Wednesday, March 12, 2014


UPDATE: Heat lose yet again, this time at home to the Brooklyn Nets who upped their record against the Heat this year to 3-0. 

So you've continually muttered to yourself as you've read our blog "what a putz. I could do such a better job." 
Now it's time to put your writing where your mouth is. 

Rumpole out:
We've decided to finally take up a client's  offer and use that house on St. Barts for a few weeks of well earned rest and relaxation. The problem is that the internet connection is spotty. 

So if you've ever wanted to be a legal blogger, or just look like one, send us an email and lets get you started in the exciting world of legal blogging!

Senator Marco Rubio, (R- Uranus) arrived at the REGJB on Wednesday all dressed up for jury duty. 
Anybody get him on a panel? 

Roy Black, a DUI lawyer of some renown, was in the REGJB Monday for jury duty. Anybody get him on a panel? 

Want to watch a real lawyer in action? Go to Judge Hendon's courtroom this week and watch Alex Michaels, a/k/a @draculawyer in action on a murder trial. 

Meanwhile, we're on a beach reading trashy paperbacks. 

See ya, just not in court for a while. 


  1. I'll bite, how many times do I have to post?

  2. "Real Lawyer?" dude's a joke. So rude to the ASAs, Judges, Clerks. There's being a zealous advocate and then theres just being a dick. No respect for the system.

  3. Alex Michaels is a gunslinger high volume quasi hack...ehe puts on a good show for the $$$....if you want to see good lawyers poke your head into Judge De La O in 4-5 were Herb Smith and Michael Vonzamt are doing battle in a murder lawyers doing real legal work

  4. Prospective juror Marco Rubio was sent to 4-1 (Judge Thomas'Divison)with a group of prospective jurors but was struck by the Defense... the defendant wanted a fighting chance... LOL

  5. Rubio in Thomas' division? For real?

  6. I went to law school with Rubio and took lit skills with him. Although I don't agree with him politically, he could have made millions as a trial lawyer. He was an excellent oral advocate.

  7. I met Rubio in a men's bathroom at haul over and can affirm that he is an excellent oral advocate .

  8. Watching herb smith is like watching paint dry

  9. Rubio went to law school?

  10. Jennifer ator.... Um no thanks

  11. Rumpole - you should start a poll on nastiest REGJB defense attorney, nastiest REGJB prosecutor and nastiest REGJB Judge. My votes would go for Alex Michaels and Andy Rier for the defense, Gail Levine and Suzanne Von Paulus for the State and
    Judges Thomas and Brennan.

  12. Marco Rubio visited the REGB because he wanted to see what David Rivera was going to be missing when the feds take him soon. Though Rubio is a bit scared as David knows a lot of the inner irregularities that Rubio and his homies did in Tally.

    By the way, could a Hispanic Female please file against Remberto Diaz? The guy has lost it and by having a Hispanic female file against him with can stop the stigma of racial targeting. He will be a great example of collateral damage.

