Monday, March 09, 2015


Choosing between the two, we're going to go with the "I'm sorry song". Big fans of Calvin and Hobbes. Not so big a fan of the other….

see you in court. 


  1. I'm thinking that governor scott should get involved. Invite them both to Tallahassee, ala- Obama and the beer summit. Give them some iced team and have a chat…just don't mention global warming.

  2. Blog post . Genius once again.


  3. Reprinted, with permission from THE CAPTAIN. (From the previous post's comments section).


    to 1:19 PM.

    Oklahoma Frat Boys Caught Singing 'There Will Never Be A Ni**** In SAE'

    I am hoping that you are joking, but after spending the past nine years reading the comments on this BLOG, I would guess it's more likely that you are just another a-hole that has no common sense.

    So happy to hear that you were an SAE while in college and that you are proud of it. I am sure that the overwhelming majority of your brothers would not act the way that the accused brothers of the Oklahoma chapter acted in the video.

    You might have called them out though and disavowed yourself from what they said/did.

    It is important for stories like this one about SAE and the ones about the many schools in the University of California system concerning anti-Semitism get out into the public mainstream.

    It reminds every one of us that bigotry and racism and prejudice, against blacks, and Jews, still is alive and thriving throughout the good ole USA.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise, is uninformed.

    If the accusations against the SAE brothers are true they should be expelled from their fraternity.

    And if you are so proud of your great SAE, you should have the balls to be the first one in line to be calling for their expulsion.

    Cap Out .....

    Monday, March 09, 2015 5:01:00 PM

  4. I will find who linked that muther-f'ing letter and hang that muther-f'er by his muther-f'ing balls. I mean it. FU.

  5. That letter is sorry. I hope her next opponent puts in a campaign ad.

  6. Judge tells someone to go fuk demselves and has to write apology. I tell Von zoom away fuk you and I get jail and probation AND BAR COMPLAINT??

    (all together now)


  7. She's a stupid fucking bitch. Dumb as rocks.

    Oh. Wait. I'm sorry . That's was wrong . I apologize .

  8. I don't think that apologizing for using "vulgarity" was what the Supreme court intended when she was required to apologize for her conduct.

  9. The outrage is because of the totality of the circumstances of her behavior and not because of this one incident. The SC and the JQC have failed the people because this woman has even ordered her bailiff to go to the clerk's file and shred court orders. the intentional destruction of court documents by anyone especially a judge is outrageous. There is so much going on with her she needs to go.

  10. Re: The Captain's response to the 'SAE' who responded at 1:19 on the "California' post yesterday:

    First, I strongly suspect that 1:19 is a troll trying, in a clumsy way, to express disgust with the SAEs at OU. SAEs do not say "Long Live the Lion." My guess is 1:19 has seen the lions in front of SAE houses on campus and ran with it. Whatever, he's allowed to say whatever he wants but I don't think he's actually in the fraternity.

    Second, I am an SAE and remain active in my alumni association. I am proud of my association with the fraternity and my chapter and the friends I made there. I (and we) absolutely repudiate the disgusting and beyond-offensive remarks made on the video. National did the right thing by yanking the charter and those students should be expelled from the fraternity. They do not represent the rest of us and are antithetical to everything that the fraternity is (supposed to) stand for. They are no more my 'brothers' than a hole in the ground.

    How does this happen? It's a question that SAEs everywhere are asking themselves this week.

  11. I am a past member of SAE and I'm sad to report that we all know that song. It's been past down since I was there in the 80s

  12. "Passed down" not "past down". I'm assuming you didn't graduate.

  13. I was also an SAE undergraduate in the 80s and I've never heard (or heard of) that song.

  14. I am sad to say that anyone who would join any fraternity knowing they say shit like that is a jerk who doesn't fit into our society.

    When I went to college, the frats were all small groups of very similar people. Look at tri delta... all blonds with money. Jews had only Jews in their frat. The black guys were the most exclusive and most abusive toward their "pledges." They treated their own new members like shit.

    That's why I didn't join.

    Those frat boys at OU are about to learn that the year is 2015 and that song is just sooooo wrong. It's going to cost them all dearly and it should.

  15. Oh my dearest Rumpole,
    Actually - he DID graduate (referring to 12:14). Had the highest GPA in SAE too!

  16. I painted that fucking SAE lion blue in a midnight raid in the mid-70's. Getting caught meant a can of country whoop ass, but it was worth the risk. I'd do it all over again. Go Gators.

  17. She often seems a bit impaired on the bench as well.

  18. Jackie,

    Is it asking too much for you to write a SINCERE apology?

    I too have see you act like you were somehow "stimulated." What's up with that?
