Monday, May 07, 2012


Update: Heartburn and Learn (Formally Lunch and Learn)- Want to know all the things you are doing wrong in voire dire? Then attend this months "Heartburn and Learn" in the REGJB as Voire Dire Jedi Master Gene "Obi Wan" Zenobi tells you everything you always wanted to know about Voire Dire, but didn't know who to ask. Bring your lunch.

Francois Hollande was elected president of France Sunday, becoming the nation's first socialist president since Francois Mitterand was elected in 1981. 
Hollande ascends to the French Presidency having never held elective office. In 2007 his partner and mother of his four children- Segeolene Royal lost to Nicolas Sarkozy.  Hollande endured a scandal- an affair with French journalist Valerie Trierweiler, who remains his main squeeze. 
President Sarkozy becomes the first French President not to be reelected since Valery Giscard d'Estaing lost to Mitterand. 

Want to see one of the very best criminal defense attorneys in action, for perhaps the last time? Then head over to Judge Bronwyn Miller's courtroom and watch Bill Matthewman defend Aventura developer Adam Kaufman who is charged with the second degree murder of his wife. (This may be Matthewman's last trial before he becomes a Federal Magistrate.) 

ASA Joe Mansfield for the prosecution. 
Dr. Bruce Hyma will be under the gun as it were, as a major part of the defense is the cause of death. 

If you see one of the attorneys during the break, maybe one of them will comment on this entry in the court docket sheet- we have never seen this before: 
Does that include pilates, or just free weights? 

Enjoy the week. 


  1. Rump,Authorization to work out hunh. I once dated this cougar and what she said stuck with me"Never deny your self ,let someone else deny you." Goes to show that saying is correct

  2. carlos fleitas making the news cycle bro

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Are you on drugs? To say Bill Matthewman is one of the premier defense attorneys is a bunch of garbage. (Matthewman: syn. obsequious, prevaricator).

  5. It is also noteworthy that Joe Mansfield is trying the case for the state.

    I became an ASA with Joe and can say that ever since entering the office, Joe has consistently tried the cases that others do not want to.

    I have had the pleasure of trying cases with Joe and against him after I left the SAO. He is always a gentleman and a formidable adversary. It is prosecutors like Joe that keep the office alive and prevent it from falling in to disrepute.

    Joe deserves the thanks of the people of Miami-Dade County.

  6. i saw rod vereen today. i really hope he wins. actually he wins even if he looses.


  7. I also noticed that the State filed a Motion For Continuance on March 27 which was granted. Bill filed a Demand For Speedy Trial on April 2 and this case is being tried in that window.

    Cap Out....

  8. Matthewman with Millian, no less? Should be fun.

  9. Bill Matthewman needs to finish up his cases and become a Federal Magistrate so, that may have been a reason to demand a speedy trial.

  10. Its really interesting to me how some people can say they are against corruption but turn around and endorse corrupt politicians just because they are their "friends." That does not make anykind of sense.

  11. anyone who attends the Zenobi lecture on voir dire is wasting their time. If he was any good he would not be working for 80k a year as a tier 4 court appointed attorney. save your time, money and appitite. Go to Christy's for a ceasar salad insteadof listening to Zenobi bologna.

  12. The Oral Arguments are set for Thurs, May 10, regarding the Florida Drug Laws in Mackle Vincent Shelton V. Secretary, Department of Corrections in the Federal 11th Circuit Court of Appeals the docket number is 11-13515.

  13. kind of shocked Joe didnt just plead it house arrest like every other case

  14. Hopefully, Judge Miller can keep Al Milian in check. He rides Matthewman's coattails. What defense are they putting forth now? First spray tan,then heart attack. According to this "brilliant" duo the magazine rack did it.

  15. 436
    You are wrong on Zenobi's Jury Selection CLE. I saw him years ago discuss Jury Selection at a FL PD Assn. Seminar.

    He has been picking Jurys for
    30 years.

    Besides Its Free, and an Hour of CLE. LORD forbid you learn ONE thing, even if it is to go a different way cause you disagree with his views.


  16. 4:36p.m.lmbo hilarious, good point. Contrary to what most people believe it's impossible to taint a jury,so dammit ask the hard questions.

  17. I like Geno. However, with his personality, voir dire is the worst part of his trial skills. Maybe he can give you the law -- but he really does bore jurors.

  18. Rump, Adam Kaufman is on house arrest and the "Order to work out" is just that.He can go to the gym. So next time your client ask just try and see let the Judge tell you No, maybe he/she will empathize. They do have discretion, correct?

  19. AM-

    You are an expert on the "taint."

  20. The Adam Kaufman case is interesting, the deceased cause of death, remained inconclusive for months and there is no proof of any strife in the marriage.

  21. BTW, The parents of Mrs. Kaufman are on the Defense list to testify on behalf of Mr. Kaufman about fainting spells that frequently had.This is going to be a tough one for the prosc.

  22. The Captain Reports:

    Palm Beach County...Roy Black...

    A judge denied International Polo Club founder John Goodman’s move for a new trial on Monday, The Palm Beach Post reported.

    A Florida judge denied polo tycoon John Goodman's first motion for a new trial today, but has not yet decided on a second request for a new trial, which hinges on a juror saying that he conducted an at-home drinking
    experiment related to the trial, during deliberations.

    On Friday, Goodman's defense team filed another motion for a new trial, this time based on a 33-page book written and published by juror Dennis DeMartin. The book is available on for $9.99. It is number 107,780 on the best sellers list.

    The book is called "Believing in the Truth" and attorneys say DeMartin "engaged in blatantly improper and thoroughly disabling conduct" by writing about a trial-related drinking experiment he said he conducted while
    in the midst of jury deliberations, according to the
    motion for a new trial.

    "It was bothering me that if there was proof that if Mr. Goodman only had 3 or 4 drinks, how drunk would he be? How drunk would I be? I decided to see," DeMartin wrote. A copy of the book's text was submitted as evidence with the motion for a new trial.

    DeMartin drank three vodka tonics over the course of an hour and went out in his apartment complex for a walk. He said he was "so confused" that he eventually went home and went to bed. He wrote that he was relieved when he woke up the next morning.

    "The question in my mind the night before was answered to me," he wrote. "Even if a person is not drunk, 3 or 4 drinks would make it impossible to operate
    a vehicle. I got dressed and was in a fine frame of
    mind to go to deliberate the evidence we had."

    Cap Out ...

  23. 7:21 is so right on with his comment. Mr. Zenobi's voir dire is a wonderful cure for insomnia. On more than one occasion, I have seen Mr. Zenobi put prospective jurors literally to sleep. Athletes and trial lawyers should know when their time has past, and it is somewhat sad when they don't.

  24. Geno is a great guy doing an important public service. He has ALWAYS volunteered his time to help others, formally or it really necessary to bash him here?


  25. AM, while I agree with your implicit point that jury selection is actually a de-selection process, it IS possible to taint a jury, particularly if opposing counsel is asleep at the switch or the judge gives the attorneys wide latitude.


  26. BTDT

    Finally we agree totally.

    Jury De-Selection. Getting rid of the potential Jurors who will NOT give you The Defendant a fair chance.

    I strike those who will not be open, who will not consider , my Theory of Defense. If a potential Juror will not even listen to what the Defense has to say then that potential Juror Can NOT be fair.

    You cant w/ a effective ASA, pick a Jury who will vote YOUR way, but hopefully can get a panel who is willing to listen and consider the Defense argument.

    After 170 Criminal Jury Trials, I beleieve that: A Fair Jury gives the Defendant a Fair chance, A Fair Shake.


  27. I predict that the most-asked question at the lunch and learn will be: "Can you please speak up?"

  28. DS....I guess I really am onto something

    Either that or you spiked my beer with something you want to legalize.........


  29. BTDT, We agree on something. ;) D.S. Once again your on point.
