Brennan is very smart, fair, she sees right through people. She has a keen uncanny wit and she is honest. I have observed her for years since her early days in domestic violence. I wish her the best. God only knows what really happened, a person deprived from sleep probably when she allegedly banged on that vehicle. 11:20 should stay quiet.

  15. i like how you put the caveat "Let she who has not sinned, cast the first stone." in your story. I guess you are expecting some negative comments about a judge who has a reputation of being rude and not well liked. In fact, its so bad in her court room I try to charge Broward fees for the inconvenience of even having to interact with her. Just my opinion.

  16. I have to agree with 11:20. Brennan is awful to appear in front of for many reasons. If she stays on the bench though, maybe this experience will teach her some humility. I am not holding my breath though...

  17. As she often says, a criminal is a criminal no matter how small the crime.

  18. I agree Brennan is one of the worst I have seen. She is not stupid, but arrogant with a bad case of Black Robe Fever. A prosecutor on the bench. Read where 2 former judges died this week. Bernard Jaffe, a county court judge was a low key guy, big and gruff and a good fair judge. Never heard that he had a purple heart and a silver star. He never put those awards up when he was running. Heard to believe he was 91. He golfed a lot at the old country club where Deering Bay is now. C>P> "Dick" Lantz was a south Miami political-guy. Not very smart but marginally better than some we have now who are former prosecutors and have no idea about civil. He never practiced law or had any jury trials. His downfall was calling some parties or lawyers "Paco". The Herald and others went after him and he lost to Rosemanry Usher Jones. Unquestionably one of the most ill prepared, ignorant, arrogant ever to step foot at 73 West Flagler. The house of "Usher" was an experience to all that stepped into it. I recall her reaming Fred Lewis who later became Chief Judge of the Fla. Supreme Court. I asked Fred how he could take the crap from her and he just shrieked it off being a gentleman. Lantz never stepped foot on Flagler street before or after he became a Judge. With the lack of talent running perhaps its time to appoint the Judges, even thought I enjoy the mud slinging in the elections.


  19. Judge Brennan, clearly a follower of Teddy Roosevelt.

    "Speak softly and carry a big stick, he said."

    I don't see 11:20 as kicking Judge Brennan while she is down. Your post initiated the conversation. 11:20 is certainly not the first attorney to make that observation about Judge Brennan and your post invited that observation. I have heard similar comments although Judge Brennan has always treated both me and my clients with respect, so I have not witnessed the same.

    And as I recall, it was a great South Florida Blogger who once said this:

    "We seek comments, rumors, and stories on any and all Miami Justice Building habituates, Judges, Prosecutors, Attorneys, and defendants. While we (the royal we) will not be libelous, and we will not pick on those not able to defend themselves [ insert your favorite judge here] , we love a good story about a Judge or lawyer putting his or her foot in their mouth."

    Great work by Dan The Man Lurvey on his behind the scenes work in getting this resolved the way it should. Judge Brennan can certainly afford the small $$$ that it cost her to wiggle out of this criminal morass. Likely though she will still face an inquiry by the JQC.

    Cap Out ....

  20. I don't care so much that she busted the window and what not. Seems reasonable in that situation. The problem is she didn't report it to her superiors, and she didn't recuse herself from the criminal court while she knowingly had this active investigation/case. That decision is not a "heat of passion" decision that I could look past. I'm not calling for her removal, but I wonder now what will happen with all of those cases she heard during those days.

  21. Judge Brennan, if she were a male, would be looked upon as stern, but punctual, proper, and possessed of good judicial temperament. But, she is a female and thus subject to a harsher measure. But, when it comes to being a female, perhaps one must appear a bit more aggressive when facing three drunk male adults who are in your home and who refuse to leave. Frankly, I would not have paid "restitution" and so far, the allegations are that a signed warrant that has not yet been filed is sitting somewhere which may or may not be filed but which is in legal limbo for a second degree misdemeanor poses some great disclosure and ethical issue for the judge. I think that is silly. If you do not like the lady, then so be it, but let's not take out the tar and feathers for what happened here.

  22. I would sign her up for the minor leagues.

  23. I say "BOOK HER DANO"...

  24. 130 - go to tumblr. This has nothing to do with her gender. It has to do with her character ( or lack there of). How the hell can you possible pull the gender card here. She committed a crime, was aware of an active investigation and didn't report to her superiors. Explain how that's bc she's a woman? Idiot

  25. Dear Vicki:

    This is so sweet. You are a very bad person, ruining lives from your time as SAO D.C. (cloaked in the immunity that comes from friendship with Hogue, Howell et al.) to your judgeship (cloaked undeservedly in a robe). Speaking for all you have harmed, your humiliation is thrilling and we only hope it gets worse.

    Those who think you justified in your crime miss the point. It's not the crime that matters, it's the cover up (and possible crimes relating to the cover up). This is why you now so deservedly twist in the wind.

    Enjoy your shame. We all wish you sleepless nights, excruciating headaches, ulcers and myriad other stress-related ailments. We hope you lose your judgeship and never again hold a position of authority because you are an abuser. Finally justice is being served.

    Sincerely, and on behalf of everyone you screwed over just because you could,


  26. It's OK to like Brennan and believe that she committed a crime and should be prosecuted. If someone else did that she would be the first to say "when you encounter that type of situation, you call the police, you don't smash someone's window, now go to jail." And let's not ignore her sitting in criminal while she was facing an arrest warrant and paying off a victim and negotiating a non prosecution affidavit. Lots of issues here, beyond whether you like or don't like Brennan.

    1. 4:36 nailed it. The first thing out of her mouth would have been. "Why didn't you call the police?" No bond!!! She is the worst judge in that building or any other building period hands down. I say this from experience. To top it off I happen to b one of the defendents who's case she heard in that little period she sat on the bench with a warrant or facing one. Better yet when she payed off a victim to keep his mouth shut. She is chasing teens with a led pipe free as a bird while I say in jail for over 90 says for dwls because she revoked my bond. She is not special she is human as r all of us. Her being a judge shouldn't get her off easy she should get an even harsher punishment due to the fact that she's a judge and should set an example. Practice what u preach ur honor

  27. How about another poll alternative of "Do Nothing."

  28. Quite a spirited forum you have...

  29. Excuse me but am I the only one who thinks she should have called the police to handle the drunken intruders instead of taking a lead pipe in her hands. Poor Judgment!

  30. Dear 1:30 pm. Wrong, wrong,wrong.
    Any male judge as rude as Brennan would get the same comments.

    Simply put, going to her court gives me a stomach ache. I expect to be insulted and always treated like I am an idiot.

    She hates defendants so, now she's one. Go figure.

    This is kinda like Rush Limbaugh who called drug addicts all kinds of names and then he got hooked on meds.

    No fun eating your own words is it JudgeBrennan.

  31. "do you see what happens Larry? This is what happens Larry! This is what happens, Larry!
    this is what happens when you F a stranger in the A"

  32. Vicki does now want her son to face the same trials she did.

    Call the police. Unless you're hiding something

    Karma for sure

    I had one of her last cases against her before she infected the bench. She knew the 16 year old black kid w no priors hadnt snatched a chain facing a min man. She smerked when she said to roll the dice.

    Loved the noll pros when jury sworn.

    She's made her bed.

  33. My 2 cents: This whole episode reeks of impropriety. A sitting Circuit Court Judge lets teenagers get drunk at her house - where's the supervision? Where's the parental responsibility? Her 17 year old son, as per the Herald, was involved in a hit and run accident and then spit on a police officer. God forbid you show up in her courtroom and your client spit on a police officer. Can you say "Bye, Bye." Most troubling to me is the payoff of the victim. Does that mean that we can offer "cash money" to victims, over and above their losses, in order to get them not to file the charges? The Herald story says "they paid more than it was worth." How much more? Is that obstruction? Witness tampering? And what's going on in Key Largo? The police e-mailed her lawyer the non-prosecution affidavit. Last time I was in court down there, they were offering some serious freaking jail time for a client who had some undersized lobster. Now the police are e-mailing non-prosecution affidavits? She apparently has some good friends down there. The honorable thing to do is resign. She's a millionaire, she won't suffer very much. maybe the Governor can then appoint someone without her hatred to the bench.

  34. So Rumpole says Brennan is a good judge. Funny... and pathetic too

  35. I loathed Victoria Brennan even when I was a young prosecutor, because I have always wanted to win cases on the merits not because the judge was biased in my favor, because I was a prosecutor. Nothing is worse for me than the abuse of power at the hands of someone entrusted with that power. I can cite case after case where Victoria Brennan has acted with extreme prejudice,deliberate indifference to the rights of the accused, and pure malice, especially towards blacks. But why cite these instances here? just like old Rump there are some who will have the unmitigated gall to call her "honorable" or to ask others to cast "the first stone" if they are "free from sin."

    Victoria Brennan doesn't deserve to lose her job because she acted in a criminal manner, while in the heat of the moment, (while arguably trying to protect her son from whatever trouble he got himself into), outside of the courtroom, she deserves to lose her $146,097.79 a year job because she singularly personifies the phrase "miscarriage of justice" on the bench.

  36. Having worked with Judge Brennan as court staff all I can say is Karma is well served here. Arrogant is not the word. Mean, unfounded superiority complex and pro state are others. Is it just me, or was their an attempt to quietly sweep this under the rug? The political payoff for having served with Gov. Bush has lasted long enough.

  37. So many of you would be bad judges! You're using a vitriole against, because of wholly separate discretionary issues, to condemn her for a scenario that many parents would have pursued. She should have supervised her son 24/7? What are you, in " la-la land ? If the judge was a man, a man that could physically handle things, who wouldn't react in a similar matter ? I agree with Saul, so many of these comments reflect our overly PC society.... which is awful. I'm no fan of Brennan put the incident, as well as the manner of remedying it is okay with me

  38. The Brennan observations are accurate but you should not draw conclusions about the state of the bench from her wickedness on the bench and abuse of power off the bench. Focus on the good that our judges do. Brennan's story comes to light the same week when we see three examples of judicial excellence. THESE ARE THE ANTI-BRENNAN'S

    *** Blake was honored by the Chief Justice of Florida for his exemplary judicial service.

    *** De la O was mentioned in a story about a gang member gone straight.

    *** Hague posted this wonderful story on facebook about helping a DUI defendant:

    Andrew Hague
    August 12 at 1:13pm·
    Everybody loves a success story and a real life one is most rewarding. About 4 years ago, a gentleman appeared before me on a DUI. When he appeared in court, you could tell that he was in tremendous pain. He was indigent and so I appointed the Public Defender. Because it was so apparent that he was in distress, I asked him if he needed medical attention and he explained that he was suffering from herniated discs in his neck. I understood just how much pain he was in and was dismayed by his story that, for whatever reason they wouldn't operate on him for 6 months. I instructed the Public Defender to use their resources and make sure that he received the medical attention that he so desperately needed. I continued to place his case on calendar so that I could track his condition. You have to understand just how bad he looked when he came before me, he was contorted with pain; he was filthy and his clothes were in tatters. There were occasions when he wouldn't show for his report and, instead of issuing a Bench Warrant, I would merely set the case back on calendar in another 30 days. The back story was that he was an individual that was on down on his luck and the herniated discs were the final straw because he could no longer work. He picked up a DUI because he was driving while under the influence of the medication that they gave him for pain.
    To make a long story short, he appeared before me today and I did not even recognize him. He was in nice clean clothes; he was freshly showered, he was no longer in pain and he was smiling from ear to ear. I asked him how he was doing and he enthusiastically said, "fantastic!" I asked him if he had the surgery and he said yes and that he was now pain free and had full mobility. I remembered that he had resolved the DUI that he had in front of me and that he had completed the sentence. He was now preparing to take care of his aging mother and he was a totally different person. From broken, down and out to healthy, happy and enthusiastic- you have to love this job!

  39. Brennan sucks but so many of you candy ass pussies suck worse; I would done much worse to people attacking me in MY house. Also, who wouldn't try to make this bullshit issue go away. All you gay, single and other social rejects (who have no family and all you worry about is yourself) may not understand this but it is not easy raising kids. The irony here is that this is a criminal defense oriented blog. What defense attorney hasn't said to a prosecutor, "yea I know my client is a bad guy but on this one the evidence is not there, don't worry you'll get him next time"?

    Get real people!

  40. Dan Lurvey is a lawyer? Given his proclivity to immediately enter into cooperation deals with his clients so they can become state or government snitches, I thought he was a social worker! My bad. What would Vinnie Flynn think?

  41. I've developed a little respect for the mean, vengeful Victoria Brennan now that she has kicked ass , "Buford Pusser" style , as she was "walking tall " in Key Largo.

  42. Shes up for reelction in 2018, so hopefully she gets an opponent or two or three. Seriously, the defense bar needs to step up and fund opponents against her. Not because she is anti-defendant (as opposed to pro-state), but because shes that bad of a judge.

    And if Wacky Jacky got booted off the bench for non criminal acts off the bench, the Fla Supreme Court should come down hard on Brennan for her criminal acts.

  43. There is no doubt that Judge Brennan knows who Rumpole is. He is apparently the only person who believes her fit. She is incredibly rude to her staff and has already gone through a dozen bailiffs and JA's. Some of her firings have been cause for removal in and of themselves. Worst of all like McMurphy says "she likes to rig games".

  44. Anyone who likes this judge never sat in her courtroom for more than a munute.

  45. Bottom line is this is a good day for criminal defendants. Good riddance. They should send her to Dependency and make her work.

    By the way I think Rump deliberately wrote the "good judge" thing to
    (a) throw everyone off the scent of who he/she is and (b) start the negative comments about her. There is no way in the world that Rump actually believes she is a "good judge".

    She is a know it all, prosecutor on the bench with no judicial demeanor.

    1. Prophetic, that's where she is-in dependency....

  46. Not sure how Rumpole justifies kicking the shit out of Judge J. Schwartz, who suffers from addiction and mental illness, and commiserating with Judge Brennan, who suffers from ill-temper and prosecutorial bias.

  47. Compare the blog post immediately preceding "Brennaan Brouhaha" - "David Paulus Remembered" and the link to the words about David.

    Amazing stuff.

  48. Off with her gavel. We need another Marcia del Rey with lots of money to take her (and her trust fund) head on in the next election.

  49. Well, it's nice to see support for Brennan running about 50/50

    1. I've always found Lurvey to be diligent and professional.

    2. Rump, why won't you post my comment about the special prosecutor?

  50. Hague..I have a Del Ray for him next time around. I never forget,

  51. Rumpole, the only people who support Brennan are you, Brennan & Gail Levine. Between the three of you, there can be numerous anonymous posts to give Brennan the appearance of support.

  52. Did the Judge force a bunch of kids who got drunk at her house to get behind the wheels of cars and drive off into the streets of the city?

  53. 4:55 I take it you are wholly unfamiliar with the concept of sarcasm.

  54. Brennan's mistake was using a pipe. As any listener to Howard 100 knows, she should have

  55. I like the idea of her going to dependency court. Or getting a real job. Her days at the reg are over and she will not be missed

  56. I hope she gets canned by the JQC. I would love to kick her ass in a trial when she is not cloaked with the black robe. Judicial temperament and arrogance as bad as anyone who has taken the bench. I have been around a while and she is in the top 3 for sure, maybe numero uno.

  57. We really are lucky this happened. Now, she has to move out of MJB and we get someone who will be much nicer. everyone else is nicer.

    I was a PD in her court. What a total flaming asshole.

    I hope I never see her again, well, except if she goes to jail.


  58. This is such a great story of overcoming all the odds. If you just watched Miami's Brianna Rollins, from Northwestern High, win the GOLD in 100 hurdles, you should read this story from the Miami Herald on what it took her to get to this point:

    Doing what we do, seeing what we see everyday, father in prison, mother raising seven children all by herself .....

    Cap Out .....

  59. Great story. Could not have happened to a worse person.

  60. 7:59AM raises a good point about the anonymity of Rumpole. Whenever the topic of this blog has come up among the handful of criminal defense attorneys I socialize with, one particular name immediately surfaces every time. Out of curiosity once I did three minutes of internet sleuthing and immediately confirmed it. (And Id be happy to email Rump privately if Rump wants to know how).

    Point is, I have little doubt all or most of the judges know who is behind the moniker. If Rump continues to feel able to critique them without consequence, I salute him. But I would find that hard to believe.

  61. yes email me. I am certain that a fair analysis of any internet sources would anyone with a brain to conclude that there is no proof who I am beyond even a preponderance of evidence beyond hearsay. And all that hearsay has done is make things difficult at times for one lawyer who has nothing to do with this blog but for one idiotic remark on TV by a judge (who just retired) who had no idea or proof when he said what he said.


  63. Judge Brennan is a gangster.

  64. Does anyone know what's going on with Judge Bloch and Hector Lombana? I overheard one of Hector's deluded friends say something about Hector vowing not to retire until he takes Judge Bloch down. It sounds ridiculous and petty, but apparently his involvement in Marcia Del Rey's campaign is evidence of this full-blown-fatal-attraction-obsession with Judge Bloch.

    How exactly is she qualified to be a Circuit Court judge? Why do we continue to elect attorneys that have no experience in trial proceedings?

    Her Avvo reviews are scary. You can tell all the good reviews are fake.

    Her Facebook posts are alarming:

    "When you receive your absentee ballot make sure to vote for Marcia Del Rey #81. One thing she is passionate about is making a difference in the lives of our youth. ‪#‎familyfirst‬ ‪#‎Miami‬ ‪#‎vote81delrey‬ ‪#‎vote81‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎nohate‬ ‪#‎equality‬"

    Let's be real, we all know what "absentee ballots" mean around here. It means that a bunch of dead people will be voting her.

    Someone asked her why they should vote for her: "Im almost ready to make my vote. Now, why should i vote for you? Whe i get your reply i will then make my choice . Thank u!"

    Her response: "Carlos Rivera Thank you for reaching out, it’s only fair wanting to find out who you should vote for. I have a life-long commitment to helpless children and families. I love Miami, it’s my hometown and I am going to make sure I do all I can, to make it a better place for those that live here."

    These are examples of some of her real Avvo reviews (not the fake ones that her assistants posts):

    "My biggest mistake ever was hiring Marcia Del Rey, after I explained my entire case to her she tells me it would be 1500.00 to divorce me, a few weeks after she sends her nasty receptionist Viviana Hernandez to tell me my divorce would would be 3000.00.. Marcia never once showed up to the appointments I made with her, she never once returned my calls, everything was done threw her nasty receptionist... Her receptionist Viviana Hernandez gave information from my case to my X wife, she and her staff are HORIBLE.... Please DO NOT hire this lady you will regret it ..Plus just the fact of having to deal with her receptionist Viviana will be a living nightmare..! Marcia will be late to all your court dates, she will NOT explain anything to you.. I have SO many bad things to say about this lady and even more her terrible staff... Marcia does have a secretary by the name of Shannon she's not nasty but she will NOT want to deal with you it's practically impossible to talk to her, do to the fact that when you call the nasty receptionist Viviana will answer the phone, and NO one is ever available except her and don't bother leaving a message bcause your call will NOT be returned..."

    "The absolute most worse legal counsel you can ever get. Supposedly all the court dated that I had got postponed by the judge, but my new lawyer saw in my files that she personal asked for an extension because she had other commitments.
    I never dealer with her, instead I always dealer with the receptionist. She never filled me in on what was going on. Then she charged me for emails that I had to send asking what "the hell" was going on my case.

    Most horrible experience eve"

    This is the person that's hoping to replace a very qualified Judge Bloch, because Hector Lombana can't get over the fact that he was ineffective during a trial or whatever that was and was unable to satisfy a client's expectations ages ago.

    Please have some decency and research Marcia Del Rey before you vote or recommend her to anyone. We know better. And we know what a travesty it's going to be if she's elected.

    Can you imagine her denying your motion to suppress on God knows what kind of grounds?

    Apparently, taking her reviews into account, she barely practices family law.

    Can you imagine having to file notices of appeal (one after the other)?

  65. Judge Brennan's family issues are her business. If I come home and my kid is throwing an unauthorized party with alcohol and a bunch of unruly kids I would have done the same thing.

    Don't you guys ever deal with a dodgy kid you don't want your son or daughter to hangout with but somehow they're committed to this "friendship' that's probably unhealthy?

    You're lucky if you don't have to deal with that.

    LOL @ Hector Lombana's obsession with Judge Bloch. Every time I see Hector I always think he's 5 seconds away from a heart attack. He gets worked up over anything and he's definitely petty.

  66. Wow, the Motel Princess's uncle, Frank Del Rey, was indicted and convicted in a stolen car ring. An article addressing her cousin's manslaughter case back in 1993 (where he was drag racing with another driver and killed 3 students and paralyzed one of his passengers) states: "The father [Frank Del Rey] refuses to describe his line of business now or say how he makes his money."

    But it looks like Marcia Del Rey's father is quite the business man/entrepreneur:

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    President at Executive Investments Group, Inc.
    President at J.D.R. Investments, Inc.
    President at 151 East Okeechobee Road, LLC
    President at Eastern Coast Investments, Inc.
    President at Miami Resorts, Inc.
    Manager at Executive Fantasy Hotels Marketing, LLC
    Manager at 6241 SW 58 Street, LLC.
    Managing Member at 6521 SW 33ST LLC
    Managing Member at 5500 SW 67 Ave, LLC
    Managing Member at 7370 N.W. 12 Street, LLC

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    President at 1175 Investment LLC
    President at Pacific Development, Corp.
    President at Jhp US Corp
    President at Inner City Holdings of Miami, LLC
    President at Hialeah Pacific Rentals, LLC
    Managing Member at Pacific Holdings International, LLC
    Managing Member at J.C. La Rampa LLC
    Managing Member at 25815 SW 177 Ave LLC
    Managing Member at Star Quality Hotel, LLC
    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL
    President at Villas at Jasmine Creek, Inc.
    Manager at Jr-Geb, Acquisitions, LLC
    Manager at Villas at Jasmine Fields, LLC.
    Manager at Jr - Geb, L.L.C.
    Manager at Villas at Jasmine Park, LLC
    Manager at Villas at Jasmine Creek, LLC
    Managing Member at Jr-Geb Financial Group LLC
    Vice President at Penco Management Group, Inc.

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    President at Gohemor Investment Corporation
    President at Tropic Garden Investments, Inc.
    Manager at 824 LLC
    Manager at 630 LLC
    Manager at 620 LLC

    Julio Del Rey
    Hialeah, FL

    President at 611 Okeechobee LLC
    President at Miami Mansion Motel LLC
    Manager at Marquesa Partners, LLC
    Director at Hialeah Property Management Corp.

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    Manager at Challenger 1022, LLC
    Manager at Del Rey Enterprises, LLC
    Secretary at Marcia Del Rey Foundation, Corp.

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    Manager at 151 E. Okeechobee RD., LLC
    Managing Member at 1410 Alhambra Circle LLC

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    Director at Lizarraga, Inc.

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    President at Executive Hotel of Fort Lauderdale, Inc.

    Julio Del Rey
    Miami, FL

    Managing Member at Madeira Ave, LLC

    When is Hector Lombana retiring, again? Isn't he nearing 65? Give it a rest Hector. We all get it. You're all-knowing, powerful, influential, the former Emperor of the Cuban American Bar Association, and you're not to be crossed/fucked with.

    But you're imposing a Marcia Del Rey plague on the judicial bench because you're petty and a sore loser.

    You think an over abundance of campaign money and fake absentee ballots is enough to get this unqualified, poor excused for a family law attorney on the bench? She, clearly, spent more time at her dermatologist/plastic surgeon's office (zero lines on her forehead, she's THIS close to becoming a caricature) and at the gym than at her office tending to her family law clientele.

    This is the kind of empty, shallow, unprofessional individual that's going to preside over relatively serious matters in court. We are all fucked six ways from Sunday.

    On a serious note, does anyone know if Marcia Del Rey's campaign is passing out discount coupons to the Executive Fantasy Hotels (technically, the motels with the garages that hide all kinds of marital indiscretion and who knows what other questionable dealings)?

    I'm interested. In the coupons.

  67. How is this "protecting the family"? It sounds like her 17 year old kid had a party and got drunk at her second home in the Keys, unbeknownst to her, and then did some stupid stuff that got him arrested. When mommy shows up son's friends are still at her house. So her solution is to take a club to one of their windows and slashes their tire. I understand being pissed that people are partying in her home, but they didn't break in they were invited there by her son. And they didn't force her son to drink or do whatever dumb teenager thing he did that got him arrested. If she should be pissed at anyone its her son not other kids who showed up based on "party at Brennan's house".

  68. Is it true that the special prosecutor out of Lee County who is handling the investigation of Judge Brennan's case just so happens to be a former Dade County ASA whose brother is still in the office? (Who appeared before Judge Brennan many times?)

    1. Yes, Warren and Simon Eth, Per Lee County State Attorney office a Stephanie Russell is in charge of the case.
      The big problem with this case is the cover up, I do believe she bullied Dan her lawyer, I do think she should should have self reported, and God knows what else maybe uncovered from this incident.

  69. If this loser of a "judge" lives in Key Largo, is she eligible to be a Dade County Judge?

  70. Bloch stope writing on the blog please!

  71. Scott Saul has more balls and heart than most of the gutless, spineless jerks who anonymously attack Brennan and who take pleasure at her personal difficulty with her son. Anyone who is a parent would know that our kids can make us do things which are not smart.

  72. How do any of you codone a judge breaking a car window just because she's pissed off at the owner?
    I too have been in Brennan's court and I join the chorus. She's mean and rude to everyone. Glad to see her go!!!!!

    1. Lee County let the Crazy Judge go, now we need to know if the Judge son was on the insurance policy, or did they use another address to avoid the Rates.

  73. dont worry Vicky, when the FSC boots you off the bench, you can continue your work for both the AG or the SAO. Both offices owe you big time for her tireless efforts towards prosecuting criminals from the bench these past years. Or maybe you can take those pipe swinging skills and DH for the Marlins.

    IF she somehow survives this, $1,000 to the campaign of anyone that runs against her in 2018.

  74. Scott Saul as usual you miss the point. Her mistake was not "protecting" her family. It was not disclosing it and continuing to sit on the bench.

  75. Think about how much rage Brennan had in smashing that window. Now think about the rage you see in her every day on the bench. she has too many issues.

  76. I know instances of parents discovering that their kids are throwing unauthorized parties and, instead of doing criminal mischief, they have called the police to shut down the parties and throw the partiers out the door.

  77. Simon Steckel is on top of the world if Del Rey is elected.

  78. I hope she gets the book thrown at her and never again gets to sit in judgment on others. She is a total hypocrite. Good riddance. She deserves to be made to do the walk of shame and have every person she has ever treated rudely and every defendant she has treated unfairly throw rotten fruit at her.

  79. Interesting article on the incident that started off this whole thing
    Wonder how fun it would be for the son facing those charges if Brennan were his judge.

  80. Saul is a loud mouth. Totally missed the point

  81. I can't stand Brennan but loathe the condemnation more. Who is going to incriminate themselves and jeopardize their job if you don't have to? The case is bullshit and went nowhere anyway. Come on, get in the real world. Saul was right, if you have raised kids through difficult teenage/adolescent years then you would have compassion...even for a bad judge like Brennan. Beat her up over court issues but not familial ones. By the way, if anybody would make a good judge it's that guy, who tells it the way it is and is brutally honest.

  82. If someone challenged me in my own home, I'd lay them out. Just sayin'.

  83. 3:55/8:46 are you saying that Simon R. Eth, currently an ASA in Fort Myers and the brother of Miami-Dade ASA Warren Eth, is the prosecutor assigned to investigate Judge Brennan's incident?

  84. Rotten fruit. That's funny

  85. 10:32 am, that article puts things into perspective.

  86. Get the fcuk out of here if you're on here asking for anyone to have compassion towards her because, "any parent would have done the same. She chose to wear the black robe. There's a reason that judges sit higher than anyone else in a court of law. Because they're to be respected and they themselves have to act different. When she goes home and behind closed doors she can do whatever she wants. But out in the public, she's a judge. She chose to break the window. Now she must deal with it.

    Also, my sources tell me that she got mad because when she got home, she saw that the kids had eaten her last burrito which she clearly stashed away in the fridge with her name on it. Well, when she found out that someone had eaten half of it, she went off! She was heard yelling, "WHO ATE MY BURRITO!????"

    1. Bravo, your comment hit it out of the park

  87. Scott Saul for judge.

  88. I'm not a lawyer. The pettiness and vindictiveness you have with each other is unbelievable !

  89. The Lee County prosecutors is the same office who investigated Michael Band in the secretaries having sex with the star witness hit man, Ayala. Band was forced to resign in lieu of being prosecuted. Brennen better watch out. She may be out the door as well.

  90. Much ado about nothing

  91. I worked on many cases with both Eth brothers and have found them both to be really decent men who make good decisions.

  92. How does it take balls and heart to suck up??

  93. tell us why you said good things about Brennan? What's the connection?. I've been in her court about 25 times and never saw a decent person on that bench.

    Compare her to Nushin.....

    So, old Rumpy why the love for one of the most miserable judges in the world?

  94. Apparently she is so popular we may hit triple digit comments

  95. 100 here we come. Lots of comments are fun fun fun...unless you are the one; that is getting shit on!

  96. I think this is a record. Beats out a number of Milton Hirsch posts and RIP Sharpstein post

  97. Be honest folks. If Ellen Morphonius did this, what would be the reaction? I suggest she would be a martyr and the story would go viral, 99% in her favor.

    1. I am really sad over this situation because I am a parent but Karma is a MF she illegally hurt my child

  98. Wow. Was it really necessary to throw Michael Band under the bus?

    So few comments on the many good things people do, yet so many on every mistake they make (especially, as here, when they're unpopular with a certain segment of the Bar).

    It never ceases to amaze me how so many people get such pleasure hammering others they don't like or celebrating the difficulties they face. Amazing and sad.

    I knew Vicky, but was not friends with her and am no apologist for her. But, I would think that any parent could easily understand that difficulties she's been facing and how she apparently lost it on the night of the incident. What she did was wrong. No question about it. But it would be nice if people stopped piling.

    Schadenfreude is not a virtue and shouldn't be the hallmark of our profession. Some of you need to grow up.


  99. 3:34 is Warren Eth's mom. But he's still an OK guy.

  100. Bloch is loving Brennan right now. Totally distracted everyone from his ridiculous lawsuit

  101. Just saying, the Lee county prosecutors took down Band, saying there was so much sex going on at the SAO its a miracle they ever got any convictions. Bitch Brennan better watch out. She may get some of her own medicine.

  102. Rumpole, why is this a brouhaha and not a kerfuffle?

  103. If the Bard had been alive, he would have written an excellent play about this most egregious and tragedy.

  104. You all are such cowards. You attack anonymously, show zero proof, and hold yourselves out to be so superior to Brennan while anyone of you would have done the exact same thing had it been your kid or your house filled with 20-21 year old drunks who threaten YOU when you order them out.
    If Brennan was a man, you would all say, "Tough Judge, he doesn't F'k around." But because she is a woman, you call her a bitch.
    I've had 15-20 clients in front of Brennan, and each time she was fair to my client. Like Ward, she expects cases to be handled quickly and efficiently, period. She's a tough judge, but that's her job. She doesn't pander to the defense bar, and doesn't accept bullshit excuses from the state. Stop whining because she makes you actually prep your cases and speak to your clients.

  105. No, I am a large dude, and I would have called the cops and let the po po deal with it.

  106. No you idiot at 12:42...if Brennan was a man we would still all hate him. Stop throwing the woman card. Brennan was simply horrible to everyone. I hated going to her courtroom.

  107. 12:42 says "hold yourselves out to be superior to Brennan while anyone of you would have done the exact same thing"
    Incorrect, you stupid fcuk. I am superior to Brennan in that I treat people with courtesy and respect AND no, I would not have done the same thing. If I were a judge and faced the same situation, I would have realized that I'm a judge and would have called the cops.

    "She expects cases handled quickly and efficiently"
    I don't give a fcuk what she expects. My clients face serious consequences as a result of being arrested. Their consequences are much more important than what Brennan expects.

    "She doesn't pander to the defense bar"
    Talk to me when she runs for reelection. Let's see when she needs campaign contributions, whether or not she'll reach out to the defense bar.


  108. 8:14 AM:

    As for whether she reaches out to the defense bar for contributions, you may find it interesting to note that, according to her last financial disclosure filed in 2011, her net worth was close to $10m; including a home in Dade and two homes in Monroe County. So, like the Donald, she can self-fund her campaign if she chooses.

    Cap Out .....

  109. Damn we have some rich judges

  110. @ CAPTAIN JUSTICE "So, like the Donald, she can self-fund her campaign if she chooses."

    My money is on betting that she will not self-fund. Can't wait to see an email from "the committee to elect Brennan invites you to a fund raiser." Automatic delete.

  111. Give her the boot ASAP. I do believe she lied about her trip to Hawaii, this was the at all em while she make a deal.
    I also believe she have other issues that could surface from this incident.

  112. I do think Judge Brennan told her son's friends to go back to Cuba, she was hot, I think if his friends was Black, she would have invited them back to Africa.
    She is a rude Crazy who should not be on the bench.


  113. Sounds like a statement from Warren or another one of her many, unprofessional (to say the least), counterparts. You can't continue disregarding the lives of the innocent and expect everything to be hunky dory. Our GOD sits high and looks low. HE's in control! BRENNAN, her lesbian friend/mate who rudely interrupts court sessions for irrelevant discussions, WARREN, PECKINS, and the others playing madam/sir "justice", please understand that you all are being exposed. Be prepared! You all will pay for your role in the bribes, the favors, the ILEGAL practices, etc.

  114. Heard from reputable sources that Brennan is being shuffled off to dependency.

  115. They can shuffle her butt to the moon for all we care.
    It appears the Police attorney blew the cover, and I do feel the must have threaten the victim into signing the agreement to not file charges against Brennan. See the Keys updated story on yesterday.

  116. This is the story 12:37 is referring to

  117. Just lovely. Put a Judge that had the great "judgement" to give her 17 year old son the keys to her Keys place in I missing something?

  118. It's official she's been reassigned to dependency! 6:11pm you got credible sources! I can only imagine how fair she is going to be in dependency. Maybe Scott Saul can be appointed as court monitor to supervise and make sure she behaves!

  119. Good Day World I am still in shock regarding Judge Brennan but we must not forget about State Attorney Warren Eth he had lied and commited misconduct that needs to be reported to Florida Bar

    1. If he us done something then Make the complaint and get the ball rolling. Aren't you obligated to do so under the rules?

  120. Judge Brennan should not be looked at alone. We must also look at the State Attorney Office because they worked together. We need to look at MD Buddy System.
