Saturday, February 04, 2012


What would Mitt say? Pick  a topic:

Health Care: WWMS? "I can't stand all those sick people. They take up space in hospitals, and a recent poll shows that the Obama Administration's policies of health care are directly related to payments for sick people at hospitals and doctors. In a Romney administration that would stop. Hospital care for those who can afford it will be our new slogan."

The Mentally Disabled: WWMS?  "They bother me. They annoy me. They bother and annoy plenty of americans. This will stop in my administration. They will be kept behind locked doors where they belong."

Hunger In America: WWMS?  "Where? Who? I see restaurants plenty full, especially on weekends. Look, you can't have an obesity epidemic in America and still claim children are going hungry. "

Euthanasia: WWMS? "We are not the policemen of the world. Our own youth here in America have their own challenges and that's where our focus should be."


  1. I don't give a damn about the Super Bowl. There are thirty one teams in the national football league, and then there are the PITTSBURGH STEELERS!!!!

  2. Real BT is over 30,000 tweets now.

  3. Der is plenny of yutes in Asia. Why should Mitt care?


  5. Cris Carter snubbed again. And they did NOT choose Jerome "the bus" Bettis either.

    Six othera make HOF.

    So, Phil R, should The Bus have gotten in this year? And what about Parcells not making it?

    What say you?

  6. Whoever writes this crap - Rumpole or Rumpole committee - should be embarrassed.

    Romney's comment about the poor not needing help was taken out of context by the liberal media. He said the poor had a safety net, if they needed a better one, he'd improve it. He said the country's real problem was what the middle class was dealing with. And Obama hasn't done a d*mn thing for it.

    Teresa Pooler, Katie's sister filed in same seat as Tanya Brinkley.

  8. Time for my morning dump and reading of the blog. Komodo Dragon, Rumpole and Charmin : A winning combination!

  9. To 8:42:
    Things Obama has tried to do for the middle class: Extend unemployment benefits, allow college age students to remain on parents health insurance, attempt to force mortgage industry to modify loans, stimulus money to add construction jobs, saved GM and Chrysler and their thousands of middle class jobs, payroll tax cuts that benefit middle class workers

  10. If Romney's comment about the poor was taken out of context, it serves him well; did you forget his commercial where Obama supposedly said "I like to fire people"? The Golden Rule my friend.
