Monday, January 26, 2015




MONA LISA VITO ...........................

More than once we have been referred to as the Mona Lisa Vito of reporters, when it comes to the reporting of judicial elections in Miami-Dade County.  And, following our reporting on the filing of Judge David Young last week, we received several emails requesting the lineup of who's up in 2016 for reelection.

Without further adieu, here is the list of Judges, both Circuit and County Court, whose terms expire in 2016.


32 Areces, Barbara

28 Bailey, Jennifer D.

10 Bernstein, Scott M.

34 Freeman, Gill Sherryl

52 Genden, Michael A.

62 Gordo, Monica

41 Hirsch, Milton

76 Eig, Spencer*** 

66 Luck, Robert

30 Rodriguez, Rosa I.

39 Rodriguez-Chomat, Jorge

45 Ruiz-Cohen, Samantha

74 Sarduy, George Alexander

59 Sayfie, Nushin Ghofrany

03 Schlesinger, John C.

12 Soto, Bertila A.

40 Thomas, William L.

20 Thornton, Jr., John W.


11 Gonzalez-Paulson, Michaelle

35 Graham, Wendell Mitchell

23 Kelly, Carroll J.

07 Newman, Edward

15 Rubenstein, Judith

05 Seraphin, Fred

There are 18 Circuit Court Judges whose terms expire at the end of 2016.  At least two of them will have hit mandatory retirement based on their age: Judge Genden and Judge Rodriguez-Chomat.

On Friday, January 16, 2015, former Judge David Young filed to run in Group 39, Rodriguez'-Chomat's group. Coincidentally, on the same day, attorney Oscar Rodriguez-Fonts also filed to run in that group.  You may remember that Rodriguez-Fonts ran unsuccessfully in the most recent election cycle against Judge Martin Zilber.  Zilber beat Rodriguez- Fonts by only 2,316 votes out of nearly 152,000 cast; (50.8%-49.2%).

That begs the question: why didn't one of those two candidates file in Group 52, Genden's seat?  My guess would be that Genden has decided not to complete his term and we can expect that he will resign his seat sometime in the next year or so.

BREAKING .................

In the time it took to author this post, attorney Carol "Jodie" Breece has filed to run for Circuit Court Judge, in Group 52.  I would hope that Ms. Breece had a sit down with Judge Genden before filing to learn whether Genden intends to serve out his term.  If he were to resign early, Governor Scott would appoint the replacement and Breece would be forced to find a new Group if she wants to run in 2016.

You may recall that Ms. Breece filed in 2014 to run for County Court Judge against Incumbent Judge Ana Maria Pando and challenger Diana Gonzalez.  Ultimately, Breece withdrew her candidacy before the qualifying deadline.  She told me back then that she would definitely be running in 2016.  Looks like she kept her word.  Good luck Jodie.

***Judge Spencer Eig needs a new Campaign Treasurer.  Albert Corrada currently holds that honor.  Judge Eig ran unopposed for reelection in 2014 in Group 76.  The Division of Elections though was more concerned that Eig, more than once, filed late Campaign Treasurer's Reports.  On November 19, 2013, Eig was fined $525 for a late filing.  Again, on August 11, 2014, he was fined $400, for another late filing.

Now, if that wasn't poor enough record keeping for Eig and Corrada, for some reason, on August 26, 2014, Eig and Corrada filed papers with the Division of Elections indicating that Eig planned to run for Judge in 2016, again, in Group 76. At least that is what the Division of Elections is currently reporting.  We'll keep you updated on this.  ****We received an email from Mr. Corrada.  He has indicated that the paperwork filed on August 26, 2014 was meant for Judge Eig's reelection campaign in 2020.  Because the Division of Elections has not even opened a web page for that election cycle, they are reporting it as if Judge Eig is running in 2016.****

There are also 6 incumbent judges in County Court whose terms expire in 2016.

Of course, all of this is subject to change; judges getting elevated, retiring, etc.

Qualifying for the election is 15 months away and ends on May 6, 2016.  The election itself is 19 months from now and will take place on Tuesday, August 30, 2016.

CAPTAIN OUT ..................


  1. Why is Alfredo Zamora representing clients on cases that he filed as an ASA that are still open? One of many things he should be looked into for.

  2. So Alfredo Zamora, who works for Jeffrey Feiler, filed cases as an ASA that are still open, and now is the defense attorney in court. How is this not a bar issue and a major conflict?

    F13-24696: Mr. Zamora was the filing ASA. He now is the defense attorney on the matter now.

    F11-17302C: Mr. Zamora handled the matter as the ASA while the case was pending prosecution. The case is still open and he is now the defense attorney.

    And you may say that the calendar says it is "Jeffrey Feiler" as the attorney of record, well:

    There is Mr. Zamora's name loud and proud. One of many things Mr. Zamora does wrong, that should be brought to the attention of the Florida Bar.

  3. Having practiced before Eig a bunch of times I can tell you that he is not even in the same room with a rocket scientist.

    Is it asking too much for a fucking judge to file his returns on time?

  4. Nancy Wear's most recent FACDL list serv response is so helpful:

    Google has numerous helpful-looking entries.

    On Mon, Jan 26, 2015 at 1:56 PM, Odia Burdick wrote:
    Does anyone know what the penalties for possession of Seroquel are in Florida (1 pill) can’t find it in the statute. Any help would be appreciated. Odia

  5. Nothing gets this blog going like a judicial election post. Make sure to say who should get opposition, even though it won't be you running.

  6. Captain:

    What's the deal? Do the judicial candidates have to file before they can start raising money? Just wondering why file 1 1/2 years in advance.

  7. Rump. Your blog seems to always be first with the judicial election news. No matter what they say about El Capitan, he is one crack reporter.

    Can we expect some prop bets from you with your annual super bowl column this coming Sunday? Give us something more than just the coin flip.

  8. F13-19517:

    Sequence No.: 7
    Date: 08/23/2013

    Sequence No.: 16
    Date: 09/10/2013

    Sequence No.: 52
    Date: 01/22/2014

  9. To the person very, very upset over this Zamora thing, did you ever verify whether he got the written informed consent of the State Attorney before you started trashing him? Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. If you're a lawyer, shouldn't you verify things before typing?

  10. Given that he's the DC in the division with these cases, I imagine that Joe Mansfield has been drinking and blogging (again). Joe, I know it's hard for you, but if you have a problem with the lawyer try to act with some class and professionalism...try talking to the guy first, before blowing him up on the blog. Plus, you should have bigger things to worry about than one of Jeff Feiler's gophers.

  11. Schlesinger, John C needs to be challenged, he is dead wood.

  12. Why would Feiler list attorneys that he uses as "local counsel" on his website? Who needs "local counsel" in Broward or Plantation Key? Kind of weird.

  13. There is nothing improper about it, so long as he is walled off. If he appears in the matter may be a different story. Chill.

  14. He did not get written consent from the State Attorney. Give me a break. They wouldn't in their right mind agree to that. You file a case, and then take over as defense counsel.

    11:07 - you also have no idea what you are talking about. Baseless accusation against someone here.

    Proof is in the pudding here. What say you Mr. Zamora?

  15. "Distinguished Legal Experts" on your legal team, Jeff. Really? Any of them Board Certified? Does your crack team of distinguished legal experts know you violated bar rules on their behalf?

  16. Why don't you all Zamora or Jeff and ask about the situation? Why don't you call the Bar ethics hotline yourself and see what they have to say, and then discuss with Zamora or Jeff? That would take 5 minutes. Why are you writing about it here, unless you have some personal issue with Zamora, and if that is the case, either address it with him like an adult, or post your name with your comments. Stop being such a whiny b*tch. Clearly you are a current ASA who doesn't like him for some reason. Also "One of the many things he should be looked into for" should really be rephrased. Good day sir.

  17. MC Waste: I couldn't disagree more. I have always found Schlesinger to be bright, well-informed, courteous and fair. I don't ask for anything more.

  18. 1107---don't be such a hypocrite. You assume that the poster slamming Zamora is Mansfield (with no evidence) and make a comment about his alleged "drinking and blogging" again. Then you have the gall to criticism HIS lack of professionalism and class? Your comment is way out of line.



  19. 6:21 am.

    I believe that Mr. Feiler primarily practices law in the State of Colorado now.



  20. Nino must have woken up today and gotten ill over the headline in the NYT that read:

    Should real-world effects influence the thinking of Supreme Court justices in reaching decisions?

    Check out the debate here:

    Cap Out .....

  21. Zamora did appear in court this week on those cases.

  22. Zamora: hey Asa, what's the plea? This case is overcharged.
    ASA: ignore that, you offered your boss 5 years in prison and charged it correctly.
    Zamora: I didn't charge it right. And that plea stinks.
    ASA: well you got this plea approved by career criminal. What do you want for me? Unless your boss wants to hire me. Then we can talk.

  23. Yeah, Schlesinger is a keeper - professional, efficient, thoughtful, humble. Wish there were more like him.

  24. I love the "what say you _____?" posts. Anonymous people demanding people come to the blog and answer their accusations. Okay.

  25. Would someone PLEEEZE run against Ed Newman and Fred Saraphin?

    I'm tired of the antics in both of those crazy houses.

  26. No way the SAO consented to this.

    If a defense attorney represented a defendant and then got hired by the SAO, would anyone say it wasn't an automatic conflict if he switched sides and prosecuted the case?

    Weren't his communications with state witnesses protected as privileged communications? And didn't he have access to work product materials on the case?

    As such, the SAO should move to disqualify both he and Feiler from the matter.

    I know Jeff and he is a straight shooter, but something is fishy here.

  27. you probably didnt practice before Schlesinger in family court.

  28. Ditto on 2:53's comment re. "What say you?"

    Makes me cringe and picture a 1L at the keyboard.

  29. Judge Marin always asks "what say you counsel?"

  30. The one judge who honestly deserves opposition is ROSA RODRIGUEZ. She's rude, doesn't follow the law, doesn't know the law and someone else can do a much better job than her.
