Thursday, May 24, 2012


BREAKING- we've posted a video of the FACDL court appointment  fees meeting- below. 

The much anticipated, hotly debated, often imitated,
 never duplicated,  Judge Milton Hirsch summer practice order ( (c) The Honorable Milton Hirsch, 2012 all rights reserved)  has been issued:
There is a tide in the affairs of men.
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat,
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.

Brutus, Julius Caesar. 
Good afternoon,
The judge has officially decided to initiate his “Summer Rules” for the upcoming summer term.  Starting July 2nd, 2012 and ending September 4th, 2012, Judge Hirsch’s calendar will begin at 9:30am, as opposed to the original time of 9:00am.  Please keep in mind that this will only be in effect for the stated time period.  In case this is not abundantly clear, this will ONLY be in effect between July 2nd, 2012 and September 4th, 2012.  Come September 5th, 2012, calendar will sadly return to beginning at 9:00am.  Thank you!  Feel free to call if you have any questions.

Rumpole says: Some addendums to the summer rules: Gin will be exclusively served until September 6, 2012. Gentlemen may wear poplin or seersucker suits from Wednesday through Friday whenst not in trial. Ladies and Gentlemen may begin to wear white through Labor day, but not beyond. Straw wide- brim hats are appropriate for gentlemen at the bar, while the fashionable lady lawyer may enter court with a petite parasol. Shaved ices will be served at Au Bon Pain along with iced tea and mint-sweetened or un-sweet. 

Through the power of technology, an alert reader recorded the meeting. To set the scene, a frightened group of small business owners are threatened by a malevolent force about to strike in the summer. They schedule a meeting, and an unlikely, quirky loner offers to save the day- for $10,000.00. So ante up, and watch the video. 

"I'll find him for 3...but I'll catch him and kill him for ten....Ten thousand dollars for me by myself.  For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing."

Rumpole says: The FACDL needs to hire Quint. 

See you In Court. 


  1. As an appellate attorney, I get to observe the Miami criminal justice system from a different perspective. I do not believe that the SAO is corrupt and I do not believe that the defense bar is a bunch of perfect angels. Why the mudslinging on this blog? It seems like American Minority started it. Can't you people be civil to one another? We appellate attorneys manage it.

  2. Friday before Memorial Day weekend. You want to be very very careful about calling the Shumie. Just the right call gets you an iced bucket of brews at Montys to start the weekend. The wrong call...well, I don't want to think about it.

    I'm thinking somewhere about 1:37 to 2:10 sounds about right.

    Who will call the Shumie first?

  3. If I were a judge, I would go back in time. Make every lawyer watch Mad Men and adjust his or her wardrobe accordingly. I practice on the civil side and have always looked down on the criminal attorneys for one reason: there are no bars within walking distance of the courthouse. If you cannot get sloshed at lunch time or after work while staring at beautiful women walking by. why waste the money going to law school?

  4. I recently had the great pleasure of meeting Victor Deyurre. we were introduced last week by a mutual acquaintance. Victor told me he was running for circuit judge and ,I, being me, asked him point blank why he thought he was qualified to be a judge. He sat down and spoke with me about it for half an hour and impressed the hell out of me . Mr. Deyurre has over 30 years experience as a practicing attorney , he was humble , honest ,and straight forward, and trust me he certainly doesn't NEED the job, or the the money it pays. The reasons he gave me for wanting to take the bench were all the right ones. I started the conversation with a chip on my shoulder because he was a civil lawyer/ politician with what i imagined was limited courtroom experience , but he won me over with candid thoughtful answers . I REALLY LIKED HIM .Mr Deyurre should be a circuit court judge. I would vote for Victor Deyurre anytime, maybe even twice if I'm in hialeah Jason Grey

  5. Not trying to be a wise guy, and I respect Jason's opinion, but what are the right reasons for wanting to be a judge?

    I can think of many wrong reasons, but what is right?

    If there ever comes a day when I don't need money, I hope I am able to leave everything associated with the practice of law way behind.

  6. OK. It's five to two. Going to give it a shot.....


  7. Hmmm....I'm challenging the Shumie time. Too soon. Ref?

  8. Would it be too fucking much to ask for someone to explain the origin of "Shumie"?

    Yes, I get it -- those who know the story are but the privileged few and heir to all the kingdom's secrets blah blah blah. it's adorable how the halls of this blog echo with their schoolboy giggles every time the name (name?) is mentioned.

    But for all the space that's wasted on Shumie this and Shumie that, maybe one explanatory post a year would be nice. One can assume there was some lawyer named Shumer or Shumstein or Shumstick who was famous for leaving the office earlier than usual business hours. But if the rich tapestry of the history of under-acheiving Miami lawyers is to be preserved, maybe tell the rest of us the tale?

  9. Rumpole, let's make sure not to discuss the fact that the Miami Heat got it done last night. That way people won't make the mistake of thinking the Heat are a good team, a team that could go all the way.

  10. After further review, the Shumie for the holiday weekend is upheld. The challenger will be assessed one time out.

    As for the origin of shumie time, it has long been discussed ad nauseum in these pages that the term came originally probably from california surfers who used it as code to indicate taking off from work to surf. Then it somehow spread to a Chicago law office where it was used to cover taking the afternoon off to see a Cubs game (I'm out of the office on the Shumie case from 1-6pm" etc) and then everntually reached the law firms on Brickell where again lawyers used it as a cover to skip work. It has been said many times it has nothing to do with a certain Miami lawyer who has a nickname of shumie based on his last name. Its just an annoying coincidence. The readers of this blog use it frequently to signal when they are leaving work.
    Got it?

  11. Had to reseach the DOC website today for a case. The Death Row roster has a guy on it since 1974. He was born in 1947. 38 years on death row has got to be some kind of record.

    Doesnt he get a trophy or a plaque or something? And it is kind of ironic that some guy goes on death row when he's 27, but then eventually dies of old age.

  12. Go ahead! Fiddle while Rome burns! Be a carefree grasshopper rather than an industrious ant. A few (very few) dedicated colleagues and friends attended the meeting yesterday that was called to address the new legislation that potentially will have a significant adverse impact on court-appointed indigent criminal defense cases beginning in July. Already someone complained on this Blog that FACDL has done nothing. Yet when FACDL does take action hardly anyone shows up to participate, listen, learn, and offer their ideas, suggestions, and support. If you do not care enough to be involved now, don't complain when you find yourself earning about $6.00 an hour to defend serious, complicated felony cases.

  13. Hate to say it, but 438 is right.


  14. I find it stunning that anyone thinks this shumie stuff is remotely clever or funny.


  15. Can someone recommend an expert for a Gluion gun? My client zapped someone in Hialeah but he says it went off by mistake.

  16. Just wondering which federal judge is playing more than Bolero fpin chambers with hus super hot UCLA law clerk?

  17. What is a gluion gun???

  18. The same moron posts all of the Shumie crap. He's been trying to gin up hits on his Shumie or cigar website for years.

    Everyone agrees it's not clever or funny. It's pathetic.

  19. facdl basically suppported the offices of regional counsel. back then, they were tepid and unprepared to fight off big government.

    today is not different. again facdl found themselves unprepared and now as they attempt to regroup, after the beatdown, they are cross that their meeting was an apparent flop.

    organizations such as facdl miami are nothing more then popularity contests for the otherwise unpopular.

  20. @7:21-- Shumie hater.

    We worship the Shumie! Shumie all the time!!!!

  21. I know I asked about implied pot odds, and quite frankly I didn't understand fully the answer. But now I have another question- what is a value bet or a value call? How does it differ from a regular bet or a regular call?

  22. When this blog was nothing but a backwater sludge repository for negative comments about Judges, there was Shumie Time. ST brought this blog into the big time. From ST came some of the most famous fakes in the history of blogging. RFB, Fake Risivy, Fake Peckins, Fake Adlestein, Fake Ted Mastos, Chris and Alan, Fake Former Judge, Word of the Day Guys, and of course the pinnacle of all fakes: Fake Tannebaum.

    So BTDT take your criticism of ST and stuff it. You would' have a blog if people didn't screw off at work.

  23. Another holiday, another reason for Americans to stuff themselves with junk. Hotdogs, hamburgers with pink slime, cookies, cake, chips, and gallons of soda. Whooppee.
    Meanwhile the news last month brought an astonishing rise in teenage diabetes. Not juvenile diabetes which is a different disease- but type II diabetes, which is caused almost exclusively by being too fat.

    Doctors are now sending children for bariatric surgery to save their lives. The next generation of americans is doomed. We will be completely swamped and broken by trillions of dollars in healthcare costs.
    Enjoy your holiday.

  24. Another verified and happy missive from Ms. Sunshine.

  25. And let the arrests begin on the beach....

  26. I heard a group of lawyers in the Au Bon Pain talking about the attorney id cards and something having to do with social security numbers and lawyers forced to join the FACDL to get the id card. They were talking some challenge to the id cards. Anyone know what is going on?

  27. I fully agree with Angry Gurl. I'm not touching a hot dog or burger and will only eat grilled fish and chicken, grilled vegetables and a moderate amount of light beer.

  28. The fact that attorneys are forced to wear ID Cards smacks of soviet russia, red china or nazi germany. Outrageous. Surprised you fellows haven't filed a lawsuit by now.

  29. These pretzels are making me thirsty. !!!

  30. Whatever happened to good ol Max Engle?

  31. Whatever happened to the best damn Judge the REGJB has ever seen- May Cain?

  32. how many remember Marvin Emory?

  33. Harvey "the hawk" Hyman? Who remembers him?

  34. @8:16
    You,the moron who does the Shumie crap also does all of the "fake" crap, and does all of the posts saying it's funny. Like it was said earlier, it's pathetic. Just like your cigar store.

  35. I always thought Shumie came from Alan, who loves his time off n cigars . He also has great taste in women.


  36. Value Bet is when you have the nuts (hand that you know beats your opponent's hand) and you bet the amount that you think your opponent might call with the hopes that s/he has the winning hand. no such thing as a value call per se but u may be referring to a player calling a bet to see what kind of hands your opponent is betting with to get a read on their playing style.

  37. Can we have an honest, impassionate and clearheaded discussion on US Admiral Husband Kimmel. He remains in the words of the great late Sen Strom Thurmond "the last victim of Pearl Harbor."

    Hub Kimmel was Commander In Chief US Fleet and Pacific Fleet and was the man in charge during the Japanese attack. But it is more than clear that he was a patsy for Roosevelt and his minions anxious to draw the US into the war. Kimmel's reputation and 4 star rank need to be restored.

    Little known fact that Admiral Halsey's confidence in Admiral Spruance to replace him at the battle of Midway (Halsey came down with shingles- Spruance was a cruiser admiral and had not commanded carriers until that point) based in large part by a recommendation by Hub Kimmel. Of course Spruance emerged from Midway as a great Admiral, sinking all four Japanese carriers and turning the tide of the war in the Pacific.

  38. South Beach has turned into District 9.

  39. now umm...(chop smack) just hold on one cotton picking minute 1:56 (chomp chomp). We fakes (smack chomp) got nothing to do with that (chomp) shumie crap (smack smack).

    Long weekend means continuance Tuesday (smack chomp) right?

  40. Stop your conspiracy laden crying about the ID cards.

    No one is forced to wear one or even get one, for that matter. If you don't want to participate in the program, you don't have to.

    Get to court by 8:30, and you can basically stroll inside, even on a Monday.

    If you have some philosophical opposition to the ID system, then stand in line with the public. What could be more fair and democratic than that? No special treatment for anyone, not even spoiled lawyers.

    You don't have to join FACDL to get a card. But Eddie Periera of the FACDL is nice enough to process your application for no additional charge over what AOC charges. Nice of them, huh?

    So stop complaining. Don't get the card. Stand in line with everyone else. It's a free country.


  41. Spruance was brilliant at Midway. Although Halsey was a brilliant admiral, he had his faults. Spruance was much different than Halsey in temperament. Less impulsive. More cool. He handled the widespread and unfolding situation at Midway in a cool and calculating manner. All in all the soundest Admiral we had in the Pacific in WWII. Nimitz gets the credit at Midway for ordering Fletcher to keep Spruance on top of the Japs and hunt down that 4th carrier.

  42. AG,

    Was in Epcot today. The dining fare wasn't as bad as usual. Tomorrow is the Magic Kingdom. Can't wait to see the tourists stuffing themselves with turkey legs and french fries.

  43. Angry girl is a douche. This is a legal blog. Keep your salad eating rants to yourself. Not remotely funny or clever. Try getting laid and maybe you won't be so angry

    And I dont look forward to your less than clever response. dont bother, I'll be grilling fatty meat and drinking all day, so keep your French fry rants to your self. Loser.

  44. More Angry Gurl please.

  45. The ID cards are a joke and legally wrong. You are wrong, PAB May 26, 2012 3:18:00 PM, the AOC will not process any application or issue an ID card unless you go through the FACDL and you are forced to join. I went through it myself and had to give in to get the card. I know that the complaint is and they are right. I am sorry I lacked the cojones to stand up to this joke of a process. We are all being discriminated against and are being treated like our clients. What I know is that the complaint is right, nothing is in writing about who and why social security numbers are collected and how the information is protects. The applications and all information gathered become public records, even the FACDL as it is part of the government function for the ID cards. The AOC and the FACDL are subject to the public records act. I am sorry I caved in and got the ID card. A comment made at the Au Bon Pain on Friday drives the point home, we defend the rights of our clients but when it came to us we did not fight the asinine requirement.

  46. Yes, the process goes through the FACDL. I was told however that you do not need to join to get a card. If I am wrong about that, then I apologize. If I am wrong, then I will agree that you should not have to join to get the card.

    Again, the bottom line is that you do not have to get a card.

    But let's suppose you do have to join to get the card. FACDL made the program happen. But for the FACDL, the cards would not even exist for private lawyers. (Believe me, I am not the kind of person who likes to join anything. But the cost of membership is really a pittance. And considering it gets me a handful of free lunches, CLEs, and access to the list serve, I can't complain.)

    As a comparison, if you can tell me what I get each year for my Florida Bar dues, you are a smarter guy/girl than I.

    As far as the information in the posesson of AOC being subject to a public information request, if true, if is my understanding that any document released would have to have the social security number redacted.

    FACDL I believe is a private entity, a not for profit corporation, so I can't see how it would be subject to a FOIA request.

    The Florida Bar, and the Board of Examiners, I understand are governmental entities, which would have all the information in question prior to your admission to the Bar. As a result, assuming they would be subject to FOIA, Sunshine law, or public records request, all the information you are concerned about, (and more) was already there for the asking.

    Maybe someone from FACDL would like to weigh in on the necessity of joining, as well as privacy concerns. (for the record, I also found the process intrusive, and a bit demeaning. A brand new ASA or PD would get a ID card, but private lawyers who have been practicing for decades have to jump through these hoops. When I was an ASA, I was given a ID with no additional disclosure, but now it is required??)

    I certainly don't speak for the FACDL, just my opinion that the controversy such as it is, is much ado about nothing.

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion and concern.


  47. Re: ID cards

    This is why everyone hates lawyers.

    All the other people who have ID cards are screened so, what's the big fucking deal?

    If you don't want an ID, stand in line with the clients.

    It has taken us about 17 years to get ID cards and now, you watch, a bunch of picky assholes will ruin it.

  48. If making the Court System and the AOC follow the law being prickly, add me to the list. Forced Association is odious and a violation of the First Amendment. If I want to join an organization, I want to do it of my own free will, not because the AOC or someone else has decided to force me to join that association to get privileged access to a public building. Federal Law prohibits agencies from forcing you to provide your social security number to get a benefit (6 CFR § 5.33). This is part of the Federal Right to Privacy Act. Florida has limitations and requirements before any agency can require you to provide your social security number. The Florida law is mandated by Federal Law. As for the Public Records requirements, you may want to take a look at Dade Aviation Consultants v. Knight Ridder, Inc.800 So.2d 302 (Fla. 3d DCA 2001)[“A private entity undertakes to provide a service otherwise provided by the government, . . is bound by the Act, as the government would be.”]; Memorial Hospital-West Volusia, Inc. v. News-Journal Corp. 729 So.2d 373 (Fla. 1999); Putnam County Humane Soc., Inc. v. Woodward 740 So.2d 1238 (Fla. 5th DCA 1999); Stanfield v. Salvation Army 695 So.2d 501 (Fla. 5th DCA 1997).

  49. You have clearly researched the issue more than I. You seem well equipped to tackle this situation and I wish you luck.


  50. What I have to say is that the series isn't over until the Fat lady sings.

  51. Rumpole, the comment at 3:17 was written after the Heat won the last series (i.e., the series against the Pacers). Your responding comment was four days later and that's why you thought the comment was about the Celtics series. In any event, the Heat will beat the Celtics even without Chris Bosh.
