Wednesday, January 21, 2015


When a federal judge previously quotes Gandhi  and warns you that "an eye for eye will only make the whole world blind"…..BETTER CALL SAUL!

When the Federal Judge writes that the internal feud between clients "blinded its counsel Bernardo Roman from adhering to the ethical tenets of our profession.. " in a motion for sanctions….BETTER CALL SAUL!

When the federal judges summarizes a hearing by writing that there "was no evidence or patently frivolous evidence" to support the Plaintiff's contentions….BETTER CALL SAUL!

When the federal judge dismisses your alleged good faith efforts with the zinger "you cannot make A silk purse out of a sow's ear"…BETTER CALL SAUL!!

When the federal judge begins the "Conclusion" section of the order with the oft repeated phrase "a man who represents himself has a fool for a client"BETTER CALL SAUL!

And finally, when the court awards over a million dollars in fees to your adversaries and refers you to the Florida Bar, well, YOU BETTER CALL SAUL.

Thus ends(?) the sad, strange, twisting saga of the Lewis/Tein law firm's representation of the Miccosukee tribe, and their ultimate vindication by the efforts of their counsel Paul Calli and his firm of Carlton Fields Jorden Burt.

The order sanctioning their opposing counsel who brought this mess upon himself is here.


  1. Only criminal lawyers are civil.

  2. Pepe, la academia Hoy! POBRECITO, lol.

  3. So what is that, two separate Bar complaints? One initiated at the direction of a federal judge? A third southern district federal investigation? It doesn't seem like a good place for Bernardo Roman III.

  4. Scott Saul is a great lawyer. Better call Saul.

  5. @8:14 am.... Amen to that . So true. Civil is a snake pit of vipers. Anything goes, for the almighty dollar over there.

  6. 9:28 am. Thank you so much. The drinks are on me

  7. How batshit crazy is Gary Ostrow? I don't know him from Adam, but the dude writes like a serial killer who cuts out letters from magazines.

  8. Gary, everything OK with you these days?

    I'm not sure the blog can help you with whatever issues you have with a case. If a judge hasn't ruled on a motion, there is a process to try and accomplish that, other than whining on a blog. Perhaps your client would prefer lawyering over whining, just sayin'

  9. Fancy Nancy Wear at it again.

    Once a lawyer asked a question on the FACDL list serv and her response: "Open a law book."

    Her response today to a question was even better: "Goggle it. It's all there."

    Now you know why some lawyer wrote her such a nasty letter telling her to stop using the list serv. She deserved it.

  10. Rump
    Where do we find the transcript of getting

  11. Did anyone see Margot Moss and David Markus in trial in county court today?

  12. Better call Saul ...but not Ostrow

  13. David Young just cant stop himself.

    1. You're running for Circuit Judge. Resign from the City of Miami Planning and Zoning Board.You might have to rule on something down the road.

    2. You're running for Circuit Judge. Get off social media lamenting Herald editorials criticizing our transit master plan.

    3. You're running for Circuit Judge, not Congress. You want to make policy? Go for it. Running for judge is not the job for you.

    Who the hell is advising you? Bob Levy? Crystal Ball? Elaine Lancaster?

  14. Gordo is just another example of an unqualifed judge who has limited life experience and never been in private practice and was a prosecutor all her life who got electe because of her latin name.She was obnixious as a "gang prosecuter" and looks like she continues that on the bench.

  15. 3:02PM, Yes, Moss got a JOA today in front of Denaro.

  16. Monica Gordo sucks as a judge. All she ever cared about was how low her case load was, she's lazy and sloppy.

  17. Roman III got into biiiiiiig twuble before Honorable Judge Cooke.

  18. So Bernardo Roman III made accusations of a kickback scheme?? The real question is who's he paying to keep him there??? To the tune of $300,000.00 per month???? To lose and lose and LOSE????? Plus a half mil in sanctions!!!!


  19. Yes. Margot got a not guilty going bench before denaro.

  20. Breaking Shum- the story of a middle aged lawyer who hits the big time with a cigar store and nightclub. AMC 2016. Vince Gillian executive producer.

  21. Wasn't the father of the current Indian chief removed as chief of the tribe a long time ago, because he was stealing from the tribe? Interesting. There's that old saying.. Apples don't fall far from trees. Perhaps Miami's own intrepid world class investigative journalist Jay "I have no axe to grind and just call balls and strikes and report only truth and always include all facts to be fair to both sides and don't use my position to grind my axe against people I dislike" Weaver will do a story on it ! He must have time, since he didn't have the balls to write an article and admit that all the lies he wrote over and over and over again about Tien and Louis were a sham and a hoax and a fraud and he misled the public and his source Roman III seems destined to go down in flames for it.



    BREAKING NEWS ..... SCOTUS .....

    Supreme Court Takes Case on a Drug Protocol Used in Executions

    The Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide a case on the constitutionality of the new lethal injection drug combinations that some states are using for executions.

    The court agreed to hear a challenge to Oklahoma’s choice of drugs even though on Jan. 15 the court declined to stay an execution there that used the same contested drugs

    ht: NY TIMES

    Cap Out

  23. Conspiracy theorists want to know Rump. What happened to Gary Ostrow comments? They just mysteriously disappeared.

  24. I took them down. after leaving them up for people to see the ridiculousness of the comments, I took them own because I really don't need to be trashed on my blog by someone like that.

  25. Every time the Captain posts something, I get a little bit ill.

  26. Are Weisman and Colby hosting their annual Foam-superbowl party at Space again this year? Haven't seen the invite.

  27. Is a Sanctions order/judgment dischargeable in bankruptcy?

    Let's see if you criminal lowlifes can answer this


  28. 5:25. I appeared before "Jack" Tanksley. I knew Jack Tanksley. Jack Tanksley was a friend of mine. 5:25. You're no Jack Tanksley.

    Oh, and thanks for reading.

    Cap Out .....

  29. If you hire the wrong lawyer, you go down a slippery hill of endless bad results due to poor judgment and inferior skill.

  30. I wait all year for the Weisman-Colby foam party at Space.

  31. It's the one "can't miss" party of the year.

  32. 10:34, Jack Tanksley used to be in courtroom 3-1, the one with the glass partition that was later used by Phil Knight and Lenny Glick.

  33. Tom Scott was in 3-1 also.
