Saturday, April 02, 2016


Yesterday (Friday) afternoon we were in the Southern District of NY and after a late morning court contretemps we repaired to Per Se ( do not miss the Australian Kampachi and Avocado sorbet), where we had a truly spectacular lunch. That was followed by our viewing of the thoroughly enjoyable and remarkably staged "The Curious Incident Of the Dog At Night." We ended the night with a long enjoyable repast at Sake Bar Hagi. 

The point of recounting our daily travails is not to engage in a rodomontade of our daily existence, but to reflect upon the shortcomings of our South-Beach-centric existence in Miami. 

The glory of NYC, or Boston or Chicago, are the neighborhoods. 
The intensity of lower Manhattan, the elegance and refined and relaxed pace of the Upper West Side and Per Se, and the "showtime" excitement of Broadway. 

New York has existed for four hundred years. The imminent melting of the ice caps  means that not only will NYC not survive the next four hundred years (but many of the hot-dog vendors will-they are a tough bunch), but much of the 90,000 miles of US coast line is in peril of being submerged within the next 100 years. 

But don't worry about that too much. Ted Cruz and the Republicans are praying. 

Where were we? Oh yes. Culture. 

There is something to be said for spending a leisurely afternoon perusing Chinese Art and a century of crime photos (both exhibitions are currently at the Met) and then having a meal at something other than Chicken Kitchen. 

Sometimes it's just good to get away- especially if the client is paying for it. 

Enjoy the Weekend, and NO, Jeb Bush will not be running for State Attorney. April Fool. 


  1. Speaking of culture, there was a high speed chase and near shoot out in north Miami during rush hour yesterday. That's about as much culture as this dump of a city has

  2. If you love New York so much, you can always stay there.

  3. Love the SDNY, especially Judge Sweet. Stay at the Millineum Hilton in the Morgan Suite for a wonderful view of NY and NJ.Enjoy dinner, drinks and a view of Manhattan at the River Cafe in Brooklyn. At a break in trial take a walk through China town and the Chinese funeral parlors across from the Courthouse. And love the view from the hallways in the SDNY courthouse.

  4. Any details about why Ben Greenberg tried that case against DOM? Must be embarrassing to try a gun case as first assistant and lose.

  5. Trivia question: Cite the name of the defendant and case number of the order by CJ Milton Hirsch wherefrom Rumpole lifted the word "rodomontade".

  6. "Lets play two".......Ernie Banks

  7. To 8:31 - not embarrassing to lose a trial. Embarrassing to stay in your office and never try a case. Grow up.
