Thursday, July 16, 2015


FACDL (dues, dues, dues and dues) loves to send out emails. 
"If anyone can cover the 4:30 traffic calendar in Hialeah and also tell me the rule number for discovery I would appreciate it. And so and so is a jerk." 

But here is an email you didn't receive. 

"Dear Members:
It has come to our attention that criminal defense attorneys are being denied the right to see clients at TGK. Seeing a new client 'under glass' is totally unacceptable and we have met with the supervisors of TGK and they have assured us that this was a mistake and that this will not occur again. We here at FACDL are grateful for the opportunity to serve. Please buy tickets to next year's banquet where we will honour the team of thirty-seven courageous lawyers who against all odds, met with corrections and resolved this issue.


ps. Your dues are due."

Here is an email we did receive. 

Dear Rumpole:
I am an innocent victim caught between your war with TGK and my client. 
I saw my client earlier this week at TGK. I have been his lawyer for two years. Trial is next week. I saw my client no problem. Then today I went, and here is what happened: 
Corrections: You can't see him. 
Me: Pardon me? 
CO: My system is down. I can't verify you are his lawyer. 
Me : I have been his lawyer for two years. Here is my NOA-stamped. 
CO. (Looks at NOA quizzically as if it is stamped and written in  Korean. Then calls over another officer who shakes her head. This is not good.) This is two years old. 
Me: Yes, I have been his lawyer for two years. 
CO: I don't know that. You can see him under glass. 
Me: We are going to trial next week. I saw him for three hours Monday. We are reviewing depos. I can't see him under glass. That won't work. 
CO: Sorry. 
Me: So you're saying every time I come I need a recent NOA? How recent?
CO: If you had one stamped this week it would work. 

Me: Do you understand that once I file the NOA I am the lawyer and the court doesn't require me to file an NOA every week. 
CO: How do I know he didn't fire you last week?
Me ( Glancing at the computer) I can't think of any reason why if he fired me I would want to see him. 
CO: I cannot verify you are his lawyer. You can see him under glass and then go tell your defense attorney buddies on your internet blog about how we mistreat you all here. 
Me: (shocked) Ma'am I can assure you if this is what that is about I have nothing to do with that blog.
CO: This is about my computer system is down and I can't let you see him without me verifying you are his lawyer. 

Rumpole: I give up. I walked away. As I understand it, TGK is now after you and they are going to get you through us and now I am going to have to go to the clerk's office tomorrow and get a stamped new NOA every time I go to TGK for the rest of this week. Please Rumpole, you started this and now innocent victims are caught in the cross fire. 

Rumpole says: 
Fear not, FACDL is on the case. 


  1. Time to put on your big boy pants, use your law degree and go file an emergency injunction.

  2. You're on the Board, Rump. Send the email yourself.

  3. Rump: Since you are a board member and you were at the FACDL meeting last night, perhaps you should grow up and help solve the problem instead of misleading everyone with these quips that you think are cute. You know damn well that the problem is being addressed.

  4. I am neither a member nor board member of an organization that has made it very clear they want nothing to do with me or this blog.

  5. When the so be dandy walks into TGK he is treated like the big machha he is. Co's fall all over themselves to help him. They admire his bill blass sport coats and slacks.
