Wednesday, July 15, 2015


There are a few rules in federal court, and one of them is this- 

David O Markus and Margot Moss are  going to kick your ass if you are a federal prosecutor and want to go to trial. 

Just ask the FED who got his ass kicked this week in a trial in  front of Scola. 

Not Guilty. 

And the fed tried to be fancy but DOM out maneuvered him. 

And we hear the case was as good as over after Margot gave her opening statement. 

Well done DOM and Margot.

Well done indeed. 


  1. Rumpole. Saw an inmate at TGK last night and had no issues with seeing him face to face. No glass in between us.

    Whoever you spoke with at THGK got the message loud and clear. Thanks for reaching out to whoever you did and getting the problem resolved.

  2. Did the facts at all help with the not guilty? Sometimes facts interfere with good lawyering.

    I got a complete not guilty once in fed court but, I had really good facts.

  3. Wasn't the AUSA a long time state prosecutor? So much for Rump's theory.

  4. Margot Moss was my trial partner at the PDO. She's an incredible lawyer and an even better friend. Congratulations Margot, although I can't say I am surprised that you won.

  5. Margot and David are the best. Margot was my first trial partner and trainer, and she is an exemplar of what a lawyer should be. David is phenomenal. I heard this was a case full of bad facts and great lawyering. Well done.

  6. Don't know David Markus personally......heard nothing but great things about him .....Margot Moss is a star.....well done both of you

  7. read the complaint -- cannot fathom why the defendant wasn't convicted of something... kudos to David and Margot
