Monday, April 01, 2013


BREAKING: New Google Scent search. Now you can google unusual scents at Google Nose here and find out what they are. We've tried the app and it is scent-sational!

Two shocking headlines start our Monday April 1 off with a bang. 

First: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has announced that because of "private reasons long ago" he will not participate in the court's historic decision on the Defense of Marriage Act and gay marriage cases argued before the court last week. 

One can only wonder what a young Nino experimented with that is causing him to conflict off these two cases. 

Second: Blog tipsters report that former chief Judge Joel Brown has had a "change of heart" and wants to cancel his retirement and relinquishment of the post of Chief Judge for the state courts in Miami.  Brown wants to return to his former post but there is no word on whether current CJ Soto will oblige the former chief judge in his desire to put Humpty-dumpty back together again. 

If we didn't say it before, today is the first day of April. Three months down, nine to go. 

See you in court. 


  1. Loved Joel Brown. Dislike Soto. Happy to see him return. She should bow out gracefully.

  2. Too funny Rump. One victim already!!!

  3. 8:26, did you read the post to the end? LOL

  4. 2711One has to wonder why Scalia got out.

    Did he get a gay blow job in college? Who didn't back then? Well actually, it wasn't gay sex back then, it was called joining a frat house.

  5. Funny April fool's! I wonder how many will actually think through how Brown would go about reclaiming his mantle.

    The post about Scalia is great too!

    You got just the right mix of absurdity sprinkled with light commentary to get people thinking.

    Tip of the hat to you.

  6. is it too much to hope that the Scalia part of this really wasn't a 4/1 joke?

  7. Yes. It is in fact too much to hope for. Sorry.

  8. Shumie Time is as Shumie Time does.
    Long day. Calling the Shumie

  9. Don't waste your time seeing "Olympius has Fallen"is way to overscripted like a Segal flick.Through entire movie all I could think was, I want my $11 bucks back.

  10. I think it's very clear why Scalia bowed out. He's a very conservative man. Everyone who has read Lawrence v. Texas knows his position on gay rights. However, we also understand his theory on the constitution and I think in this instance, it conflicts with his moral opinions. What's a little man to do? Take a time out and let the others deal with this conundrum. Good for him for not letting his personal opinions get in the way of the correct constitutional outcome.

  11. 11TH Circuit Judicial memories from the past. A photo of former Judge Ted Mastos being auctioned on e-bay. Follow the link

    He is not chomping on the gum in the picture.

  12. There is better drama brewing at FAWL!

    Power struggle for a puppet board and the new President president is pushing for an official split of the organization. Word is the current bad presidency is just upsetting. Now rookie attorneys are stuck in what is being called "The Slate" which in fact is only 4 members with actual experience and all the little greens that are being used. On the other side you have diverse attorneys that have yet to go on the offensive.

    Fun fact: The current division is showing the true colors of FAWL. A minorities organization against diversity pushing out Hispanic members. The Slate is all Anglo with no Miami Hispanic on it.

    What will happen? A new organization will rise out of this and FAWL will be as lame as it was under all past presidents.

    Regardless of everything CABA Rules folks!

