Tuesday, March 25, 2014


"Dust thou art, and unto dust thou shalt return" (Genesis 3:19)



That's how many death sentenced prisoners have had their death sentences overturned in just the past decade. In case you had any doubt, Florida leads the nation in this category.

But that hasn't stopped current Florida Governor Rick Scott from his own goal of becoming Number One. That is first on the list in the category of most executions during a Governor's term in office. Currently, that honor goes to Jeb Bush, who oversaw the execution of 21 death row inmates during his EIGHT years in office.

Scott seeks to break that record, but he is valiantly attempting to do so in half that time.

In Scott's first two and one half years in office, he signed only eight warrants.  But as re-election time continues to get closer, Scott's pen has had an infusion of ink. Starting in April of last year and continuing through this February 2014, a period of roughly ten months, Scott has penned his name to no less than 10 Death Warrants. The tenth, Paul Howell, was executed three weeks ago.  On Friday, Scott signed yet another Death Warrant, this time for prisoner Robert E. Hendrix. Baring a delay, Hendrix will meet his maker on April 23rd at 6:00 PM.

Much of this most recent pace in executions might also have something to do with a bill that Scott signed into law last June. That new law,  dubbed "The Timely Justice Act" by its proponents, requires governors to sign death warrants 30 days after the Florida Supreme Court certifies that an inmate has exhausted all legal appeals. Once a death warrant is signed, the new law requires the state to execute the defendant within six months.

There’s less time for inmates to prove their innocence, making it easier for the state to kill them.

It’s already easier to put someone to death in Florida. It’s the only state that requires a simple jury majority to sentence someone to death. Every other state besides Alabama requires a unanimous vote.  And it keeps getting worse. According to Slate, State Supreme Court Justice Raoul Cantero has seen “some of the worst lawyering” in death penalty cases.

Washington Post writes about "Florida's Gruesome Execution Theatre" here:


The Tampa Tribune writes about Scott and Executions here:


With nine months remaining in Scott's first term, the record of 21 executions. is now within easy reach. Imagine what those numbers will look like if Scott is re-elected come November 2014.




  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/25/marco-rubio-darrin-gayles-gay-black-judge_n_5027926.html?utm_hp_re

  2. Politicians are all the same. Do not forget that Bill Clinton signed many death warrants in his last year as Governor of Arkansas as he was running for President. I believe one was even for a mentally challenged defendant. Coincidence? No - like it or not that's what it takes to get elected in this US of A.


  3. What a beautiful day!! Who's up for 9 holes at Key Biscayne? Beers on me
    Shumie TIME. !!!

  4. The ASA,PD, and RCA Power Rankings are coming. Sneak peak:

    1. Kramer - had a great week last week supervising. Got the state to knp a few cases they should not have.

    Stay tuned for a preview of 2 - 10.

  5. Where did the post on the Marcus Maneuver go? It seems to have disappeared.

  6. http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/03/26/4020280/state-senate-approves-aaron-cohen.html

  7. https://www.facebook.com/Mcareaga2011?fref=ts facebook page of guy convicted today for dui mans of miami heat dancer. this can happen to anyone. dont drink and dive

  8. Major fireworks in the Voir Dire Lunch & Learn as a PD in the back row got De La O to admit that as a trial attorney he avoided older Cuban jurors for black defendants, but now seeks to prevent attorneys from doing the same.

  9. Anyone who knows De La O knows he was no great lawyer.

    The idea that he (and the other brand new judge) would be teaching jury selection is why I did not attend.

    If I want to learn, I want to hear from good lawyers who have much experiencia.
