Friday, January 31, 2014


They say there's no such thing as bad publicity. 
But we're not so sure. 
Because this New Times Blog post about a City of Miami Beach Commissioner and REGJB lawyer  and former ASA is really a beat down. 

Are you a member of the media? Do you care about Justin Bieber? Of course you do. Silly question.
That's where I, Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Grieco, come in. Not only am I a former state prosecutor and defense attorney -- but I'm also available for comment. Right now. Call me. I know I told you last time that I'd only ask once. I was wrong. Whatevs. But, really, last time I'm asking: Let's talk Bieber. (Please.)
--XOXO Michael Grieco

And this isn't the first time this lawyer has gotten into a mess over relentless self-promotion over a case involving a celebrity. 

Just what is a "celebrity lawyer?" Can you register somewhere for the moniker? Do you sit in the office and turn away lucrative cases: "I'm sorry sir, I'd love to be your lawyer, but as you can see my practice is limited to celebrities and being on the front page of the local section of the Herald in handcuffs just doesn't cut it." 

What a joke. 

Enjoy your weekend. Super Bowl picks will be posted. 


  1. So why is Jackie Scwartz not on the bench anymore?

  2. Absolutely disgusting that Mike the Beach commissioner would go on TV and discuss a case involving MB cops. (Beiber)

    This is how he got fired from SAO.

    Mike, shut up. Stay out of this. Saying you personally know the cops and consulted with the defense team shows you have not learned from being fired by SAO.


  3. After viewing Grieco's "Press Kit" me thinks that Mr. Eiglarsh needs to update his BIO and do some catching up. Looks like Mr. Grieco has made it to the big-time.


    Cap Out ....

  4. If I were Roy Black right now, I would want to kill Grieco.

  5. That is embarrassing for him.

    I am a Mark Eiglarsch fan. He is very articulate and should have his own show. But then again, Kenny W. would be more fun to watch...

  6. I can't believe Beiber did not hire DJ Esquire.

  7. Wow,
    Michael Grieco is a joke. He should be embarrassed.

  8. I love you Rumpole.

  9. That idiot Eiglarsh was on the radio right after the Beebe was arrested and said this:

    They haven't retained me YET.

  10. In the law, the Latin word is "ass-clown."

    Who is egorlarsh?

  11. Michael,

    You said on TV you personally knew the cops who got Bieber and they knew what they're doing. You said Roy Black "consulted" with you. You made it sound like it was all YOUR FUCKING CASE!

    You are a fucking idiot. This is the second time you've done something incredibly stupid to feed your ego. Grow up.

  12. As an ASA I can tell You that Dan Lurvey handles more celebrity clients than all of them. You don't hear about it because discretion is paramount in handling those cases. Self promotion doesn't serve the client.

  13. A guy should enter the schwartz - dooley race.....

  14. Hottest judges in the 11 th circuit? male and one female...go.....

  15. I know some legal blogs allow such discussions but I do not. The discussions of "hot" devolve into who is not and nasty comments about so and so being ugly, etc., follows as night follows day. So while I posted your comment, I won't post comments of people who respond to it. sorry.

  16. Putting aside sheer stupidity, how many Bar rules does this violate?Conflict of interest? Selling out your(putative) client for personal gain? Misrepresentations?

  17. I too watched in disbelief as Mike G was on TV last week.

    Once you become a commissioner, you need to know not to talk about cases that affect your city.

    I found his comments rather stupid. It appeared as if he will do anything to get clients.

    Very bad decision Mr. commissioner!

  18. Hw was fired by the SAO.

    He pays to promote himself.
    He's a Kardashian-like lawyer.

    He has no accomplishments.

    Why is he the subject of a law -related blog?

    He's nobody

  19. Where so you drawn the line. Grieco wants publicity. Eiglash, Markus and Galanter self promote as a daily ritual yet they dont get savaged on the pages of this blog. Stop pretending like being a good lawyer is a big deal. Getting good cases is the only thing that separates a good rich lawyer from a good poor lawyer.

  20. Mikey didn't violate any Bar rule.

    Be broke the fundamental rule: Don't be a fucking stupid idiot twice in one career.

    He got fired for the same idiotic behavior. You would think he would learn a lesson.


  21. I agree about Eiglarsh and Galanter but, Markus is a hard working smart guy.

    Greico now belongs in a list with Mark and Yale.

    Eiglarsh is an egotistical mediocre lawyer. What is he famous for?

    Have you seen Yale lately? Guess he's home spending OJ's money.

    Looks like he twice forgot to tell OJ that he had a plea bargain on the table and was to be creamed if convicted. Going to trial is great publicity and a plea only makes a lawyer look weak even if it is frequently in the client's best interest. OJ has lawyers in Las Vegas now snooping around Miami asking questions about how Yale handled his not guilty road rage case here. Looks like Yale forgot to tell OJ in Miami what the plea would have been if he accepted it. I was told by the investigator from NV that out there, a judge never "warns" defendants about the plea before picking 6.

  22. I worked with grieco at the sao and he had a huge head even back then. But really not much to back it up. He got tossed from the sao for his bullshit self promotion. To think that very smart entertainment folks would entrust a billion dollar franchise like bieber to the likes of DJ esquire is laughable. Grieco had no shot of snagging that case from Roy Black's firm.

  23. Geeico:

    You're not a good lawyer

    You're not rich

    You have no good cases

    Stop commenting anonymously, douchetastic

  24. Go to the so florida lawyers blog because some guy in the comments is destryoing geeko in a hysterical way.

  25. Simple Justice blog also rips Grieco. The funny/sad thing is that all this ridicule just fuels his egotistical fire. I feel sorry for his "keeper" son.

  26. The point is not who is good or bad at the practice of law. Being a good lawyer is nothing to brag about. It's not medicine or rocket science. The biggest self promoting lawyers happen to belong to the same tribe. Grieco is now an honorary member.


    Tick tick tick tick tick....
    Steve Kroft: He represents only celebrities. He used to prosecute celebrities. He is the go-to guy for celebrity representation in America's Celebrity playground: Miami Beach.

    SK: Lets get right to it. You didn't get the Justin Bieber case.

    MG: (laughs) well, all is not what it seems. I was documented one of the first lawyers his representatives called. And I am considering myself a consultant to his lawyers right now.
    SK: so you're saying you're on the team.
    MG: Well you said that not me. But I am involved. Lets just leave it at that for now.
    SK. Fair enough. How does someone become a celebrity lawyer?
    MG. Well, you have to be opinionated, dazzling, controversial....wait...that's my press kit for commentary. Can we cut and re-start? I became a celebrity lawyer when I posted a now famous You Tube video and celebrities started flocking to me. It was actually pretty simple.
    SK: And your Dj'ing?
    MG: That helped. Being in the clubs. Getting street cred. I mean it's all about dressing good these days. The legal ability comes later.
    SK: Can you speak about some of your celebrity cases.
    MG. Actually no. But I Facebook about them and tweet them so you should check those social medial sites.

    SK: After the commercial break- The Celebrity lawyer becomes a city commissioner.

  28. Celeb Lawyer and DJ , Grieco announces he's representing Phillip Seymour Hoffman!

  29. Not sure but is 3:34 an anti-semitic remark?

  30. Also 3:34- being a good lawyer takes an incredible amount of dedication and training acquired over at least a decade of hard work after law school. Something tells me you know nothing about this topic.

  31. Mike got fired for using Facebook as a prosecutor to make him look cool.

    Now, he does this.

    Has anyone read his Bar complaint for impersonating a prosecutor and interfering with a criminal investigation.

    Read this:!OpenForm%26AutoFramed%26MFL%3DMichael%2520Christopher%2520Grieco%26ICN%3D200671156%26DAD%3DPublic%2520Reprimand
