Monday, March 09, 2015


California, the promised land. Tinsle-town.  Beverly Hills. San Fran. 

They have all lost their minds. Maybe it's the drought, because it can't be something in the water. 
We came across two stories this weekend, one worse than the next. 

In the first story, a California prosector, one Robert Murray, Esq., was assigned to handle an L&L case involving a child. As plea negotiations heated up between the prosecutor and the PD-with the defendant denying guilt- the prosecutor turned over a transcript of the defendant's interrogation - and ADDED these lines, although the defendant didn't say them:

“[DETECTIVE]: You’re so guilty you child molester.
“[DEFENDANT]: I know. I’m just glad she’s not pregnant like her mother.”

California has laws similar to Florida, and the effect of the added lines essentially made the case a capital sexual battery case (one in which the victim was penetrated), substantially raising the stakes and putting pressure on the PD to get his client to take the current deal and avoid the substantially more serious charges. 

The PD asked for the CD of the interrogation, and on the day of trial when it was finally handed over -with the gig up- the prosecutor disclosed that he had added the lines "as a joke." 
The judge was not amused.  Finding egregious conduct by the prosecution, the Judge dismissed the case. 
Here's where it gets disturbing
The prosecution appealed, taking the position that anything other than physical violence to the defendant did not constitute egregious conduct sufficient to warrant dismissal. The California AG's office is vigorously defending the conduct of Mr. Murray, who currently remains a prosecutor. 
(h/t and the full story is recounted at Scott Greenfield's Simple Justice Blog here.)

Truth is stranger than fiction. 

The German word for "Jew" still carries an almost chilling connotation. A sneer. A curse. An accusation that one, by virtue of their faith, is less than human. 

UCLA is a major university. A well respected institution of higher learning. UCLA has a Judicial Board which acts as a Supreme Court for the Student Council. Rachel Beyda, a sophomore who wants to be a lawyer someday, applied for a position on the board and she was interviewed. Here are the questions she was asked, and keep reminding yourself this happened at a well respected University in a major American city:

Q: “Given that you are a Jewish student and very active in the Jewish community,” Fabienne Roth, a member of the Undergraduate Students Association Council, began, looking at Ms. Beyda at the other end of the room, “how do you see yourself being able to maintain an unbiased view?”
For the next 40 minutes, after Ms. Beyda was dispatched from the room, the council tangled in a debate about whether her faith and affiliation with Jewish organizations, including her sorority and Hillel, a popular student group, meant she would be biased in dealing with sensitive governance questions that come before the board, which is the campus equivalent of the Supreme Court.

The NY Times article on this disgusting display is here. 

Put another way, the questioning amounted to this:

"Considering that you are a Jew, how can you be fair?"

Considering that you are black, asian, catholic, a woman, a homosexual, a gypsy, physically handicapped, ….pick your suspect class…how can you be fair like the rest of us? 

How indeed? 

So lets recap the news from California: 

Prosecutors intentionally manufacture evidence of the most despicable type (intercourse with a child) and the Attorney General's office defends their actions on appeal. 

Meanwhile at one of the State's premier Universities, being a Jew leads to suspicions of being unfair. They might as well have accused her of being cheap and a money lender as well. Disgusting. Truly, utterly disgusting. 

Welcome to California, 2015. 

See You In Court. 

Tomorrow: A couple of PDs and Judge De La O….and then a hero comes along….


  1. All the leaves are brown….
    and the sky is gray….
    I've been for a walk on a winters day….


  2. Very sad news as a follow up to your tweet about that missing boy. He was found dead.

  3. You missed the articles about UC students voting to divest from............THE UNITED STATES..........and UC Irvine students voting to ban the.........AMERICAN FLAG. Makes you wonder...........


    PS.....The prosecutor should be disbarred at the very least. A charge of attempted false imprisonment also seems appropriate.

  4. To add context to the UCLA story, the student council has aligned itself with the BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) movement. Hillel has condemned the movement and has outlawed support for BDS in its branches. The question whether, as a Jew, the young woman could be fair, arose from that context. Notwithstanding Netanyahu's claim to speak for all Jews, one should never assume that all Jewish people are Zionists, but it isn't unreasonable to assume that a Jewish student active in Hillel House would try to weaken the student council's support for BDS.

    Having said which, the question was breathtakingly stupid and insensitive.

  5. SAE and proud of it. Long live the Lion.


  6. The following is an article talking about the Ninth District Court of Appeals inquired why there was no referral for sanctions of prosecutors who had manufactured evidence. It should be noted that the AG's office was asking that a conviction for murder where evidence had been fabricated by prosecutors be upheld.


    to 1:19 PM.

    Oklahoma Frat Boys Caught Singing 'There Will Never Be A Ni**** In SAE'

    I am hoping that you are joking, but after spending the past nine years reading the comments on this BLOG, I would guess it's more likely that you are just another a-hole that has no common sense.

    So happy to hear that you were an SAE while in college and that you are proud of it. I am sure that the overwhelming majority of your brothers would not act the way that the accused brothers of the Oklahoma chapter acted in the video.

    You might have called them out though and disavowed yourself from what they said/did.

    It is important for stories like this one about SAE and the ones about the many schools in the University of California system concerning anti-Semitism get out into the public mainstream.

    It reminds every one of us that bigotry and racism and prejudice, against blacks, and Jews, still is alive and thriving throughout the good ole USA.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise, is uninformed.

    If the accusations against the SAE brothers are true they should be expelled from their fraternity.

    And if you are so proud of your great SAE, you should have the balls to be the first one in line to be calling for their expulsion.

    Cap Out .....

  8. What is the world coming to.....

  9. 1:19 pm- you should sign your name if you are so proud!
